Okay I am back in love again. How could I ever doubt Lost? Last week fell flat for me and tonight’s episode restored my faith. Mainly because the episode moved both the flash sideways and island story line further. I was so afraid that the sonic fence was going to hinder Jin and Sun somehow. I am glad that there are finally reunited. I thought it was a little quick but it was nice to see them together.
I thought tonight was a solid episode. The recaps showed most of the key players flash sideways so you knew it was going to be good. There were some good lines from the cast. Sawyer: “Thought we might want to avoid huddles.” And “…pilot that looks like he stepped off a Burt Reynolds movie” as he refers to Lapidus. He really does! I missed him calling him “Chesty.” But my personal favorite from Hurley, “I mean, Anakin?” as an example of someone who comes back from the dark side. (That’s Darth Vadar’s true name for you non-Star Wars fans…Dark Lord of the Sith for the geeks). This episode really had it all. Humor from Sawyer as always. Romance with Sun and Jin reuniting. Camaraderie until Jack jumped off the boat. Philosophy between Desmond and evil Sayid. I wanted a little more danger, I’m just not afraid of Widmore. I think Locke has a lot of power, enough for Sun to be afraid of him when she was near death in her flash sideways.
The numbers were around in small ways. Ilana the lawyer was on the 15th floor. The building address was 4434 and the sum is 15. The explosion on the beach causes Jack to react the same was he did when he first awoke after the plane crash. Locke’s injury is also the same operation that Jack did in the original timeline but he made a mistake, panicked, and counted to 5 before he finished. The sailboat is called the Elizabethan and was the same boat Libby sold to Desmond. Most of the other connections were obvious and the work of Desmond putting people together.
I don’t have many questions this week. I think it was pretty clear that Sayid didn’t kill Desmond. I hope he connects with the Miles, Ben and Richard group. I am not sure if Desmond needs to get all the Losties together in LA or for them to just meet each other. Desmond in LA is a man of action where Desmond on the island is allowing fate to play out.
I think Sun got her English back because her separation from Jin was resolved, both on the island and off. The reunion was short but I still enjoyed it. I think that it was also the knowledge that her baby survived the gunshot. That piece connects both timelines.
The episode’s title was called the Last Recruit. That recruit being Jack. Jacob’s team are the candidates, SM Locke’s team are the recruits. Jacob's position is presented more as an honor and SM Locke as forced. SM Locke has been able to speak to everyone else at their most vulnerable point. It's now Jack's turn.
My ultimate question is still how does this all get resolved? Sun and Jin are together and have a baby, Claire meets a her long, lost half-brother, Locke may be able to walk again now that Jack is doing the surgery. If someone told you that you belong to another plane in time, would you let go? Again, this brings to mind the show Journeyman. He had a son in the original timeline and a girl in another. He went back to the original timeline. But what if that's not what happens? What if the joining of everyone in 2007 allows yet another option that has not been presented? Maybe Desmond is actually improving their lives in 2007 with the knowledge of their connections in 2004. Maybe they don't have to go back in time but ensure that 2007 happens the way its supposed to. At this point, I would be happy with Walt's arch being truly resolved either with us seeing him and Michael together or them connecting why the children in general seemed integral. That and the resolution to the timelines and the last 5 years not being for nothing. That’s all I need.
4 new episodes remain. The schedule is as follows: Next week is a re-run. They are replaying Richard’s episode. Why they felt it important to rerun that one is odd to me. Then Lost comes back the following Tuesday for 3 weeks straight and then the finale that same week on Sunday, May 23rd. There will be a 1 hour clip show, 2 hour finale and then Jimmy Kimmel is doing a 1 hour closure show with the cast and Darlton. I guess they can wrap things up in the next 5 hours they have left. Of course with the long sweeping scenes, pauses and traipsing up and down the beach and through the jungle, who knows! I’m not sure if you have ever noticed, but it takes 9-10 minutes for them to show the opening credits. So the scenes from last week, opening, Lost whoosh, commercial break, its already 9-10 after the hour. Check it out for yourself. They know how to milk it. And that’s okay…staying true to form. As long as I get my answers.
Well that’s all for this week. Take care and until the week after next, c-ya!