Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ab Aererno

I was so excited after seeing last night’s episode that I stayed up to get the pulse of the fans about it. I was surprised that it was as mixed as it was with some thinking it was good and others very boring. I personally thought it was great. I think we are getting more and more answers each week, but still focusing on the characters and the story. I think everyone needs to accept the answers that are given and stop trying to make more than it is. Yes, this is an epic show that will go down in television history…but I’m not sure if the anxiety about it ending is getting to people. An example is that one person on the podcast was upset the Sayid’s cat wasn’t explained. WTF?!?! That is so random. I think the big answers will get answered; the smaller ones are just simple going to have to be let go. Is it really their responsibility to satisfy our needs to this show? Some people actually watch the show, enjoy the entertainment, never to analyze or read about it after viewing it. So it’s a fine line the writers have to walk between satisfying our need to understand the show and those that watch to just follow the story. Okay…on with the show.


We finally got Richard’s back story. We knew he was on the Black Rock and possibly a slave of some sort, and now we more he was more of a prisoner/indentured servant. I loved that the Man in Black (MIB) said, “It’s good to see you out of those chains”, when he saw Richard in the past and again as SM Locke. It was SM Locke’s way of letting Richard know he was the MIB reincarnated. No wonder Richard was so scared. I noticed the butterfly coming into the Black Rock as Richard was chained. I wasn’t sure what the symbolism of that was. Maybe changing, turning, a shift between Jacob and MIB just existing and the MIB trying to kill him? The butterfly was big and prominent so it meant something. I think it’s interesting that this was the first episode that didn’t have a Flash Sideways. Is that because Richard doesn’t exist outside the island because he is immortal? Does his connection to the island, now that it is underwater mean that he doesn’t survive? Is it because of the ultimate change that will happen he is not immortal and died years ago? Would be cool if we met a descendant. Something there…just don’t know what it is.


Ab Aeterno is Latin for “From eternity”. An example of its use, “A long time ago (from eternity), in a galaxy for away” (for you Star Wars fans). The episodes title is in reference to the Vulgate Bible, Catholic, in Proverbs 8:23, “Ab Aeterno ordita sum et ex antiquis antequam terra fieret.” That translates to “I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning, before there was ever an earth.” Richard is looking at Luke Chapter 4 verse 24 in the bible, a connection to the numbers. Also that chapter in the bible references Jesus return from the desert where he resisted temptation from the Devil. Jacob dunks Richard 4 times in the water, which is similar to a baptism. Richard gives the MIB a white stone. It seems that Jacob and the MIB pass these stones back and forth as indications of people they claim onto their side. Jacob is wearing gloves when he visits Ilana and touches her. He does touch Richard with a bare hand and gives him immortality. The MIB tells Richard that he must stab Jacob in the chest before Jacob speaks a word. This is the same thing that Dogen said to Sayid when trying to kill the Man in Black, and with the same dagger. Magnus Hanso now owns Richard and the ship the Black Rock. We know that Alvar Hanso, great grandson of Magnus, founded the Hanso Foundation is responsible for the Dharma Initiative that once was prominent on the island. The Black Rock destroys the statue of Taweret, and now we know why there was only one foot left when the Losties discovered it.


MIB vs. Jacob – I think we better understand the relationship the MIB and Jacob. I thought last week that MIB is a prisoner on the island, Jacob is trying to keep him contained and Widmore wants to exploit him. I think that might be close to accurate and I’m calling my shot.

The people on the island are part of this big experiment. Jacob brings people to the island to prove to the MIB that they are inherently good. MIB interferes to show that man is bad by nature. As people come to the island, they create their own chaos. Ben used his power as the leader of the Others for his own gain. Most of the bad things that have happened to the Losties was of their own free will based on the circumstances.

But why would Jacob tell Richard to tell Ben to kill the Dharma Initiative and live with the Others? Was the Dharma Initiative so far off track the Jacob decided to start over? Hate to throw in a bible reference, but isn’t that what God did in the bible? And does this make Jacob good or bad?

I think typical definitions of good and bad don’t apply to Jacob and the MIB. I think neither are purely good or evil. I think it’s your perception based on how they have influenced your life. Is Jacob good by giving Richard purpose and immortality? Is Jacob good by manipulating people to the island to test their will? What has Jacob done truly that’s good? The MIB has killed, but he is trying to get free. Is that just the natural will of man to kill to be free? Think of the parallel to why we go to war now? Some do view it as evil, while others think it’s a part of our existence. I think that this is Jacob’s struggle with humanity. The Losties are the most recent pawns.

MIB – Was he once a man with mommy issues? I was puzzled by his claim to Richard that Jacob, “took my body, my humanity.” Why was he chosen to be part of this? I think that answer won’t be given until the finale. Also, SM Locke needed to kill Jacob to get off the island. He also needs to leave before a candidate ascends or he will be stopped once again. But he doesn’t kill the remaining 6 candidates. I am not sure if it’s because they can’t be killed or if he needs them is some way. Can he simply get on the sub and float away? Again, I think this will be answered in the finale. The ultimate question, as they answer the reason and purpose for the island is what do the Flash Sideways mean? I know I am just repeating the questions we have had this season, but we have gotten so many answers. We know what the numbers stand for, what the island is, why the Losties are there, who brought them, in general everyone’s role on the island, and that they can get off.

Jacob – He seemed truly pissed that the MIB was trying to kill him. We can assume up until that point they both were playing the game. But the MIB changed the rules and wanted to be free. What will happen if he is set free? Jacob described the island as a container to evil, malevolence, death and darkness. So the island is like Pandora’s box, or jar as Jacob used to illustrate. There is already evil in the world so what will the SM release really do? I am glad that they answered the old question as to whether the island was hell or purgatory. No…but it could be perceived to be based on your perspective. To some, the island is hell. To others, it’s paradise. If your definition is that it’s a place for the devil and the SM is considered evil, then yes. I’m just glad that it wasn’t hell in a traditional sense.

Going home – People have left the island. But it really has been their free will to come or go. Juliet had a choice. Ben had a choice. The Oceanic Six once off, had a choice. Michael had a choice. It has been made to seem that you can’t leave or your prevented from leaving. But it really is their own doing. From trusting Ben as the leader of the island, to returning once those who got off were free. SM Locke is trying to convince them that they have free will and can go. But they are so afraid of the unknown that some stay. Only Rose and Bernard seemed to stay because they chose to live their life differently. Everyone else are like victims.


So next week we are finally going to get the Sun/Jin storyline. I am so ready for them to be reunited. I am also curious about how their flash sideways with Sayid is resolved. I think it will get back to the formula of flash forward and island. Again, stay away from spoilers. Only 8 weeks left. I am going to be sooooo bummed. I know they hoped Flash Forward would fill the void but I am just not into it. I still watch..ugh…waiting…hoping. Have a great week. Until next week, c-ya!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


My laptop crashed again as I was finishing the Lost blog. I have been hoping for the last 3 hours that every time I push that little silver button that the start-up chime will sound, alerting me that the crisis has been averted once again and that the computer is fine. But doubt has sunken in and I will try once again to bring the genius that was typed once before. As you can see, it already isn't working! :) Oh well, on with the show.


If Kate episodes are for the boys, then Sawyer episodes are for the girls. We were treated with half naked Sawyer, in bed Sawyer, angry Sawyer, sullen Sawyer, repentant Sawyer, undercover cop Sawyer, hot pursuit was heaven! Although the episode felt a little like a filler episode around the edges, it was still good to see how his life changed off island. I also like the fact that SM Locke gives us straight answers. Not sure how true they are, but at least he is less evasive as others have been. Sayid gave me creeps as he just stared as Claire attacked Kate. I liked him either as someone trying to change or just a bad ass, zombie Sayid is disturbing. I don't believe that Claire is truly sorry and wonder what her end game with Kate will ultimately be.


There were so many connections this episode that I could barely write them all down. The numbers were visible on the alarm clock (8:42), on the apartment door, and on the Ajira plane. Watership Down, one of my favorite stories when I was a kid, was on Sawyer's dresser. Its the story of rabbits trying to find a new home in paradise. It ends up being a farm with humans and rabbit traps and they have to work together to survive. That book and others were also with him on the island. Sawyer is watching Little House on the Prairie now and in his past. Sawyer says he wants to be a cop because of the movie Bullet. Steve McQueen played a young, hip cop that was insubordinate but ultimately one of the good guys. Movie also known for it legendary car chase scene throughout the streets of San Francisco. The female con called Sawyer “Dimples” which was his nickname for Kate. The pigeon drop was the con that he was a part of in his previous flashback. La Fleur was the code word to signal back up and also Sawyer's surname in 1970's Dharmaville. Miles and James were also both part of the security force in the 70's. Miles mentioned his dad worked at the museum indicating they know each other and have a good relationship. Charlotte is still an Archaeologist in both timelines. Anthony Cooper was Locke's dad name and the man who supposed conned Sawyer's parents, using the alias Sawyer. It will be interesting to see who the Anthony Cooper in this timeline will turn out to be since Locke's dad may not still be a con in this timeline. Charlie's brother Liam was at the police station to pick up Charlie.


Widmore/SM Locke – Guessing by the security system that Widmore was having place around the sub, they don't want SM Locke to be able to leave using it. Widmore has been trying to get back to the island and has finally made it. But who's side is he on? Why stop SM Locke from leaving and why are they are odds? I think Widmore saw the island as a financial goldmine. And SM Locke's ability as something that could be studied and replecated. I think Widmore was behind Dharma which was sent to investigate the island. So perhaps Widmore's place in all this is to exploit both Jacob and SM Locke. Jacob is there to protect the island from outsiders and SM Locke is there as the yang to his ying. The balance. SM Locke doesn't care, he just wants off. But Widmore can't let him leave because perhaps he is too integral a part of the island?

Newer Characters – I was a little disappointed in how the newer characters are being integrated into the story. It makes me think the writers truly didn't have a plan and are just building as they go. Or is it as simple as re-writes because the original characters weren't available? I mean we have gotten Doggen, Keamy, Charlotte and Miles in recent weeks. What about Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby, Ecko, Michael, Walt, more Rose, Bernard and my dearly departed Charley. Hell I would love some Juliet, Desmond and Faraday for that matter! And I know that some of those characters are coming back, I wont say who specifically in case you don't know so I don't spoil it. But only 8 episodes left! What are are you waiting for?!?

Flashbacks – The first few seasons, each episode focused on the present and a piece of the Losties past. This new time line is their present past and present as well. The past is just different then where their present lives are. So the new time line is their future. The bomb worked to change history creating the new timeline with far reaching effects. But how do they go from their lives on the island to the future we see now in LA?

SM - He said that it is either kill or be killed. He sees things in black and white. I believe the SM just wants to leave the island. But his essence is something that must be harnessed. That is why they are protecting the island from him since he is a dark force. And they can't let him be free. So he has been contained on the island. Widmore is there to study or profit from the essence of him and the island. Jacob is trying to protect the island from both of them.


Rebecca Mader came out with an interview the same day as she was on the episode. Luckily I didn't know Charlotte's real name so it wasn't spoiled for me. But the blogosphere is teaming with spoilers. So watch where you surf! Next week, its Richard's story. I am more interested in what will transpire off the island than on at this point. It should be interesting to finally learn more about his relationship with both Jacob and SM Locke. More details to come in the next few weeks about the season finale shindig. I want an obscene number of you to show this time. Its the end, we should experience it together. That's all for now. If you are in SD, stay cool. Its been a beautiful last few days. Everyone else, take care...have a great week. Until next time, c-ya!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dr. Linus

I read other people’s blogs about LOST. I am typically confused when I read the one at Talk about someone taking it to another level! But I was please to see that Tuesday night he wrote that he could no longer get the blog out Tuesday night. He didn’t have enough time to process and absorb the episode and also talk it through with others. Hallelujah! If a highfalutin, online, PAID writer can’t get it done…I should get a pass! J No? Fine! I will try harder next week, I swear. Anyway, on with the show…


Great episode and confirmed several things that have been brought up these last few weeks. Of course any Ben centered episode is going to be spectacular, and it was! I also loved the little things like Sun’s joy at being reunited with Hurley and Jack. These people have formed strong connections over the last couple of years, originally based on a tragedy. I loved Hurley’s line to Jack in the Black Rock, “If you change your mind, I’ll be like a mile away!” Classic Hurley. I loved it that Jack called him on the fact that he was stalling about going back to the Temple. I think that was what was best about this episode. We got answers to direct questions. Even when Ben denied killing Jacob, he finally confessed and really explained why he did it. And even though Richard wasn’t direct with Jack about where he had been, he still revealed some key points a few moments later. Finally I loved that Miles called out Ben! I thought he was going to cover for him, but really, why should he? Miles was sent to the island to capture Ben for money and nothing between them had really changed since Miles spent the last 3 years in the 70’s. I thought it was great!


The big one was Alex being connected to Ben off the island in the alternate timeline. It was good to see her less jungle soot. Dr. Arzt is a teacher at the school with Ben. He is in the same episode where Richard is trying to blow himself up with dynamite and Dr. Arzt did blow himself up on the island with dynamite. Next to Booty Babes (must have been Michael’s! Actually it was Sawyer’s), Ben finds a book called The Chosen by Chaim Potok. The book is about 2 Jewish boys growing up in the 40’s in Brooklyn. The book’s main themes center around friendship and the importance of father/son relationships. Ben was lecturing about Napoleon and his exile, which is a parallel to Ben’s exile from the island. Ben helped his father with his oxygen tank (notice close up) and in the other timeline, he killed his father with poison gas. Miles is looking at one of the 8 million in diamonds that were buried with Paolo and Nikki, a numbers reference.


Richard – We have confirmation that the lives of those Jacob touches are changed. It seems as though for the candidates, that touch caused their lives to go wrong. But with Richard and Ilana, they found purpose. We knew that they couldn’t kill themselves unless they were done with their task because Michael couldn’t die until he helped on the ship. Jack couldn’t kill himself either on the bridge. I’m glad that Jack now seems to believe he is there for a reason. If there are 6 candidates left, who are Richard and Ilana protecting them from? How will the candidate be selected? And by whom? It seems as though Richard and Ilana will continue to protect the new Jacob, but to what end? This makes me further believe that the alternate timeline we are seeing is the end of the show. I can’t see Richard on the island forever now even though he will see this part through.

Widmore – Seeing him really messes with my theory! I always thought it was fate against free will or good against evil. Widmore is a 3rd component and I am not sure how he fits in. I don’t think he is on either side! Widmore found the island and sent the mercenaries in first to get Benjamin Linus. Why was it important to get Ben, now that we now its really Jacob and SM Locke running things? He doesn’t get Ben and Ben threatens him because he was blaming Widmore for the death of his daughter. Ben goes back to the island and now Widmore is coming there by sub. What changed? Will he band with SM Locke? Since Ben never saw Jacob, did Widmore? Did Widmore ever see SM Locke? I am totally out of ideas on this front. If he wants to control the island, who does he serve? OR is he there to destroy it?

SM Locke – With Jacob gone, why doesn’t SM Locke just lead the island? Let’s say he was being held prisoner there as the alternative force as long as Jacob was there. With Jacob gone, he can now leave, however he must find his replacement and Jacob is selecting his. I believe he has to leave before Jacob’s replacement is in place or else he is stuck there. With Ben staying with Ilana, who will take his place? He has tricked Sawyer, Claire and Sayid to follow him, but why? Am I looking to closely? Again back to Widmore, will SM Locke choose him to lead the island?

LAX – Off the island, Ben seems to have learned his lesson. He puts Alex first this time around in front of his own desire to feel important and to have control. He also has a healthy relationship with both Alex and with his father. He is still a sad man, but his life seems better than it was on the island. If his father took Ben off the island, was it right before the blast when they were loading people onto the submarine to the mainland? They obviously never heard from Dharma again because he was sorry they hadn’t stayed and must not know that its underwater. The timeline is making my head hurt. But if they were on the island, he had to have left before he was shot by Sayid and taken to the Temple because that was what caused his change (or at least that was what was implied). So could it be that Jughead exploded and it caused changes in history? Much like Back to the Future, Marty’s dad was a Science Fiction author due to his contact with his dad in the past.

I would have LOVED it if Walt had been a student in Ben’s class!!! Oh well.


I am going to say that this was the best episode this season so far. I have loved Benjamin Linus since he was pretending to be Henry Gale. I think Michael Emerson should get an Emmy for his performance as Ben and I hope that he is going to stay sincere. I didn’t catch the previews for next week but I am sure we will get back to the hydro station. I read somewhere that lots of people had this episode spoiled because they saw the actress who played Alex and the actor who played Widmore during the opening credits (SAG rules). I don’t know their real names so it wasn’t spoiled for me. But it would of if I saw Ana Lucia, Michael or Libby’s actor name. Although I know they are coming back, its much better to be surprised during the actual episode. So watch out for that. Please feel free to comment on anything mentioned in this blog or anything you want. Your opinions are always welcome! Take care, be safe, until next week….c-ya!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


As I watched Sayid walk through the burning temple grounds, I almost kicked in the t.v. because it stopped taping exactly at 10pm. I took 3 deep breaths and then let my hacker skills go to work until I found the full episode online. So I did get to see the episode ‘til its triumphant end. I thought this episode was great! I thought it told us several key things….even if my theories turn out wrong. We are a third of the way through this last season and I am still enjoying the ride. So let’s begin.


This episode was Sayid centered and focused on him moving from the middle to the dark side. In the original timeline and in this one, on and off the island, Sayid has battled against what he perceived was his true nature. Is Sayid good or bad? I think we can all agree that although we love him…he is most definitely bad. He kills for what he believes is the greater good. Sometimes to protect and to avenge those he loves or like when he was in the army, to support his ideals. Even when he was a child with his brother and ruthlessly killed the chicken, there was always darkness inside of him. I saw this episode as his final decision to embrace his dark side. His creepy, slow turn towards Ben inside the temple was absolutely chilling.

I love Miles now as much as I have loved Hurley in the past. He seems like he is just along for the ride. Never asks questions and is not on some inner quest, he is simply there being guided by the fate of others. He had a great line about Claire, “and she’s still hot!” He is just living in the moment as everyone is blinded by the past and stumbling towards redemption. I would have been really sad if Smokey had killed him. Not sure if its important to note that both Sayid and Claire were killed, brought to the Temple and now live with what seems to be evil inside them. I think Claire is lost forever.

I also loved it when Sayid and Doggen fought. I remember when they cast Doggen and it was said that it was odd for a martial arts movie star to be cast on Lost. But now we know why…to give Sayid a run for his money. I am interested to learn more about why he was needed to keep SM Locke at bay. But he seemed to have been there simple for redemption for killing his son, as it seems many were.


Doggen is reading Deep River by S husaku Enho. It’s the story of a group of Japanese in India, that go on a pilgrimage to the River Gange for absolution and find out the answers lie within them. We learn the significance of the baseball and father/son issues of Doggen and can compare it to the other daddy issues of others on the show. The symbol on the wall that Ilana pushed is of the Shen Ring. It symbolizes eternity and protection. Claire is singing Catch a Falling Star by Perry Como. The song is often played around Claire and she said that it was sung to her as a small child by her father. Sayid passes Jack in the hall at the St. Sebastian Hospital. The man working for Keamy that kidnapped Sayid, also worked with Keamy as a mercenary on the island. The kitchen was the same kitchen Naomi brought Miles to to recruit him to the island.


Sayid/Keamy – Both seemed to have lived the same life in both timelines. Both performed the same function in both timelines. I think it’s interesting that up until now the new timeline has seemed better for the Losties. However Sayid still hates himself, does not get the love of his life Nadia, and is still killing people. I think he finally embraced that part of himself on the island, and it would have done the same in 2004. He felt he was unworthy of Nadia before and now he has killed 3 people, it may be his turning point there as well.

Just a Man – Doggen said that SM Locke was just a man that grew angry over the years because he wanted to leave the island and can’t. But we know he is Smokey and that he cannot be killed by normal means. So once he leaves the island, will he turn back to a normal person? Does he just need a vessel to take his place on the island? Why does he need all the Temple people to be on his side?

The Deal – Jacob said that they are some people you tell what to do and others that you allow to stare off into the sea (paraphrasing). So Doggen was given the option to come to the island and his son would live. Perhaps Ilana was given the option of life when Jacob met her in the hospital room. Even Juliet was brought so that she could find a cure for her sister. And Richard kept trying to recruit Locke. SM Locke seems to be doing the same thing, but with the promise of getting off the island. Sawyer gets to get away from the memory of Juliet, Sayid to get the one he loves, and Claire to get her son. Just like the scale analogy that Doggen referred to, it tips both ways, and now on the side of evil. But SM Locke is not offering redemption but self interest whereas Jacob asks them to work for the greater good.

Timeline – So first I thought that the timeline was in 2004 and the result of what happened after they set-off the bomb. But too many far-reaching changes were showing so that it had to be something bigger. I then stated that I thought that it was their lives if Jacob had never touched them. But again, we never saw Jacob interact with all of the people in 2004 but their lives are still changed. Next, I began to think what if this was the timeline if SM Locke wins. They never come to the island, SM Locke is free – but that idea has so many holes I can’t even begin to plug! But what if its life if Jacob wins? Doggen is with his son at the piano recital, Jack with his son in a good relationship, Locke happy with Helen and his dad, Claire keeps Aaron, Hurley is rich and happy, Rose is positive about her disease. Even Sayid may have a happy ending if he runs into Shannon (she died in his arms too!). I keeps nagging me in the back of my brain, why is the alternate timeline so important? The flashbacks gave us insight into the Losties and how their lives intersected. Also why they may have ended up to that point on the plane and reasons for how they acted once on the island. Flash forwards showed us time off the island and how none of them were ready to continue back in the real world. Even the flash way back to Dharma allowed us to see how they had been the ones to create the history as it was originally. I believe that Jughead was the incident that the orientation videos talked about. It was always meant to be. So the new 2004, the island did exist because Dharma was underwater and the experimental shark was swimming by. But none of the people that we now see where ever on it or meant to be on it. Is it their lives if left to choice or is it their life if left to fate? And if it’s choice, does that mean that SM Locke wins? My brain hurts. I am just anxious to see how the timelines combine.


I didn’t get to see the previews so I am going into next week blind. I would guess that it would center on Jack and Hurley at the lighthouse. I plan to listen and catch up with the podcasts so be sure to check the comments section just in case I get any more hints. Be safe, have a great week…until next time…c-ya!