Friday, February 22, 2008
I am going to have to type fast since work is a real bear today. Excuse all grammar and spelling mistakes in advance. First a “Pre-Lost” blog and then to the episode, “Eggtown”.
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are writers/executive producers on LOST. They are terrific! I always knew of them but didn’t know how great they really were until Comic-Con last summer. They typically due a weekly podcast (which I have heard only once!) but I am going to be tuned in as soon as they start them up again. They really listen to the fans and respond in a fun and informative way. I love them both! They sat down for an interview with Entertainment Weekly (which is a magazine that absolutely LOVES Lost) and kind of checking in after the writer’s strike was over and commented on the new season. I am going to summarize the important points in case you don’t read this particular magazine. If you love pop culture, you should. It’s a great by the pool read.
Sometimes a bracelet is just a bracelet. The bracelet that Sayid was looking at on Naomi and then on the Elsa was just a plot device. He was supposed to see the bracelet on Elas and be reminded of Naomi. Nothing more. They appreciate how we (the fans) dive in and analyze everything, but we were off on this one. No subplot or connection with R.G. between the 2 of them.
Flash forwards are not possible futures, they are written in stone. So it’s not like if they do something different they change the future. Bad Jack is gonna be Bad Jack. There is no way to alter what we are seeing. They compared it to the television show Heroes. On it, they were trying to stop a nuclear bomb. People had visions of the future. They were able to band together and stop it (Season one). Not on Lost. They want you to feel as if the characters are in jeopardy. If at the end it was all a dream or not real or could be changed, that’s a rip off. So again, if we see it on a Flash Forward, it has happened.
It was Jack’s father in the cabin, Christian Shepard. The guy in the rocking chair. They were vague about whose eyeball it was in the window but it is MUY IMPORTANTE! Jacob is supposed to be believed to be an omnipotent entity, which I think we can agree on.
Charlotte Lewis is a reference to C.S. Lewis and is an important clue to where Lost is going at the end of the season. I only know the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe so I can’t help here. I will do more research and see if I can see any connections with CS Lewis and Lost.
The Orchid Video – which was played at Comic-Con – is important. I don’t remember all the pieces anymore and I am not sure when they are going to show. It’s on YouTube. I might take a look over the weekend and it may spawn a mid-week blog.
Finally, they are PRO time space continuum pending but anti-paradox. Huh? I guess I am correct about time shift being a major factor in the show. However they stress again that although there is time-space bending, its done as a way as to not contradict itself. I don’t get this, especially after last night’s episode. I will touch on this later.
That’s it as far as the article. On with last night’s show…
I was screaming. I didn’t see it coming at all!!!! After the show I go online and chat. Many people did guess it right away. I’m still not there yet. I think that’s a good thing because the surprise is sometimes the best part of the show. So the last second of the show floored and confused me, yet again. I get it, but in the context of the bigger picture, I’m LOST the second week in a row. Some great one-liners: “You just Scooby Doo’d Me”. “Bruce Lee from the Freightor”. “Montezuma’s house”, referring to Hurley.
I don’t know who the guy was who was yelling at Kate when she got to the court. He seemed out of place. He said something like, “How could you do it” something along those lines. I am sure we will see him again somewhere. The episode opens with a view of Locke’s eye, which is an ongoing theme. Locke gave Ben the book Valis (Vast Active Living Intelligence System). It is about the characters vision of God, which is that humans are divine souls trapped in a material world created by an imperfect spirit. Sawyer’s book was the Invention of Morel, which is the story of a fugitive who hides on a deserted island somewhere in Polynesia. Tourists arrive and he is afraid of being discovered but falls in love with one of them. He wants to tell her but can’t due to something paranormal that goes on on the island. Hmmm…sound familiar? The image at the top of the blog is of the painting in Aaron’s room. Look at the lower corner? What do you see? Not sure why its there but it is!
Ok. Here we go. Aaron!!!!! I heard a spoiler that Kate was not pregnant and thought it was a lie. So she wasn’t pregnant and she is raising Aaron as her own.
Option #1: Kate is raising Aaron for Claire.
Jack didn’t want to see Aaron. Kate said, “why don’t you follow me, come by for a visit.” It wasn’t to see her, but Aaron. She declined when he only wanted to see her. If it was her baby with another man, he wouldn’t have been that callous because the man is obviously gone. So why would Jack want to go by and visit a baby? Because it’s his nephew. His response was not to say no, but that he was too busy right now. He felt guilty. Obviously not about the lie because he had just taken the stand and perjured himself. Maybe because of his father and his relationship with Claire. Kate was saying when you are ready to face the past, I’ll be waiting. 2 people died on the island, according to the lie. So 1 could have been Claire, hence Aaron. Why would the lawyer want to use Aaron in court? Because she was a single mother or because she has adopted the child of one of the survivors that died on the island? Showing again how she is a hero. But she is a murderer etc. Not sure they would allow her to keep someone else’s baby.
Option #2: Kate is raising Aaron as her own son.
Why would Kate’s mom want to see Aaron if it was not her grandson? If it’s hers, when did she get pregnant? Before the crash and then had the baby on the island. If so, the baby looked younger than 4 years old (mom said had been given 6 months to live for the last 4 years). If it was after the crash, she got pregnant from one of the 2 dead survivors? Then Aaron is not one of the Oceanic Six, as the promo said would be revealed this episode, and there are 2 more spots.
I don’t know which one is correct. I am leaning towards option 2.
Was Desmond lying about the vision to Charlie? Was he just saying that Claire would get off the island just so Charlie would die, thus ending history from repeating? Claire being rescued was the only vision we were not shown of Desmond’s vision. He couldn’t kill Charlie but knew that he couldn’t keep saving him. Charlie had to die of his own choice. Kinda cruel, if true.
Daniel Farady
Everyone is on the island for a reason. The woman with Daniel at the beginning of his flashback was his caretaker, not wife. When asked why he was crying, he said he didn’t know. I think that’s because he suffers from memory loss. He needs someone to take care of him, he was crying because the news was sad but forgot what he had just seen. Add that to Charlotte working on a memory game with the cards. He barely remembered after just turning them over and that was an improvement. He is there to study the time-space issues on the island…but also maybe also to heal his memory issues as well.
Not sure if that was a trick or the real thing in regards to the helicopter. It definitely keeps them on the island longer to say the helicopter never arrived. Perhaps they didn’t fly back on the exact coordinates there were supposed to? We will find out next week!
I have been terrible at not looking at spoilers. I am going to work harder this week. I watched the preview for next week, which is going to focus mainly on the time shift. But where and when is the questions! Some of you don’t watch those so I won’t give it away. I slow motioned it and its going to be another What?!?! Episode. I cannot wait.
I am thinking about doing a mini-season finale party since Lost will be going off the air for a month. When it comes back, it will be at 10pm, which makes a party harder for working folk. So if you would be interested in food, drinks, games, discussion and the show – let me know and we can do this. It would be, I believe, March 13th. I may even look into a location more central to San Diego. Let me know!
Until next week….c-ya!
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Economist
For the very first time in my LOST television history…I am completely…LOST. What a great frickin episode that was!!! I am loving this season. But this threw me for a loop. This entire blog will basically be me recalling and connecting what miscellaneous dots I found. I knew there was going to be a shocking pairing at the end, but I did not see that coming! Of course when I heard his voice I knew it was Ben, but until that point, no clue. Ben is Sayid’s boss in the future?!? The amount of questions this episode gave us is great because it showed the edges of the bigger picture.
I loved Hurley’s line, “Oh great. The freighter sent us another Sawyer.” Loved it! And who the hell is Miles to name call?!? I like the Sawyer/Kate thing more than Jack/Kate. I am glad they are hooking up next episode. But of course…it won’t be for long. Another Sawyer nickname, “Gizmo”, referring to Ben as a gremlin. I have never been a Sayid fan but he looked hot off the island. Although I was surprised he could pull a girl that quickly and it made more sense that it was set up. I like the new characters but it sucks that we don’t get to see much of our old favorites (Jin, Sun, Claire).
The bracelet that Naomi was wearing is similar to the one Elsa was wearing. Frank and Daniel clearly recognized the last name Widemore. The numbers on the rocket had the numbers in them. When Sayid killed the man on the golf course, the sprinklers came on. Water=danger. Always raining before the violence on the island. Also on the golf course, Sayid was wearing a white glove and the other dude black ones.
Time difference: I have always maintained that time shift plays a major factor on the island. I think the whispers are people on another point in time talking and that is why we can hear them but not clearly understand what they are saying. The experiment that Daniel performed showed that time on the island was 31min 20 sec off. I think that is why Daniel warned Frank to stay on the exact coordinates when leaving. I am not sure what it all means but I am glad Daniel is there to figure it out. Here is me taking a big leap….I watched the show Journeyman (which was excellent!) and it had a guy that time traveled and had to resolve situations in peoples’ lives (and no it was very different from Quantum Leap!). Anyway he always had to make sure he had the correct clothes and money when he jumped. I think it’s interesting that Ben had very basic clothes in his closet as well as different denominations of money. Denominations that were only printed during specific time frames. That is how the dude in Journeyman got caught by the FBI because he used money that was not in circulation at the correct time. Ben has some old money in the drawer. Of course, none it of it (that I saw) was from the future. But it may be another key.
Roles: Each person on the Freighter was sent for a reason. Miles perhaps for the cosmic or paranormal aspect on the island. Maybe eventually the smoke monster. Daniel for the electromagnetic force on the island. Charlotte for the archaeological aspect such as the 4-toed statue and the Dharma carvings. Frank’s connection is to Oceanic as he was supposed to have been the pilot. Naomi was after Ben. It makes sense that Michael may have been on the sailboat and run into the freighter as they were searching for a way to contact the island. He may be the plant on the boat. Or maybe it’s even Walt. Maybe he was able to project himself to Locke to warn him. Ben already knew of the danger and he needed an ally, Locke. But he needed someone he could trust like Walt. Who knows! The more it seems to make sense, the more confused I get.
Ben: WTF! I think what’s most shocking about him is that he is more powerful than first thought. We knew he was a master manipulator and controlled everything on the island. But now we know he also controls things OFF of the island and in person! Why does he need currency and passports for different countries? What is he looking for off of the island, not just in the future but before Sayid found the room? How does he get Sayid on his side? It not THAT surprising because Sayid always did what he was supposed to do, whether or not he wanted to. Remember he was forced into it back in Iraq. He seemed like a little boy being scolded. Like someone how the fate of everything rested on him working for Ben. Why is it just the two of them working together?
Oceanic Six: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, person 5, person 6. #1: It sounded as if Ben was manipulating Sayid into killing for him to help his friends. What friends? Most of the people he seemed to care about are already off the island with him. And we still have 2 more people to go. So what could make Sayid think it was ok to kill off who I am assuming are people connected to the crash? #2: Who is person 5 & 6? Claire is supposed to be one according to Desmond’s vision. He didn’t say she would be saved by a boat, but be loaded into a helicopter. That is pretty specific. Aaron wouldn’t count because he technically wasn’t a passenger on Oceanic 815. So let’s say its Claire and ? Everyone else is a couple so I can’t see them leaving without the other person. It really has to either be Sawyer or Locke. Locke would be absolutely shocking!!! I would like it to be Jin, Sun, Claire. But again, why would Sayid kill and Charlie visit Hurley and say they THEY need your help. Who would be left to care about?
We now know that Ben was able to get off and on the island after the submarine was destroyed. So why can’t the other Losties leave that way as well? I am so excited!
I watched the vodcast after the show. It was Ben and Sayid this week. They of course did not give away anything but it was fun to see them. Michael Emerson did say that although Ben is like an evil manipulator, when all is revealed about him he will be shown to be the one standing in between good people and their destruction. I believe that. I think although Ben can have a skewed and self-centered view of things, he is also looking out for their best interest.
An update now that the writers strike is over, Season 4 is going to be re-written and instead of 16 episodes it’s going to be 13. We will see 5 more in a row, LOST will go on hiatus for a month and then back for 5 more episodes. The 3 episodes we are technically losing are going to fit somehow into season 5 & 6. With all the shows coming back, after the hiatus, LOST is moving to 10pm on Thursday nights. It sucks but they cannot go up against AI and people would Tivo it anyway. LOST lends itself better to Tivo since people like to speed through commercials and re-watch. If you miss AI live, you can’t resist hearing who was voted off. I like 9pm…but I understand.
Next week we get to see the Oceanic Six and the media storm. Not sure if another or all will be revealed. I like the straight through episodes even though LOST took forever to get here. It was absolutely worth the wait. Until next week, Cya!
I loved Hurley’s line, “Oh great. The freighter sent us another Sawyer.” Loved it! And who the hell is Miles to name call?!? I like the Sawyer/Kate thing more than Jack/Kate. I am glad they are hooking up next episode. But of course…it won’t be for long. Another Sawyer nickname, “Gizmo”, referring to Ben as a gremlin. I have never been a Sayid fan but he looked hot off the island. Although I was surprised he could pull a girl that quickly and it made more sense that it was set up. I like the new characters but it sucks that we don’t get to see much of our old favorites (Jin, Sun, Claire).
The bracelet that Naomi was wearing is similar to the one Elsa was wearing. Frank and Daniel clearly recognized the last name Widemore. The numbers on the rocket had the numbers in them. When Sayid killed the man on the golf course, the sprinklers came on. Water=danger. Always raining before the violence on the island. Also on the golf course, Sayid was wearing a white glove and the other dude black ones.
Time difference: I have always maintained that time shift plays a major factor on the island. I think the whispers are people on another point in time talking and that is why we can hear them but not clearly understand what they are saying. The experiment that Daniel performed showed that time on the island was 31min 20 sec off. I think that is why Daniel warned Frank to stay on the exact coordinates when leaving. I am not sure what it all means but I am glad Daniel is there to figure it out. Here is me taking a big leap….I watched the show Journeyman (which was excellent!) and it had a guy that time traveled and had to resolve situations in peoples’ lives (and no it was very different from Quantum Leap!). Anyway he always had to make sure he had the correct clothes and money when he jumped. I think it’s interesting that Ben had very basic clothes in his closet as well as different denominations of money. Denominations that were only printed during specific time frames. That is how the dude in Journeyman got caught by the FBI because he used money that was not in circulation at the correct time. Ben has some old money in the drawer. Of course, none it of it (that I saw) was from the future. But it may be another key.
Roles: Each person on the Freighter was sent for a reason. Miles perhaps for the cosmic or paranormal aspect on the island. Maybe eventually the smoke monster. Daniel for the electromagnetic force on the island. Charlotte for the archaeological aspect such as the 4-toed statue and the Dharma carvings. Frank’s connection is to Oceanic as he was supposed to have been the pilot. Naomi was after Ben. It makes sense that Michael may have been on the sailboat and run into the freighter as they were searching for a way to contact the island. He may be the plant on the boat. Or maybe it’s even Walt. Maybe he was able to project himself to Locke to warn him. Ben already knew of the danger and he needed an ally, Locke. But he needed someone he could trust like Walt. Who knows! The more it seems to make sense, the more confused I get.
Ben: WTF! I think what’s most shocking about him is that he is more powerful than first thought. We knew he was a master manipulator and controlled everything on the island. But now we know he also controls things OFF of the island and in person! Why does he need currency and passports for different countries? What is he looking for off of the island, not just in the future but before Sayid found the room? How does he get Sayid on his side? It not THAT surprising because Sayid always did what he was supposed to do, whether or not he wanted to. Remember he was forced into it back in Iraq. He seemed like a little boy being scolded. Like someone how the fate of everything rested on him working for Ben. Why is it just the two of them working together?
Oceanic Six: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, person 5, person 6. #1: It sounded as if Ben was manipulating Sayid into killing for him to help his friends. What friends? Most of the people he seemed to care about are already off the island with him. And we still have 2 more people to go. So what could make Sayid think it was ok to kill off who I am assuming are people connected to the crash? #2: Who is person 5 & 6? Claire is supposed to be one according to Desmond’s vision. He didn’t say she would be saved by a boat, but be loaded into a helicopter. That is pretty specific. Aaron wouldn’t count because he technically wasn’t a passenger on Oceanic 815. So let’s say its Claire and ? Everyone else is a couple so I can’t see them leaving without the other person. It really has to either be Sawyer or Locke. Locke would be absolutely shocking!!! I would like it to be Jin, Sun, Claire. But again, why would Sayid kill and Charlie visit Hurley and say they THEY need your help. Who would be left to care about?
We now know that Ben was able to get off and on the island after the submarine was destroyed. So why can’t the other Losties leave that way as well? I am so excited!
I watched the vodcast after the show. It was Ben and Sayid this week. They of course did not give away anything but it was fun to see them. Michael Emerson did say that although Ben is like an evil manipulator, when all is revealed about him he will be shown to be the one standing in between good people and their destruction. I believe that. I think although Ben can have a skewed and self-centered view of things, he is also looking out for their best interest.
An update now that the writers strike is over, Season 4 is going to be re-written and instead of 16 episodes it’s going to be 13. We will see 5 more in a row, LOST will go on hiatus for a month and then back for 5 more episodes. The 3 episodes we are technically losing are going to fit somehow into season 5 & 6. With all the shows coming back, after the hiatus, LOST is moving to 10pm on Thursday nights. It sucks but they cannot go up against AI and people would Tivo it anyway. LOST lends itself better to Tivo since people like to speed through commercials and re-watch. If you miss AI live, you can’t resist hearing who was voted off. I like 9pm…but I understand.
Next week we get to see the Oceanic Six and the media storm. Not sure if another or all will be revealed. I like the straight through episodes even though LOST took forever to get here. It was absolutely worth the wait. Until next week, Cya!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Confirmed Dead
Good afternoon all! Another fabulous episode of Lost. I am glad to hear that the writer’s strike should be over by the end of the weekend. Not sure what that means for the show but at least there is hope. I liked the flow and the speed of this episode. They were building character development, much like they did in season two. It can be slow at times, but also helps connect pieces of the bigger picture later on. Anyway, on with the show.
So the roles have changed. The Losties are the Others and the Freighties are the Losties. Not sure what that makes the Others? The Freighties would ask direct questions and the Losties were vague and guarded. I liked that. I was worried when I learned they were bringing four new characters that it would not flow smoothly into the storyline. Paulo/Nikkie=sucked, the Freighties=exciting. I especially think Miles Straume. Someone who talks to the dead! On that island?!? He is going to need office hours!
Sawyer was back to his old self, nicknames and all (Tall Ghost Walt). Kate was back to her whiny self (who cares how they got the upper hand!). Sayid back to his warrior status and Ben being as manipulative and cunning as usual.
The numbers were everywhere this episode. The coordinates of the underwater robot, phone number on the tv, posters in the dead kid’s room and model number on the helicopter. We know that its a fake corpse of the plane captain because he was killed on the island. Faraday is the last name of a famous chemist. He has a theory regarding electromagnetism and light. Miles was trying to contact Minikowski, which is the last name of a famous physicist who developed the theory of the 4th dimension of time and space. Sawyer referred to Locke as Captain Kurtz, which is a reference to Brando in Apocalypse Now, who was insane, took control and lead people into the jungle.
Who staged the crash site? The pilot was killed on the island. The plane is still on the island. Why go through so much trouble to make it seem like there were no survivors? Possible answers: Dharma didn’t want it to be known that the natives (with the aid of Ben) killed everyone on the island. The Losties are the last link to it. So the plane went down, no survivors, secret safe. Why get Ben now after all these years? They could have gotten him after the surge. I think the Dharma Initiative was letting them live on the island and then the Losties crashed causing the secret to possibly be revealed.
Oceanic Six? How do they explain only six survived? Possible answers: To get off the island they had to keep their mouth shut about the island. We can guess that from the secrecy. Would you lie to save yourself?
Who is the “They” in “Are they still alive”? Abbaddon asks Hurley if they are still alive. So it’s clear to Hurley that he knows about the island, of which he is not supposed to ever mention. Abbaddon seems to know a lot about the island so why doesn’t he know if they are alive or not? The Losties must not actually leave with the assistance of the Freighties in the end. Does he mean the Freighties, survivors or the Others?
Side not: This adds to my belief in another dimension or time shift. Why Jack keeps flying over and hopes he crashes again. It speaks to me like he is trying to find the right time, place, moment and then he can go back. If the Freighties found the coordinates once, why can’t someone else again and simply go to the island. What is the common thread with these 4 people?
Why are the Freighties there? They are sent to get Ben – get in and get out. They are told there are no survivors but are not shocked that there are. So fine, you survived, so what, we are not here for you. What is their fascination with the flight 815 before getting the assignment? Possible answer: they were supposed to be on the plane. Why would Ben know so much about Charlotte, much like he know so much about Jack and Sawyer etc. I think the 4 were chosen for their gifts as well as for their connection to the flight. I think that is their common thread. Why Charlotte kept reading about the crash, Miles listening to the coverage on the radio, Daniel watching the recovery effort on the tv and getting an eerie feeling, and Frank who was supposed to be the pilot. But what about Desmond? Naomi had a picture of him. How does he fit in? Was he a side mission based on the instructions of their primary contributor – Widmore Corporation (dum, dum, dum – shocking music!). Who knows! Oh yeah…the striking writers!
Who is Ben’s inside man on the boat? I was thinking Richard Alpert, because he has been seen on and off the island. But what about Michael? We know he comes back, but how? Walt would know that the people were bad because he is (or was) with his father on the boat and now possibly on the freighter. Why would he work with Ben? Maybe because Ben is a master manipulator. He had the girls in the hydro station jamming communication. People do what they are told or persuaded to do.
What is the smoke monster? I don’t think Ben really knows. He knows more than he is saying, but still in the dark. Juliette said they didn’t know what it is but that it doesn’t like the fence. Why was that Locke’s first question? Ben seemed surprised too, like with all you could ask me, that’s what you wanted to know!
All guesses and no answers! The wonderful, wonderful world of Lost.
I stayed away from all spoilers this week and it was definitely hard. There is so much out there about the show. It’s a very exciting time to be a fan. I look forward to see if the helicopter will get anyone off the island safely. Charlie’s vision was of Claire but that remains to be seen. I suggest they protect that helicopter with their life because if Locke and Ben get a chance, they will destroy it. Have a great week. Cya!
So the roles have changed. The Losties are the Others and the Freighties are the Losties. Not sure what that makes the Others? The Freighties would ask direct questions and the Losties were vague and guarded. I liked that. I was worried when I learned they were bringing four new characters that it would not flow smoothly into the storyline. Paulo/Nikkie=sucked, the Freighties=exciting. I especially think Miles Straume. Someone who talks to the dead! On that island?!? He is going to need office hours!
Sawyer was back to his old self, nicknames and all (Tall Ghost Walt). Kate was back to her whiny self (who cares how they got the upper hand!). Sayid back to his warrior status and Ben being as manipulative and cunning as usual.
The numbers were everywhere this episode. The coordinates of the underwater robot, phone number on the tv, posters in the dead kid’s room and model number on the helicopter. We know that its a fake corpse of the plane captain because he was killed on the island. Faraday is the last name of a famous chemist. He has a theory regarding electromagnetism and light. Miles was trying to contact Minikowski, which is the last name of a famous physicist who developed the theory of the 4th dimension of time and space. Sawyer referred to Locke as Captain Kurtz, which is a reference to Brando in Apocalypse Now, who was insane, took control and lead people into the jungle.
Who staged the crash site? The pilot was killed on the island. The plane is still on the island. Why go through so much trouble to make it seem like there were no survivors? Possible answers: Dharma didn’t want it to be known that the natives (with the aid of Ben) killed everyone on the island. The Losties are the last link to it. So the plane went down, no survivors, secret safe. Why get Ben now after all these years? They could have gotten him after the surge. I think the Dharma Initiative was letting them live on the island and then the Losties crashed causing the secret to possibly be revealed.
Oceanic Six? How do they explain only six survived? Possible answers: To get off the island they had to keep their mouth shut about the island. We can guess that from the secrecy. Would you lie to save yourself?
Who is the “They” in “Are they still alive”? Abbaddon asks Hurley if they are still alive. So it’s clear to Hurley that he knows about the island, of which he is not supposed to ever mention. Abbaddon seems to know a lot about the island so why doesn’t he know if they are alive or not? The Losties must not actually leave with the assistance of the Freighties in the end. Does he mean the Freighties, survivors or the Others?
Side not: This adds to my belief in another dimension or time shift. Why Jack keeps flying over and hopes he crashes again. It speaks to me like he is trying to find the right time, place, moment and then he can go back. If the Freighties found the coordinates once, why can’t someone else again and simply go to the island. What is the common thread with these 4 people?
Why are the Freighties there? They are sent to get Ben – get in and get out. They are told there are no survivors but are not shocked that there are. So fine, you survived, so what, we are not here for you. What is their fascination with the flight 815 before getting the assignment? Possible answer: they were supposed to be on the plane. Why would Ben know so much about Charlotte, much like he know so much about Jack and Sawyer etc. I think the 4 were chosen for their gifts as well as for their connection to the flight. I think that is their common thread. Why Charlotte kept reading about the crash, Miles listening to the coverage on the radio, Daniel watching the recovery effort on the tv and getting an eerie feeling, and Frank who was supposed to be the pilot. But what about Desmond? Naomi had a picture of him. How does he fit in? Was he a side mission based on the instructions of their primary contributor – Widmore Corporation (dum, dum, dum – shocking music!). Who knows! Oh yeah…the striking writers!
Who is Ben’s inside man on the boat? I was thinking Richard Alpert, because he has been seen on and off the island. But what about Michael? We know he comes back, but how? Walt would know that the people were bad because he is (or was) with his father on the boat and now possibly on the freighter. Why would he work with Ben? Maybe because Ben is a master manipulator. He had the girls in the hydro station jamming communication. People do what they are told or persuaded to do.
What is the smoke monster? I don’t think Ben really knows. He knows more than he is saying, but still in the dark. Juliette said they didn’t know what it is but that it doesn’t like the fence. Why was that Locke’s first question? Ben seemed surprised too, like with all you could ask me, that’s what you wanted to know!
All guesses and no answers! The wonderful, wonderful world of Lost.
I stayed away from all spoilers this week and it was definitely hard. There is so much out there about the show. It’s a very exciting time to be a fan. I look forward to see if the helicopter will get anyone off the island safely. Charlie’s vision was of Claire but that remains to be seen. I suggest they protect that helicopter with their life because if Locke and Ben get a chance, they will destroy it. Have a great week. Cya!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Extra thoughts about Lost and Season Premiere
(Make sure you click on February to the right to read the blog regarding the season 4 premiere of Lost)
Ok. I have a problem. I think some may call it an addiction. But its free, legal, I can’t die from it and it cannot make me gain weight. With that said…I feel MUCH better. I think this mornings blog was off. I was rusty! But I definitely have my groove back. So I have been reviewing and re-watching and just processing. Sometimes you have to take a step back from just reviewing the episode and look at the bigger (or sometimes smaller) pieces.
Why is Christian Shephard in the chair? We can all agree that Jacob is in control of…whatever. He allowed Locke to hear him and Hurley to see the cabin. I don’t think Christian Shepard is Jacob. But I do believe that he can manifest what the person needs to see. So why would Hurley need to see Christian? Perhaps because Christian is Claire’s dad. She has lost Charlie but there is something else for her to gain. A brother. Perhaps through Hurley is how the secret will be revealed. Instead of saying "they need your help", implying for them to tell about what happened and get everyone off the island. Charlie says, "They need you."
The questions (without answers!) are who is "they" specifically and why do they need Hurley? Or was he just the easiest one to approach once back in the real world? Jack was not affected until later and Kate, so far, not at all.
Back to the questions - who is in the coffin. Another reason why I think it’s Michael in the coffin – if the Oceanic 6 are mini celebrates, wouldn’t someone be at the funeral? News crew, Extra…someone? What if he got off the island on his own. He then dies because he doesn’t exist anymore – new identity.
Damn! Just read something that blew a hole in that…When the funeral director asked friend or family. If the guy in the coffin was black, would he be open minded enough to entertain that Jack was family? I think the urban area is intentionally misleading and the guy in the coffin is white. So my first choice is Locke. He was close to Walt. Perhaps he became a father to him? Ok…I am going on record saying my first guess is Michael. My 2nd guess is Locke.
The transcript of the whispers have been posted online. All I heard was “Desmond” and “I see somebody”. They never make sense to me
I got this from another site…I missed it and have to re-watch it:
The smoke monster made a big appearance this episode, and I’m going to tell you where to look for it. Ready? Good: It floats out the door of the mental ward. Think you missed it? No way… because the smoke monster this episode was Matthew Abbadon. Think back to the episode where Mr. Eko died - think back to his last visions of Yemi. Remember that moment where Eko realized he wasn’t really looking at his brother? Abbadon had that same look. That same startling, bug-eyed, blood-chilling ‘Yemi-stare’. “Are they still alive?” – he says it with the same toneless inflection as Yemi asking Eko to beg forgiveness. If you don’t believe me, watch as he leaves through the door. You never see him exit, you only see a shadow. A shadow that dissipates from left to right, disappearing through the doorway in much the same way the smoke monster moves.
Ok. I am officially done until next week. Good night!
Ok. I have a problem. I think some may call it an addiction. But its free, legal, I can’t die from it and it cannot make me gain weight. With that said…I feel MUCH better. I think this mornings blog was off. I was rusty! But I definitely have my groove back. So I have been reviewing and re-watching and just processing. Sometimes you have to take a step back from just reviewing the episode and look at the bigger (or sometimes smaller) pieces.
Why is Christian Shephard in the chair? We can all agree that Jacob is in control of…whatever. He allowed Locke to hear him and Hurley to see the cabin. I don’t think Christian Shepard is Jacob. But I do believe that he can manifest what the person needs to see. So why would Hurley need to see Christian? Perhaps because Christian is Claire’s dad. She has lost Charlie but there is something else for her to gain. A brother. Perhaps through Hurley is how the secret will be revealed. Instead of saying "they need your help", implying for them to tell about what happened and get everyone off the island. Charlie says, "They need you."
The questions (without answers!) are who is "they" specifically and why do they need Hurley? Or was he just the easiest one to approach once back in the real world? Jack was not affected until later and Kate, so far, not at all.
Back to the questions - who is in the coffin. Another reason why I think it’s Michael in the coffin – if the Oceanic 6 are mini celebrates, wouldn’t someone be at the funeral? News crew, Extra…someone? What if he got off the island on his own. He then dies because he doesn’t exist anymore – new identity.
Damn! Just read something that blew a hole in that…When the funeral director asked friend or family. If the guy in the coffin was black, would he be open minded enough to entertain that Jack was family? I think the urban area is intentionally misleading and the guy in the coffin is white. So my first choice is Locke. He was close to Walt. Perhaps he became a father to him? Ok…I am going on record saying my first guess is Michael. My 2nd guess is Locke.
The transcript of the whispers have been posted online. All I heard was “Desmond” and “I see somebody”. They never make sense to me
I got this from another site…I missed it and have to re-watch it:
The smoke monster made a big appearance this episode, and I’m going to tell you where to look for it. Ready? Good: It floats out the door of the mental ward. Think you missed it? No way… because the smoke monster this episode was Matthew Abbadon. Think back to the episode where Mr. Eko died - think back to his last visions of Yemi. Remember that moment where Eko realized he wasn’t really looking at his brother? Abbadon had that same look. That same startling, bug-eyed, blood-chilling ‘Yemi-stare’. “Are they still alive?” – he says it with the same toneless inflection as Yemi asking Eko to beg forgiveness. If you don’t believe me, watch as he leaves through the door. You never see him exit, you only see a shadow. A shadow that dissipates from left to right, disappearing through the doorway in much the same way the smoke monster moves.
Ok. I am officially done until next week. Good night!
Season Four - The Beginning of the End
Hot damn, LOST is back! I am truly loving life. Welcome back all. Hello to the newcomers. Hope ya stick around for awhile. Season 4 of LOST starts with a bang! We all know about the writers strike and that only 8 of the 16 episodes were filmed. There will be some answers and the story will have a natural arch in these 8 episodes. There will also be mini-cliffhanger. That is going to hurt but at least we will get some answers. Even if the writers came back today, season 4 is over. We can only hope that they come back soon and turn season 5 into a 23 episode season with no repeats. That’s the least they can do for us fans.
I want to thank all that came to the LOST season premiere party. We had a blast playing LOST Scattergories. I will definitely re-design the game for the season finale. Speaking of that…mark your calendars now! It is roughly going to be March 27th or April 3rd depending on how ABC designs the schedule. I hope they are true to the writers who designed it to run uninterrupted, but who knows! I will make sure to keep you updated as things develop. Anyway on with the show! We are going to stick with our normal format – Summary, Connections, Questions, Conclusion.
Great title. I think that says it all. It is at this point the Losties adventure turns from plane crash and discovering the island to survival and rescue. I thought it was a great episode. It moved slowly and didn’t reveal too much, but it laid the groundwork for this season. I liked the fact that it was Hurley centered since he plays such an integral part of the cast. He sometimes is the unknown quotient. I’m bad at math so if that’s a bad analogy-sorry. When he threw the walkie-talkie in the ocean and marched into the jungle. Bad ass! But it’s also nice when he cannonballed into the ocean. Gotta love Ben. He is my all-time favorite character on a show. Best line:” Jack, with your permission, I’d like to go with John.” Love it! We were introduced to a new character – George Minkoswki from the boat. It’s hard with a show like this because I think I have seen him before. Of course I have in other things. But it’s easy to slip into the – Was he on the show before, was he in someone’s flashback.
There were several key lines this episode:
Naomi – “Tell my sister I love her.” We know there are other sister issues – Jack & Claire and Juliette and her sister which is why she is on the island in the first place. Who is her sister and how does she figure into the bigger picture?
Matthew Abbadon – “Are they still alive?” I am most interested in the “they” part of that. Does he mean Dharma, Widmore, the Losties? Also “still”? Did they lie and say that everyone is dead so they could live uninterrupted on the island? Is Matthew like Richard Alpert – not really a bad guy – but falling for what he thinks is a higher calling?
Hurley – “I’m sorry I went with Locke. I think it want us to go back”. I still think he said “him”, but looking it up it’s “it”. That is such a telling statement, I don’t even know where to start! The surface question is how did he reconnect with Jack once he left with Locke. We can even assume that “it” refers to the island or Jacob. But my question is if they were not meant to leave and he thinks they should go back, why is he sorry that he went with Locke? Wasn’t Locke on the side of staying on the island? What new fresh hell will Locke cause?
Charlie Pace – “They need you Hugo. You know they need you.” First, who is they? Could it just mean everyone or Claire & Aaron? If it means the other Losties, are those who were left in trouble? What do they need from him? Argh!!! So many questions!
Hurley is driving the same Camero that he was working on with his father when he was little. He hits Guava fruit which is the main fruit they eat on the island. Action 8 news the news crew covering it. The person filming the police capture is Randy Nation (former boss of Hurley at Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack and Locke’s manager at the box company that Hurley owns).
Charlie had “They need you” written on his hand when he hit the glass in the police interrogation room.
The chalkboard in the mental institution has a picture of a boat, sun, tree, shark. Not only an indication of the island but also of the mural in the hatch. Also interesting that Hurly is drawing an igloo and an Eskimo. The Eskimo is harpooning fish as was done on the island.
Abbadon is an angel in revelations. He helped God bind Satan back to Hell. While talking to Hurly, they are sitting at a chess table. Abbadon is sitting on the white side, Hurley in the middle, and no one on the other side. Perhaps an indication of their character. Matthew Abbadon is an anagram of "What Bad Boatmen".
When Jack comes to make sure Hurley is not going to tell, Jack is wearing the same tie his father was wearing in the coffin and perhaps in the shack. There is a sculpture behind Abbadon that says HO and there were Ho Ho’s in the convenience store. Jack only gets to H-O in horse. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet and O is the 15th – flight 815.
The biggest question – who are the Oceanic 6? Does that mean no one, such as Juliette, Ben etc get off the island? How do they become the Oceanic 6 when they are on different teams? Did some get off but are just not famous?
If Naomi was not part of Penny’s search, why did she have a picture of Desmond? If Desmond saw that Charlie talking to Penny and then he wrote that it was not her boat, why did he stay with Jack’s team?
Flashbacks are non-linear and neither are flash forwards. It seems as that this one occurred before the one in the season finale. Jack did look weird with a beard. What happened for him to go from, “We’ll never go back” with Hurley to “We have to go back” with Kate. What demons does he see?
Speaking of that, Charlie is dead. Obviously he may still appear on the show. I forgot that the creators said once a character is dead, they stay dead. But they still can interact with them. Take Echo’s brother. I guess either Charlie is a manifestation of Hurley’s subconscious or Charlie is moving through time like Desmond did. Of course, Desmond was never dead.
Who was that in the cabin? It looked extremely like Christian Shepherd, Jack’s dad. I don’t think the eye (a constant theme) was his or Locke’s. Why was he even near the cabin and why was he chosen to see it?
After re-reading and re-watching it…I just love this show! I am curios how they are going to incorporate the flashback, island and flash forwards. We are not done with flashbacks and this show is going to become a real guessing game for us to decide what is real, imagined, a memory, or premonition. And I like it! I can’t wait for next week. Stay away from those spoilers!!! They are everywhere. Until next week….cya!
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