The cardinal sin. The delay of the LOST blog. I hear you all and I know! I would say I was busy and blah, blah, blah. But I really think I have psychological issues and I am trying to delay the loss of Lost. After next week’s episode…it’s gone until February 09. 2009!!! I don’t think I can deal with it. I really don’t. So once I write the blog its over. So the delay is my way of hanging. Crazy. I know! But that is my only real defense. I was camping and dancing and fighting the heat. But the main reason is that I want to hang on to the show as long as I can. So that is my excuse…on with the show!
Oh the double edged sword. How badly the wound bleeds.
This would have been a great episode…had we not known about 98% of it before it happened. But leave it to Lost to make the other 2% awesome.
So my issue with the episode is that it seemed to pause as if to allow for the laughing of a laugh track. But instead of laughing we were all supposed to go OMG! I found myself smiling in delight…but no real shocking moments. They landed in
So let’s get to the 2%. The first one for me was the ominous way the door on the freighter slowly closed behind Sun. I have maintained that that Jin is still alive, but that slow look behind was much like the scene between Desmond and Charlie before he died. After confronting her father, she mentions 2 people responsible for Jin’s death. Seemed way more than act and much more like grief to me. I think Jin dies! Next cool scene, when Sayid and Kate were confronted by the Others. That was great. Maybe we finally get to see the temple? Doubt it from the previews but one could hope. Not to mention Richard Alpert cool as a cucumber. Next great scene, the explosives making it clear that the freighter can’t get anyone off the island. I believe Keamy put them there. I guess he only planned for only himself, Ben and a few others getting off the island in the helicopter. The rest where on an unknown suicide mission. I believe the device on Keamy’s arm is the trigger for the explosives. Kill him, freighter goes boom. Maybe thinking they are doing a good thing by killing him without knowing the other consequences. Sound familiar? Sounds like a running theme on the island. I miss Sawyer. I hope to see more of him next season. If he dies, all hell will break loose.
The numbers were everywhere this episode. The odometer on Hurley’s car, the amount of days the Oceanic 6 were missing (108), on clothes and the number of decorations at Hurley’s party. Hurley was eating from Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack. Best lines….I loved it when Sawyer said as he went with Jack, “You don’t get to die alone.” A take from Live Together, Die Alone and the fact that they must stick together. I also liked when Hurley’s dad says to them, “What are you talking about? Building a fire, hunting down boars?” The Losties paused and looked around nervously. Sawyer had his trademark lines, “New Otherton” (The Other’s barracks), “Hold on Shaggy” (To Lapidus) and “Genghis” (referring to Miles). Love it!
I have provided a link to the Orchid station orientation video that was shown at Comic Con last summer. Notice the reference to the “leap” and the fear of rabbit 15 getting close to the other rabbit 15. I think they were experimenting with time travel and accidentally caused the rabbits to be in the same time. The only reason why I think its important is that to move the island either means to shift time or the movement of the island also causes a shift in time. I have always maintained that the whispers are echoes from the past or future.
My main questions for this week’s finale:
Did Desmond see Claire get on the chopper with Aaron? This is very simple to explain. Either he mistook the woman holding Aaron as Claire, or what he saw happens in an alternate set of circumstances or he lied. I think he mistook the woman holding Aaron. We shall see.
Is Claire dead? What truths could Christian have told Claire to make her at ease? Sure she was happy to see her dad. She doesn’t know he is supposed to be dead. I think it’s more likely that she died and what they were seeing was a manifestation. That is why Miles kept wanting to take Aaron from Claire. I would rather her be alive.
How do those 6 get off the island? It’s a simple thought that they all make it back to the beach, jump on the raft and sail away. But with them all spread out and now in different camps, it will be interesting to see how they get this done.
Finally, how does Locke move the island? He seems to be gloating with Jack in the previews about what he is about to do. How will this affect the Others, people on the beach, people on the freighter, and our heroes in the jungle?
I’m both excited and scared to see how this all turns out. It could be very shocking and Lost worthy…or one big disappointment. I am trying to temper my excitement but its not working. How will the show continue if time catches up? TPTB stated a while back that flashbacks and flash forwards will no longer be important soon. That is a cryptic comment. Could mean that everything is in real time. NAW! Probably means that we won’t know what is a forward, back or side to side.
Mind you there are a ton of spoilers on the net and I have not read any of them. Stay away from them. Someone wrote a blow by blow of the finale. That really sucks. Some people cannot take the suspense!
Season finale next week. Party at Chez