See above. Not enough info? Ok. The episode was minor character development, answering questions we already knew the answers to from previous shows and the ABC promo, and basic filler. Can you feel my frustration? Sawyer had his typical lines: “Bobby”. “Captain Bunny Killer”. “Crying in the jungle!” “Sally Slingshot” “You got a map, Magellan.” Offered some much needed levity to this installment.
The song Sawyer was singing on the boat "Show Me The Way To Go Home" was the same song the men were singing on the boat in the movie Jaws right before they were attacked.
The Thai hello was similar to the Namaste greeting that Dr. Candle did on the orientation video.
Achara has a “gift” and so did Claire’s psychic.
Jack’s tattoo really means, “"Eagles high, cleaving sky." I think the show just took license with the tattoos. But a connection could be made about the real translation and him flying a kite that was in the shape of a bird.
The dharma logo of the hydra hatch was in the meeting room. I really didn’t see anymore connections. There were a lot of inferences and similarities, but no numbers or other clues.
Are you kidding? There were tons!
I think that Cindy and the kids were taken because they were easy to manipulate and convert to their way of thinking. If you believe that they were taken because they were special, were the other Tailies just left there to die or to be rescued? What happens to people who come to the island uninvited? Was this the first time? The bigger conspiracy is that Cindy is a true Other. She could have had access to the cockpit and that plane was brought to that area on purpose. Why were they so off-course? She could have been an Other like Etham.
I am sticking with brainwashed because the kids were ok with being there as well. They had memories (she asked about Ana Lucia) so why are they not missing their parents? The boy seemed not so brainwashed maybe because of his age. They were taking the kids to an execution. Reminded me of the book The Lottery, where the entire village, kids included, took part in a stoning.
Another quick point about time shift. Cindy was going to explain her association to the Others, but stopped short. I always thought the whispers were people talking on a different plane of time. Maybe they are “the Watchers”. It could all be a part of the bigger experiment.
Another note, Alex never answered Jack’s question when he asked if Ben was still in charge. She said, “what?” He repeated it and then added if the sheriff would still follow Ben’s orders. Alex answered yes to that, but not if he was still in charge. I believe because he ultimately is not.
Jack wasn’t allowed in the meeting room, much like he was not suppose to get the tattoo. He stepped over the line in Phuket but not on the island. Perhaps things to come. But the kids and Cindy were there which emphasizes her status with the Others. She is clearly not a higher up because she didn’t know about Ana Lucia. Also notice how Juliet’s hair was straight while she was in charge. But when she was in trouble it started to poof back up again and look ratty like when she was home. Another small indication that she is less like one of them, although I still don’t trust her.
The tattoo was significant in as much as it indicated Jack is a leader. Most of the time that is a positive trait but Achara reacted like it was bad. Was it because she felt that he would go through the struggle on the island to ultimately be a leader after a disaster? Possibly. “He walks among us, but is not one of us.” Describing his current status with the Others? Maybe also his status with the Losties, since they were “bad” and he is good? Or perhaps an indication of his future status as the leader of the island? More of a foreshadowing.
As far as Kate/Sawyer/Karl, why let Karl go? Learn as much as you can from him and then let him go. If he has been on the island all his life, then wouldn’t he just automatically go back? Is he supposed to wander in the jungle forever? I hope he runs into Rousseau! He believes in the island and their purpose, he just wants to be with Alex as well. There is definitely more than meets the eye about them leaving him. What if they sailed the boat around, would they have hit the Others home instead. Michael & Walt are supposed to be going home. Could it be “home”? Walt seemed off the last time we saw him, unaffected that the Losties were bound and gagged on the dock, much like the way the girl reacted to Jack being in a cage. Why is that? Simple brainwashing or do they know the bigger picture? More I think about it….they are in the Others home.
Why send your only doctor to investigate the Losties?!? Etham was obviously high up, so why expose him to not only the danger of being pretending to be a “survivor”, but of also stealing Claire? As always, no answers, more questions.
It was hard to read everyone slamming LOST last week, especially since I thought last week’s episode was great. And then they had to go and air this one! The ABC promo people need to stay out of it and are in many ways frustrating fans. I think they came up with something to grab viewers but if the episode doesn’t hold up, it causes more damage. But it’s still my show and I love it enough to allow it one ok week. I really like Alex and Karl and look forward to seeing how that all pans out. So until next week…