I am going to have to type fast since work is a real bear today. Excuse all grammar and spelling mistakes in advance. First a “Pre-Lost” blog and then to the episode, “Eggtown”.
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are writers/executive producers on LOST. They are terrific! I always knew of them but didn’t know how great they really were until Comic-Con last summer. They typically due a weekly podcast (which I have heard only once!) but I am going to be tuned in as soon as they start them up again. They really listen to the fans and respond in a fun and informative way. I love them both! They sat down for an interview with Entertainment Weekly (which is a magazine that absolutely LOVES Lost) and kind of checking in after the writer’s strike was over and commented on the new season. I am going to summarize the important points in case you don’t read this particular magazine. If you love pop culture, you should. It’s a great by the pool read.
Sometimes a bracelet is just a bracelet. The bracelet that Sayid was looking at on Naomi and then on the Elsa was just a plot device. He was supposed to see the bracelet on Elas and be reminded of Naomi. Nothing more. They appreciate how we (the fans) dive in and analyze everything, but we were off on this one. No subplot or connection with R.G. between the 2 of them.
Flash forwards are not possible futures, they are written in stone. So it’s not like if they do something different they change the future. Bad Jack is gonna be Bad Jack. There is no way to alter what we are seeing. They compared it to the television show Heroes. On it, they were trying to stop a nuclear bomb. People had visions of the future. They were able to band together and stop it (Season one). Not on Lost. They want you to feel as if the characters are in jeopardy. If at the end it was all a dream or not real or could be changed, that’s a rip off. So again, if we see it on a Flash Forward, it has happened.
It was Jack’s father in the cabin, Christian Shepard. The guy in the rocking chair. They were vague about whose eyeball it was in the window but it is MUY IMPORTANTE! Jacob is supposed to be believed to be an omnipotent entity, which I think we can agree on.
Charlotte Lewis is a reference to C.S. Lewis and is an important clue to where Lost is going at the end of the season. I only know the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe so I can’t help here. I will do more research and see if I can see any connections with CS Lewis and Lost.
The Orchid Video – which was played at Comic-Con – is important. I don’t remember all the pieces anymore and I am not sure when they are going to show. It’s on YouTube. I might take a look over the weekend and it may spawn a mid-week blog.
Finally, they are PRO time space continuum pending but anti-paradox. Huh? I guess I am correct about time shift being a major factor in the show. However they stress again that although there is time-space bending, its done as a way as to not contradict itself. I don’t get this, especially after last night’s episode. I will touch on this later.
That’s it as far as the article. On with last night’s show…
I was screaming. I didn’t see it coming at all!!!! After the show I go online and chat. Many people did guess it right away. I’m still not there yet. I think that’s a good thing because the surprise is sometimes the best part of the show. So the last second of the show floored and confused me, yet again. I get it, but in the context of the bigger picture, I’m LOST the second week in a row. Some great one-liners: “You just Scooby Doo’d Me”. “Bruce Lee from the Freightor”. “Montezuma’s house”, referring to Hurley.
I don’t know who the guy was who was yelling at Kate when she got to the court. He seemed out of place. He said something like, “How could you do it” something along those lines. I am sure we will see him again somewhere. The episode opens with a view of Locke’s eye, which is an ongoing theme. Locke gave Ben the book Valis (Vast Active Living Intelligence System). It is about the characters vision of God, which is that humans are divine souls trapped in a material world created by an imperfect spirit. Sawyer’s book was the Invention of Morel, which is the story of a fugitive who hides on a deserted island somewhere in Polynesia. Tourists arrive and he is afraid of being discovered but falls in love with one of them. He wants to tell her but can’t due to something paranormal that goes on on the island. Hmmm…sound familiar? The image at the top of the blog is of the painting in Aaron’s room. Look at the lower corner? What do you see? Not sure why its there but it is!
Ok. Here we go. Aaron!!!!! I heard a spoiler that Kate was not pregnant and thought it was a lie. So she wasn’t pregnant and she is raising Aaron as her own.
Option #1: Kate is raising Aaron for Claire.
Jack didn’t want to see Aaron. Kate said, “why don’t you follow me, come by for a visit.” It wasn’t to see her, but Aaron. She declined when he only wanted to see her. If it was her baby with another man, he wouldn’t have been that callous because the man is obviously gone. So why would Jack want to go by and visit a baby? Because it’s his nephew. His response was not to say no, but that he was too busy right now. He felt guilty. Obviously not about the lie because he had just taken the stand and perjured himself. Maybe because of his father and his relationship with Claire. Kate was saying when you are ready to face the past, I’ll be waiting. 2 people died on the island, according to the lie. So 1 could have been Claire, hence Aaron. Why would the lawyer want to use Aaron in court? Because she was a single mother or because she has adopted the child of one of the survivors that died on the island? Showing again how she is a hero. But she is a murderer etc. Not sure they would allow her to keep someone else’s baby.
Option #2: Kate is raising Aaron as her own son.
Why would Kate’s mom want to see Aaron if it was not her grandson? If it’s hers, when did she get pregnant? Before the crash and then had the baby on the island. If so, the baby looked younger than 4 years old (mom said had been given 6 months to live for the last 4 years). If it was after the crash, she got pregnant from one of the 2 dead survivors? Then Aaron is not one of the Oceanic Six, as the promo said would be revealed this episode, and there are 2 more spots.
I don’t know which one is correct. I am leaning towards option 2.
Was Desmond lying about the vision to Charlie? Was he just saying that Claire would get off the island just so Charlie would die, thus ending history from repeating? Claire being rescued was the only vision we were not shown of Desmond’s vision. He couldn’t kill Charlie but knew that he couldn’t keep saving him. Charlie had to die of his own choice. Kinda cruel, if true.
Daniel Farady
Everyone is on the island for a reason. The woman with Daniel at the beginning of his flashback was his caretaker, not wife. When asked why he was crying, he said he didn’t know. I think that’s because he suffers from memory loss. He needs someone to take care of him, he was crying because the news was sad but forgot what he had just seen. Add that to Charlotte working on a memory game with the cards. He barely remembered after just turning them over and that was an improvement. He is there to study the time-space issues on the island…but also maybe also to heal his memory issues as well.
Not sure if that was a trick or the real thing in regards to the helicopter. It definitely keeps them on the island longer to say the helicopter never arrived. Perhaps they didn’t fly back on the exact coordinates there were supposed to? We will find out next week!
I have been terrible at not looking at spoilers. I am going to work harder this week. I watched the preview for next week, which is going to focus mainly on the time shift. But where and when is the questions! Some of you don’t watch those so I won’t give it away. I slow motioned it and its going to be another What?!?! Episode. I cannot wait.
I am thinking about doing a mini-season finale party since Lost will be going off the air for a month. When it comes back, it will be at 10pm, which makes a party harder for working folk. So if you would be interested in food, drinks, games, discussion and the show – let me know and we can do this. It would be, I believe, March 13th. I may even look into a location more central to San Diego. Let me know!
Until next week….c-ya!