Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Every Man For Himself

Hey All!
YES!!!! That was a GREAT episode. Thank you
LOST! Lost of answers, some questions, and just an
all-around, edge of my seat episode. One thing I
must say I hate are those previews of the new Taye
Diggs show Daybreak. Just a reminder that LOST will
be gone soon. Noooo!!! But I am definitely enjoying
it while it’s still on.

I loved Sawyer’s comments: Chinatown (Reference to
Jack Nicholson being beat up and wearing a band-aid
on his nose during the movie), Castanza (Seinfeld, of
course). The other Seinfeld reference is Paulo
hitting golf balls into the ocean like Kramer did. (I
think this is also a double reference to something
else?) And just loved the comment by Sawyer, “I
thought I just did. What do I gotta do, talk about
your mother?” Great! I also liked the tension
between Charlie and Desmond. He is starting to
think something is up with Desmond as well as
protecting his girl. Sweet! I can’t stand Paulo.
Dislike him like I disliked Ana-Lucia. They better find
another way to bring him in or it’s Aloha! (Don’t
make me explain it!) I also liked the WWII tactic of
showing a hostile captive cartoons. There is so much
symbolism in this show the writers are insane!


1)The numbers were everywhere this episode. The
uniforms on the prisoners, on the walls listing the
operating rooms in the corridor, the countdown on
the EKG machine when Colleen was dying. 2) Yet
another father/child connection with Sawyer being a
dad, more about that later. 3) Loved the Pulp
Fiction reference when Sawyer was on the table
about to get the adrenaline shot through his
sternum. 4) The rabbit with the 8 on its back is a
shout out to Stephen King yet again and a short
story he wrote about Telepathy. My cliffs note
version is that we are separated by space and time
but we see the same thing (i.e. cage, rabbit, rabbit
features, but we all focused on the 8. There was
also a challenge/contest for writers to write their
own story as to why the rabbit was in the cage with
the 8 on it). 5) Kate’s comment “Live Together, Die
Alone”, from Jack’s big speech in episode 1 to rally
the Losties. 6) The reference to Of Mice and Men
throughout the episode. The line from the poem from
which the name of the book was based, “The best
laid plans of mice and men, often go awry.” I know,
teachers – not the direct translation, but you get it!
From Munson in the prison thinking he was going to
get his money. To Sawyer thinking he was getting
out of one prison but landing in another. A simple
change of fate can change everything. Not to
mention just needing companionship no matter who it
is. And now that I think of it, the bigger picture of
the Others trying to obtain what they want but the
Losties getting in their way (by killing them, not
pushing the button).I loved seeing Jack trying to get the upper hand and
start to pit Juliette against Benry, Much like Benry
pitting Locke and then Michael against the Losties.
Jack finally didn’t crack when he was left in the room
with Collette’s dead body, a non-crying episode for
Jack. Also loved seeing Kate become strong again.

The second island makes sense that the experiments
would be done away from the civilization. So the
colony is on the other side of the same Losties camp
island. But the labs are on this other island, which
they get to and from on subs. I learned more than I
wanted to about polar bears and that they are
excellent swimmers and could have made and
Alcatraz-like swim to the main island.

If Benry has been on this island all his life, he must
have been a test subject at one point. Is that why
he hates needles? I also think I am missing big clues
with the cities they are mentioning. I may re-watch
season 1 & 2 to catch them.


Okay, to me the biggest OH! this episode was
Juliette being a fertility specialist. Why be on a
deserted island and your past profession was a
fertility specialist. Perhaps one that was doing
experimental cloning tests. It was also the first real
connection between the Losties and the Others,
parentage. I believe that is the connection. The
Father/child connection that is running through the
Losties and now starting to connect the Others.
Since Ben has been on the island all his life, no
connections or past to the outside world, he may be
the “father” to them all. He is definitely in charge.

What do they need from the Losties? They need
something from all of them. If they are the good
guys, how do you make them join your cause? They
need a doctor because no one else can do it,
perhaps Ethan was their doctor and is now dead.
Sawyer is a con man and they were trying to get his
respect by conning him. What do they need from
him? The biggest con of all time? And now Kate.
This might be a stretch but maybe she is pregnant.
Mr. Friendly keep asking if the clothes don’t fit just
let me know. They are nice to her in most ways.
We never did find out whose pregnancy test that
was on the plane. NO WOMAN just carries this

There are so many Others, men & women, but no
children, no babies. They are fascinated with the
children (Walt, Aaron). Maybe they were focusing on
Walt because he has special insight, or maybe
something as simple as he is the first ethnic child
they have been able to test. They were super
interested in Claire’s baby, but more so when she
was pregnant. Maybe they don’t know Sun is
pregnant yet. All things to think about.

Remember when Mr. Friendly said “They sky went
purple, our coms are down, we’ve been blind etc” Do
they no longer have access to the outside world?
Juliette also said when Jack asked for the
paddles, “They don’t work. That was before.”
Before what? The hatch blowing or something else?
Everything looks so old, why not modernize?

Finally, Desmond and the whole precog thing. He
doesn’t seem to know what is happening to him. He
is also working on the Others rule of thumb of don’t
say or explain anything. His ability to see things is
limited to within the same day so far. I have more to
say on this but my thoughts don’t make sense yet.
This is all going to become really important later.
Stay tuned.



Next week we will be finding out about what is left of
the hatch. I think it’s interesting to see more
conflict between Locke and Echo. We see the one-
eyed guy in the video screens. Remember his other
eye was in the Arrow Hatch with the Tailies. I think
it will be a slower episode as the Losties seem to just
be living and not searching for answers. Also think
we will see the Black Smoke again. We shall see!

Bye for now.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Further Instructions

Hey All!
Yes, oh yes, you are not mistaken. An actual
Wednesday night email?!? I am getting back on
track! Okay, obviously written last night but not
sent. I WAS on track. No more wine with LOST.
New Rule.I just had a few things to say about the Glass
Ballerina episode:

Some people believe that Sun killed Jae. Since time
is not necessarily linear, if we see Sun with those
pearls on in another flashback, then she killed him. I
also think when Colleen said - Sun, we know your
not a killer. Then Sun shoots her proving that she
is. I think they assume she is not because of what
they have seen, she has been so docile. But lots of
people are being revealed as a killer. Hmm, I like
to think that it was just a suicide, but you know Lost.Sayid is reading Rousseau’s map to track the 4
Losties. Why didn’t she know about the colony?
And why hasn’t she run into Alex all these years?
They also keep making references to time, “This was
here a long time ago.” The dock is overrun and not
used. But there are obvious inhabitants on this
island. I am beginning to believe the 2 Others
theory. But then why wouldn’t the Others be afraid
of running into, well, the other Others?!?
Okay..enough of that!

Anyway, great episode this week! A lot this season,
not revealing the ending or explanation of Lost, but
more into the characters. CLUES EVERYWHERE!!! I
just don’t know what the hell they mean. This was a
tough one for me this week, but I am convinced of 2
things: Time travel/shift is involved and/or Hurley is
the key. I will throw my wild theory as to why in a
little bit. But for now, back to the format!
DUDE! Love the lines. Charlie was hilarious. I loved
Hurley. “Are you alone, brotha?” “Yeah.” “Whoah!
I’m not alone!” Too funny.


Everyone thought that there was some connection
to the farmers and the Others. There may be in the
future, but not now. Zeke, Tom, lady from the boat
were not the farmers. But I wouldn’t be surprised if
Eddie shows up on this island somewhere. And no
Eddie is not Karl. I don’t like them throwing in all
these people without connections. But perhaps 6
months from now we will be watching the show and
say, "Hey! There goes the farmer!" Maybe they
may want us to back off and little and just watch
the darn show! But now I can’t imagine not sitting
there with my notebook and pencil poised and my
Tivo remote control in hand to watch and re-watch
scenes.The address information on Eddie’s FBI sheet had the
numbers. Some of the skeletal remains where
wearing Dharma uniforms. We finally get to see,
what is obviously a genetically engineered polar
bear. They are vicious, but come on. That thing
was crazy. Could that be our Monster? Perhaps
then we only have to try to figure out the smoke!


Okay. When Desmond referenced Locke’s speech I
was screaming, YES!!! Time Shift! Perhaps. I have
always maintained that the time on the island is not
constant. That when we saw Walt, the whispers
and the talking backwards, it was people talking but
maybe on a different plane of time. Then when
Desmond referenced a conversation that hadn't
happened yet, not to mention their loss of time
between the hatch blowing and them showing up, it
was more evidence. But what if Desmond is
referencing the past as he sees it? He was saying it
in the past tense. So for him and what he saw
already happened, not a forecast of the future. Walt
as well, referencing things that have already
happened. Even the flashbacks are always
referencing things in the past and
how they affect them now. I need more, but I am
thinking about it.

The other option is that now after the blast, they
have been changed. Desmond now has
precognition. Perhaps the rest will change in some
way. He seems to be calmer now. Someone
mentioned that perhaps Desmond is dead and he is
Hurley’s vision like how Boone was Locke’s. He didn’t
really interact with anyone. And why the heck
doesn’t anyone (The Others) care that the hatch is
now gone. No more button to push. I definitely
need to watch for more about that.

I believe Hurley is the key to everything. I am going
to have to re-watch when he was talking to
Desmond, but he seemed to be saying a lot of things
that could possible be true.

I found it interesting that Locke couldn’t speak due
to something psychological that happened. Perhaps
like when he couldn’t walk. Pointing to the powers of
the island not existing in the island but within them.
He is always the Super Chump. I will be interested
to see the rest of that flashback and if he ends up
shooting Eddie. Hard to believe they would just let
an FBI agent walk away. Remember Sun was
suppose to have been faithful and then BAM!
Naked! It would be one of the biggest “Ah-Ha’s” yet
if he and Hurley truly hurt someone.

The bear cave was the Pearl station. So many
bones - other accidental crash, part of an
experiment, staging, what!?! Never figured out
about the toy truck though. I hope more to come
about that one!



I liked the episode. It was great to see Boone
again. Next week should be slow as it is just them
torturing the hell out of Sawyer. The Canadian
preview (or maybe mine just caught off) has Ben
saying, “The only way to gain the respect of a con
man is to con him.” Lovely little riddle. I would like
to think it reveals more of their plan but I doubt it.
Still, can’t wait!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Glass Ballerina

I know, I know. I SWEAR it will never happen again! I was working on a grant for work that I am not even suppose to be working on and went to sleep at Lost. So I came to work to watch it streaming (sucked) and got so frustrated I went home and watched it. So now I am back at work (for my supervisor who may be part of the email discussion!) and ready to discuss. So enough with that..on to the discussion. Short one this week guys.

Summary & Questions

WHORE!!! Okay...I just had to say that. I love Sun.but oh my gosh.I was snowed. She did cheat. It's not Jin's baby. There are no mystical powers on the island. So everyone has a skeleton in their closet. This whole show illustrated that Sun will lie in her own best interest. Now Jin can still be the father by some miracle. I felt that he might be just happy that they will have a child, no matter whose it is. He seemed to believe her when she told him she was pregnant that she wasn't sleeping with anyone else. But he does know her potential treachery. She definitely needs to be watched. I am just curious as to why she lied on the boat about Jin not wanting to go to the other side? Sayid and Jin wanted the same thing, why did she say Jin didn't? I will have to re-watch that and really get what that was all about. I thought it was also interesting that she did know what Jin did for her dad. Assumed she didn't and thought he was just working hard all the time. Speaks to her character yet again.

I will now admit I was wrong in my assumption last week that the 2 weeks have gone by. Whatever is going to happen to Katie is happening right now. I thought it was interesting that Alex (the girl in the bushes) mentioned the dress Kate is wearing. Perhaps to indicate that she was once resistant and then assimilated into the colony? On the podcast the writers state that Karl is not a plant and we will learn more. That is also suggested by Alex saying he wasn't supposed to be in the cage. Perhaps put there due to defiance? It seems the Others think like Sayid, I will take 2, 1 to torture and the other to make them do what I want them to. Kate is the one they will torture to make Sawyer stay in line.

Great lines by Sawyer."Shortcake" and "How dare you!" Good to see those are back this season. When Sawyer watched Colleen and that dude kiss, it was clear that he was evaluating their behavior, and the fake escape to evaluate their strength. Kate seems pretty helpless. What the heck happened to her character?!? Jack is like a beaten man. It will be interesting to see what they want from him.

Ben didn't know about the boat because he thought it was destroyed. Does he want the boat to leave.or just to protect himself? Are the vaccinations to protect the Others from the diseases the Lost folks might bring? If they were raised there, they might now have the same immunities to things. They seem to know about ALL of the Losties. Again, why choose those specific 3? They are answering last season's questions but creating new ones. Are they the Others or is there still another group? If he was raised there all his life, were the scientists his parents?


The number on Jae's hotel room (Sun's lover) is 1516. When Sun was playing the piano, the counter purposely showed 108. The comment Alex made about the dress is the similar to the same one Libby made to Claire on the beach, "That's my shirt. It's okay, it looks better on you." Something like that. The big connection was Ben trying to convince Jack that the outside world still exists. By saying, "You elected Your President Bush to a second term". Indicating that he does not identify with the US, that even though they seem American, they have created their own nation, country.which makes sense, they are on a deserted island. Mentioning Christopher Reeves passing. Jack is a spinal surgeon and was able to make his wife walk again, keeping her from death. And the last one, the Red Sox winning the World Series. Jack's dad's line was, "that's why the Red Sox will never win the series" to Sawyer implying he did not believe in hope and faith. Jack said this to Sawyer on the island, which is when Sawyer knew he had been talking to Jack's dad. Great connection!


On one hand, I am glad that they are dispelling some myths we have had. On the other, I just hope that the explanation is as good as the theories. I look forward to next week's episode to find out about Locke/Desmond/Echo. Curious to see how the Others will take to one of their own being shot. They really need to speed things along with Jack though. That will be getting old really soon. Love the show, love you all, see ya next week!

On time.I swear!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Tale of Two Cities

Hello everyone! Welcome to the new season of Lost!

And boy…didn’t it start out with an “Oh my gosh!!!”

I want to thank those for coming to the season premiere party at my place. It was very low key…dogs running amuck...80’s music in the background…lots of beer (I’ve learned my lesson!). It was a good night! I’m looking for 100% participation for the season finale though! Maybe even a mid-season party when the show goes on hiatus. Remember this year it goes no repeats, long break, and then back with no repeats up to the finale. I will try to be better and send this no later than 9am the next day…it was hard getting back into the rhythm this time.

So without any further adieu…let the discussion begin! We shall keep our same format from last season (summary, connections, questions, and conclusion).


I thought it was a good season premiere. I needed to watch it a couple of times to really get the most out of it. It gave us very little in the way answers…but it did give us a new direction. We will never truly know all the answers until the end. I think people who disliked the premiere, didn't like it because it didn’t seem to answer anything. Why would they give anything away in the first episode of the season?!? We instead got new characters, Juliette (who is NOT Penny) and Karl (although I am not convinced that he is going to be around for much longer, perhaps another new character? There are supposed to be 2 this season). It dispelled some theories like the plane was crashed on purpose, it seemed clear that it wasn't. I feel this season we will learn more about the Others and how the Tailies continue to live without answers. Maybe even the true birth of Two Cities. Ever wonder how countries develop…you live here, we’ll live there and we will both populate our land. I think its clear that there is life outside the island as the plane existed while the Others were living in their own little world on this island. So in a way it did answer questions.


Even though we know Ben’s real name, we will be referring to who once was Henry Gale, then Fake Henry, and now Ben as Benry.

The title of the episode, A Tale of Two Cities, referring to the two camps on the island, “the colony of the Others and the “losties”. The whole “it was the best of times, the worst of times” etc…I look forward to learning more about the Others and their camp. Where are the children?!? Is Benry “Him” or is there still another?

The song playing on the car radio as Jack stalked his wife was the same one playing on the ham radio on the beach with Sayid and Hurley. Although the song was different for the start of this season and the start of season 2, the images were the same. You think you are viewing someone in their home (Juliette in the colony and Desmond in the hatch). They are doing things first thing in the morning. Both seem a little tense but they continue with their routine (her cooking, him working out). There is a beep (one an oven timer, the other computer). There is an explosion, (one the plane crashing and the other the hatch being blown off). Then contact with the Losties. Losts of similarities…I loved it!

I could’ve sworn that that was Miss Klugh from last season sitting down at the book club. It wasn’t…but that would have been cool. The Asian dude in the book club was the officer that took Jake from the holding cell after his arrest in his flashback. The nurse in Jack’s flashback was the same nurse that spoke to Locke after his kidney surgery for his father. I think Karl is an Other who is trying to infiltrate. But the Echo did say when he was a Tailie, “they took Karl.” Maybe the same one?

As I mentioned before, Juliette is not Penny (Desmond’s girlfriend). Totally different actress. She looked so familiar because we have seen her before on other tv shows such as ER and House. She may have a Sawyer/Hurley connection. Sawyer did look at her kind of funny when he saw her. Some say she was reading the lottery balls when Hurley won, but I have no confirmation of this. I believe that Juliette may turn out to be Penny’s sister. She could be Juliette Widemor. There was a hint that Juliette and Benry were once in a relationship together. As they were talking at the beginning of the book club, one guy said the host chooses the book and Ben would never choose this book. And she was like, well I’m the host now…kind of like he use to live here but now I get to choose. And then when he saw the book she had, he was like - I guess I’m really out of the book club now. I thought he may have been referring to the plane crash and that they have bigger things to worry about, or that Juliette feels like an Outsider too like the character in the book and now here come more Outsiders.

The book at the book club was Carrie. I thought it was the Stand but based on book covers on Doubleday’s website, it’s Carrie. Which makes sense, when the guy said that it wasn’t literature but popcorn (possibly referring to the movie), and just “religious hokum pocum.” I was also reminded that when Benry was caught he said to Locke, “What, no Stephen King?”, obviously referring to Juliette's love of the book.

We now have an explanation for the polar bears. They were there as subjects in an experiment. Add Zeke saying to Sawyer, “it only took the bears 2 hours”, so they were walking free for the Others to encounter.


This leads me to a question about time. How long was Sawyer working on getting the treat? We know time is not necessary linear on the island (at least I don’t think so). Kate was supposedly on the beach and brought to where Sawyer was, but her hands were all red and irritated. Could it have been 2 weeks later? Jack let the flood waters in, but the next scene everything is dry, he is too and she is sitting there with his file. How long was he really out? That pounch was good, but not good enough to knock a grown man out for hours. What happened to Kate, she looked really flustered.

Desmond seems to be screwing things up for everyone. He is in love with the daughter of the President of Widemor Corp. He winds up on this island, causes the plane to crash, kills an Other, people on the outside are looking for him potentially leading to their exposure. If not for Desmond, the Others life would have continued on. The Pearl station was unoccupied when Desmond arrived so maybe only Kelvin knew he was there. Kelvin didn’t tell anyone so he could leave in Desmond’s boat. Maybe that is why Benry is so surprised there is a boat in the previews for next week.

Are the Others evil? I would have to say, yes. They may believe that they are acting for the greater good. But they are clearly misguided. I believe the show is going to continue to build our hate for them. The Losties just want off the island and to go home. Well…not all of them. I think Rose and Bernard would stay in the colony if that meant that Rose would stay healed. Locke would stay and either join them or live in the jungle like Rousseau if that meant he could walk and really be somebody there. Maybe even Kate, who is a murderer and a fugitive. I think Benry wants Kate to be his new “Juliette”. Their lives weren’t that great in the outside world. Jack divorced and feeling guilty about his father, Sawyer a murderer, broke, focused on revenge, Jin tied to Sun’s father to hurt people on his behalf, Echo a drug runner, Hurley feeling cursed by the world and suffering from depression. I think, in the end, whether they stay or go once they are given the opportunity to get off the island will be interesting.


Next week, we will be learning more about Jin/Sun-I love them! And perhaps confirming the whole time line theory. I also found it interesting that Benry was so interested that they had a boat (Desmond’s). Was it because Michael’s boat really won’t get them off the island, or because there is someone that they didn’t know on the island. They give us a little and then make us want for more!

Welcome all newcomers…hope ya stick around. I am so in love with this show again! Let the obsession begin…..