Monday, May 24, 2010

The End

Well…where to begin?

First, I want to thank everyone who came to the series finale party. It was a lot of fun. JY and TG flew in from Portland to attend – wow! SC and RS came in costume – cool! And RH and LM made some bomb-ass salads which sadly there were no leftovers for my post-Lost mourning meal. We had a great time with a rousing game of LOST Scattergories. Thanks SL for trying to keep it organized and AB for constantly shouting out of turn. Honorable mention to FCL and NC for some really good answers and KK for his hilarious gasps every time the timer went off. For those of you who couldn’t make it…you were felt in spirit and quite honestly there was no more room in my 400 sq ft living room…so it was all good!

The responses from all over the internet and radio is very mixed regarding the finale. Some are still stuck on the absence of answers even though they were warned repeatedly for weeks. Others think it was the best finale ever and are calling it the best show of the last 20 years. I am more in the middle with it being the best finale I could have hoped for. It was a good end and wrap up to the season…but I need time to really reflect on “best ever” statements. At this point I give it an 8. It would have gotten a 9 if it had Walt. A 10 if…I don’t know??? I am not sure what more it could have given me. At least 9 people came up to me and asked if I was going to be alright. I think I am. I feel complete with the series. I am mentally healthier than I am after a typical season finale and I think its because I am resolved. The writers finished the saga on the island and also gave us a nice epilogue to the story about the characters we had grown to love. I don’t think it could get any better than that.


So Jack was the true protector of the island. He believed that Desmond was the key to saving the island and defeating the SM. Desmond moves the stone from the light turning it red and causing the island to begin to self-destruct. In a sense, the magically essence of the island was disconnected. The SM became mortal in the body it was inhabiting. Jack was able to kill the SM but then had to repair the island. Also the storm instantly passed once the SM was dead. Jack understood that as the protector of the island, he had to give his life for it. So he passes on the power to Hurley, who was truly pure of heart. Once he put the stone back, island power was restored. Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Richard and Frank were able to leave the island. Rose and Bernard never wanted to leave and Ben and Hurley felt they needed to stay. Everyone else is presumed dead. Desmond, in theory, was able to leave the island in the future because Hurley was the new protector with new rules.

The questions that most people had regarding what the island was were answered. The Dharma Initiative was a research group that was studying the magical properties of the island. They were in constant war with the Others, led by Jacob, to continue their research. They were also at war with the SM, since his intent was to use them to get off the island. The Losties caused most of Dharma to leave by detonating the hydrogen bomb (the incident) after the time travel. Those that stayed were later killed by Jacob, using Ben as a young man to poison them. As Jacob continued to bring more people to the island, the SM used Ben to stop them. Ben was jealous and petty and allowed his own will to override the needs of the island. As a result, the SM was able to manipulate the Losties and ultimately assume the body of Locke and push Ben to kill Jacob. Once Jacob was killed, he needed them to kill each other so that there would be no one to protect the island or stop him. But I think at this point Widmore tricked SM Locke. I thought it was off that he would so easily tell him the secret to destroying the island. Not only could Desmond withstand the light and destroy the island, but it also made SM Locke mortal. And that was ultimately how he was defeated. Had he just killed Desmond, he might have made it off the island. But his blindness to destroy the island was his undoing.

Desmond thought if he moved the stone that there would be a flash and he would go to the flash sideways he saw. But what he didn’t understand was that that was death. He told Jack about his son and I believe that was why Jack later created his world in which he had a son. There is an old saying, “Fatherhood is a second chance at a quality father/son relationship.” You may not have had one with your parent, but you can create it with your own child. Each of them were given what they desired. Sayid wanted Nadiya alive. When SM Locke asked him what he wanted most, it was that she was alive, not necessarily with him. Sawyer wanted justice which he was never given so he became a policeman, just as he worked security for the Dharma Initiative. Him and Miles were partners there too. Claire found a family. Jin and Sun were together, although in secret, but there was always love. So Desmond was wrong, however it turned out better because Desmond was able to live his life with Penelope and his son.

The flash sideways is the epilogue to LOST. It was what happened once they all died, their after life. If you re-watch the Flash Sideways, people kept telling Jack to “let go.” He mentally created this alternate life. Because he had resolved his issues on the island, we seem as a better man in the flash sideways. But he had to let go of his pain and then was able to move on. Ben, for example, wasn’t ready. Locke had forgiven him, Hurley commented on how he had been a good second in command. But Ben had to resolve it for himself and accept the choice to move on. I have read people say, “oh so they were dead. It was purgatory. The entire series of Lost.” No, just the flash sideways. I compare to Bruce Willis in the Sixth Sense. He had created an entire existence because he could not accept the fact that he was dead. Once he did, he was able to move on.

I can accept that even though for us it seemed as though everyone woke up at the same time, time is irrelevant in death. What time do you think it is in death? When thought of that way, it makes sense that they all converged at what seemed like the same point. Time was sped up at different points to illustrate the time was not real. Locke was hit by a car, recovered, back at school, spine surgery and then at a concert walking in the span of 2 days. I think that was used to show that time was irrelevant in the flash sideways. Kate had said she had been waiting for Jack for a long time. I believe because he kept rejecting the flash sideways and leaving in the life he had constructed.

If the series would have just ended without the flash sideways, I think it still would have been okay. But the flash sideways allowed us to have closure with the characters and that those who died were able to find happiness in the after life. That was illustrated by Juliet. She died due to the hydrogen bomb. Miles channeled her once she was dead and she said, “it worked.” She was in her moment in time when Sawyer eventually died and met her at the candy machine. “It worked” is the same thing she said when he unplugged the machine and the candy fell out. They were reunited. It was a moment for us, but perhaps years for Sawyer. Again, time is irrelevant in death. And it allowed us to have our happy ending for the characters.


I did have some residual questions. The Losties didn’t take the plane because it was rigged with explosives. Frank, Miles and Richard didn’t mention the explosives at all. I thought they would at least have to dismantle them. They just got in, fixed the hydraulic system and took off.

I am still annoyed about the whispers. The answer that it was spirits that couldn’t move on doesn’t sit with me. It’s still pointless. Since the flash sideways is their death and there was never a coexisting alternate plane of time, the whispers served no purpose but to be spooky at times.

I know I’m a broken record about Walt, but I would have supported him being re-cast just to have one more scene with him. I would have liked a small shot of him like we got with Ana-Lucia. Or even Michael. That is really the last loop I thought they should have closed.

Okay…I just started reading comments from people all over the blogsphere. Glad to see that my review is pretty much the consensus.

I read that SM Locke took the explosives off the plane and those were the ones that were in the backpack that they took down to the sub. I thought it looked more complicated than that, but that would explain why the explosives were gone and why he himself was headed for the plane to get off the island (before the detour to destroy it). And how the remaining survivors were able to use it.

Also the reason that Ji Yeon was not in the flash sideways is that Jack never saw the baby and the flash sideways was from his perspective. Also Jin and Sun didn’t raise her. They died before they could so their reunion was about their love. She had a whole life separate from them. I believe her flash sideways would include those closest to her. That’s similar to explaining why Walt was not there. Walt was also raised by another so there might not be that reunion with Michael. Michael is still a whisper on the island. Whether or not he gets his reunion in the after life with his son, I think if it was John Locke’s flash sideways, then Walt would have been there.

Finally I want to separate 2 things though…I loved the finale. I think it was pretty perfect. What I didn’t like is that the writers didn’t use all of season 6 to answer the questions I wanted answered. I didn’t need it in the finale. I needed it earlier. When Jacob was explaining the candidates, I would have loved if someone would have asked about and gotten an answer about Walt. I think along the way we could have gotten some of the answers and it shouldn’t have been left for the finale to do so. Much like a football game resting on the skill of the kicker, I think it takes a whole team. In this case, seasons. So I wish people could separate their disappointment for not getting answers with the quality of the finale. If purgatory is not your thing, that’s something else altogether. But I am against hating it on the basis of lack of answers from the previous 6 seasons. But then again, when they did answer some questions directly, I didn’t like it. So maybe some things are better left to ponder. If I have learned anything about this show, what makes sense to me is completely confusing to someone else. The mythology of the island is not definitive.

Final Thoughts

I thought the show was an absolute wonder. I loved the touching reunions and the humor that it often brought (Sawyer calling Frank “Chesty”). I want to remember the show for those moments and not the missed opportunities to explain the mysteries. Even as Jack comes flying down in a flying punch for his ultimate fight with SM Locke, the scenes of survival and often times, brutality were gripping. And I haven’t spoken much about the musical score, but it left me crying at times (Charlie’s death etc). I loved this show and it will leave its mark for many years to come.


I think that’s it. I want to thank you all for the YEARS of positive comments, emails, and discussions about LOST. I don’t think there will ever be a show that moves people and our culture the way LOST has. So when we jokingly say, “what’s next?” I don’t think there will be another show to fill that void. So we go back to our tv’s, movies, books, friends and family. We move on from a shared consciousness, much as the Losties did. Connected in a way we could have never predicted and forever changed. I welcome thoughts and opinions in the comment section about the series finale and the show as a whole. I am putting my notebook away for now. It really has been great! Take care and until we meet again, c-ya!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What They Died For

I am going to be completely catatonic on Monday, May 24th. I cannot believe I am so emotionally tied to this show. As I reflect on tonight’s episode, I feel at ease knowing that they are going to end this right. I felt the answers that we got tonight were what we needed to know. I am not sure how it is all going to fit into 2 ½ hours with about 90 minutes of commercials (or so it seems!), but however long it takes to tell the end of this story, I believe I will be satisfied. LOST will go down as one of the best shows ever.


WE knew the minute Richard stepped outside and that he would “reason” with SM Locke that he was dead. I would have been more satisfied to have that confirmed, but logically if you were picked up several feet in the air and thrown at a high velocity…kind of makes it damn hard for you to walk away. Besides I think Richard’s part in this tale is done. I liked Sawyer’s line, “And I thought the guy had a God complex before”. Even with his heart breaking and things out of control, he was still true to form. When Desmond was arrested and walked into the cell in between Kate and Sayid I almost cheered. I really wish we had more time with Desmond in the Flash Sideways! That part of the story has gone from confusing and strange to one of the best arcs in the show.


Many of the connections were links between the original timeline and the flash sideways. We see that Hurley is now working with Desmond based on him remembering life on the island. Ana-Lucia was corrupt in the original timeline and is also corrupt in the flash sideways. Everyone is coming together at the museum gala which is similar to them meeting in the basement church with Eloise the first time around.

A big thing has been made about the identity of Jack’s ex-wife. In a perfect world it would be the actress Julie Bowen, as it was in the past. Everyone else is who they were from Rousseau being Alex’s mom, Anthony Cooper being Locke’s dad and Roger still being Ben’s father in the Flash Sideways. I think to toss Juliet, who has still yet to re-appear, in the role is cute but not consistent. I think she will appear in the Flash Sideways to reinforce her message through Miles that “It worked”. I think she will run into Sawyer and they will have a connection. Not sure who Kate ends up with.


I think there were major key points this episode that really resolve what is going on here.

Ben got back to his old bad self again. I didn’t like how he was muted this season, like all his power was for nothing. We see that it wasn’t for nothing as he aligns himself with SM Locke. He was a believer of Jacob and then was corrupted by the SM. In his comment that the door was where he was told he could summon the SM, but really he was the one being summoned, he realized that he has always following the wrong man. I don’t believe that Jacob had reached out to Ben at all, ever. In the cave before he stabbed him and Ben asked, “What about me?” Jacob responded, “What about you?” I think Ben finally realized what he was meant to do. But I wont ever believe that with Ben things are what they seemed. He is smart and cunning. SM Locke tells him he will be the leader of the island and then later tells him he is going to destroy it. Ben knows he is disposable. So what will be his end game? He’s already killed Widmore and gotten his revenge. What else is there left to do?

Another key resolution was the war between Widmore and Ben. For years fighting for control of the island and using their children as pawns. I was glad that Ben killed him because it stayed true to the story. Never would they align themselves especially after Ben was reminded of the death of Alex.

Candidates – I liked the resolution of why they were chosen to be candidates. Flawed, alone, searching for something. And Mothers would want to raise their young and not protect the island as they must. Jacob’s mother proved that by killing his brother to protect the island. Jack was always meant to be the new protector. But it wont be in the way Jacob did it. Jacob protected the physical island. I think Jack as the protector will do so in a different way. It’s the end. Not of Jacob, but of the world as they all know it. I think this is where the Flash Sideways comes in. I also have my suspicions about the who new candidate ceremony. It didn’t seem as though Jack changed at all and that it was more mind over matter. But either we assume he really is or isn’t is really not important. It is how things end with SM Locke.

Fail Safe - Desmond is the light where SM Locke is the dark. Desmond is the key if all else fails. He is working to bring them altogether in the Flash Sideways. They are have flashes of the island, not the other way around. So the flash sideways has to happen next. I can’t clearly see how that is going to happen, just that it is. Why was Ana Lucia not ready? Was it because she was still flawed where everyone else seemed healed? Is this really the end of does the story keep going and going with new Losties?


The time has come for all of us to come together and celebrate the ending of a really, really, really great show. But not just the show but the sharing of thoughts, feelings and good times over the last few years. Can you believe it…years! The LOST series finale party will be held on Sunday, May 23 from 6:00 – 11:30 pm. The link to the Evite is HERE.
All are welcome! I know some of you receive the link to the blog and we don’t know one another. But we are all part of the LOST family so join us!

I will post things as I see them this week. I am trying to stay away from any spoilers/hints until the big day. I read about the LOST convention in LA and was glad that I ended up not going. Although it looked like good times, there were too many cast members that have long since left the show (Dr Artz, Bernard, Yemi, Racinsky, young Ben Linus to name a few), and I am ready to move on to my next obsession. Any ideas when I’m done with my mourning period?!? Let’s discuss on Sunday. So until then, you all have a great week. Take care and until the 23rd….c-ya!

More Thoughts about LOST - Wed 9pm

See….told you I would have more to say!

I forgot another great line from Miles when in the closet and being shown the secret room and looking at the other door with Hieroglyphics, “Is that the secreter room?”.

And perhaps Richard isn’t dead just injured. I still don’t see his purpose to the storyline anymore so it really doesn’t matter.

I am not sure if I said this in the blog but I think it was Miles that freed Desmond. I think the spirit Alex told him what he had to do.

I think there were never actual rules between Widmore and Ben. We thought that they couldn’t kill each other because of “the rules.” Ben realizes that he was following SM all along and that Widmore was able to break the rules by having Keamy kill Alex. He then realized there were no rules and kills Widmore. I think the way he did it was to impact SM Locke.

Jacob told Jack that The Source was in the bamboo fields he first landed on when he got to the island. Could he be guiding Jack to the place where it all started? Just as Desmond is taking everyone to the portal at the museum? Eloise said there were times when whatever aligned and they could cross over. That is why they had to be on that specific Ajira flight with the specific people. I think it’s more about connecting the time lines then protecting The Source. The Source is supposed to be the source of Life, death, rebirth. The Flash Sideways certainly feels like a rebirth of the Losties. I also think the best way to protect The Source is to sink the island. Much like Atlantis. It stops the SM and anyone else from ever accessing it again.

What they died for – They died for each other. Sometimes to protect each other (Sayid, Charlie, Boone, Daniel, Juliet) and other times by each other (Ana Lucia, Libby, Shannon, Jin and Sun). They all had choices and its what led them to make the decisions that they did. So it makes sense that Jack would be the new Jacob. It was his progression. I remember in Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4), the kid was running behind Bruce Willis and saying that he couldn’t believe the danger he was putting himself in. Wrong place at the wrong time guy. The kid kept saying that he was not that guy. At the end, the kid helps Bruce save the day and Bruce thanks him. The kid says, “well, what was I going to do?”. Bruce turns to him and says, “That’s what makes you THAT guy.” I think of the Losties in that way as well. They seemed to have opportunities to leave and focus on their old life. Much like Michael did when he left the island. The major theme about Lost is choice.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Across the Sea

Okay…so we were WAY off. The hint I read online was that this week would prove that the writers knew the direction of the series years ago. Uhhh…maybe. Learning the identity of Adam & Eve doesn’t prove that. It just means they found a good way to connect the dots. I know...cynical. But I’m just not buying it. I still like the explanation and it does fit because of the black & white stone. But Jack had said they were less than 50 years dead so do we just assume he was wrong? I didn’t like the way they hit us over the head with it either. The minute he laid them to rest we understood who they were. The flashback to Kate/Jack/Locke was a bit much for me. Like, “See, we did know what we are doing!” But as Sawyer would say, “Hold on, Hoss.” We’re not there yet. I am getting the sinking feeling that there is going to be A LOT of things not answered now. Like why could baby no name see dead people? Doesn’t that suggest another higher power or entity to allow that to happen? Or is it simply because “he’s special”? I’m jumping the gun, let’s slow things down and take this piece by piece.


Good episode if it had come 2 weeks ago when they had that repeat. But now it’s just scary since we have 1 more episode before the finale. We got more story and more questions. Every question leads to another question? More like every answer leads to more questions. I can see the analysis going on and on for years!

I needed the day to step away and take a break from the episode because I think I was judging it too harshly. I think its just anxiety about this almost being over. Or maybe Darlton deserve a swift kick in the gonads for encouraging all this dissecting of the show and now running out of time for answers. I think to say that they ran out of time is giving them too much credit. They had time to creatively craft an ending but it seems like it was just all crammed in there. We were given the origins of Jacob, Jacob’s brother, the smoke monster, electromagnetic force, why people are brought to the island, Richard, the Temple, Cindy and the kids, the numbers, the whispers, why Walt and Aaron were special, Adam and Eve, and the origin of the frozen donkey wheel…all in 15 episodes. They also introduced another time line that is not supposed to be an alternative one, but extremely important and valid to the series. I just feel rushed. I want more time to digest what we’ve learned. I think that’s why I am feeling so melancholy to what otherwise would have been a great episode.


The use of white and black were everywhere. Jacob = blond hair, white baby blanket, white clothes, white rock while his brother was emphasized in black. The dagger, wine flask, and stones are seen thousands of years later. The Senet box is an old Egyptian board game. Jacob and his brother were 43 years old (the numbers) when they stopped aging. Jacob by becoming protector of the island and his brother by being killed/becoming the smoke monster. SM Locke referred to the fact that he had a crazy mother. I thought he meant Locke’s mom who was committed. He actually was referring to his “adopted” mother. Jacob’s mother told Jacob “It’s going to be you”, which is the same thing Sayid said to Jack before he died.


What we don’t know – I have some lingering questions about the episode. We will never know who or what came before the mother. We may never know why some people can see and speak to the dead while others can’t. Other than the island containing The Source of life and death, that is all we will understand about the specialness of the island. We may never know the importance of Walt and Aaron. I was beginning to think that they were Candidates. They were either brought by the Temple people or Ben for Jacob to determine that they were candidates. I believe they were not and that was why they were allowed to leave the island. I would love confirmation about this but we may never know for sure.

The Smoke Monster - Is there just inherently a malignant force that wants off the island? The vision Jacob’s brother had of his true mother seemed to want to manipulate him into learning about his people and getting off the island. Was that HIS nature or was it the SM that wanting to be released? Jacob’s brother’s body was dead. Was his spirit reincarnated into the Smoke Monster? Or did it need a dead body to reanimate himself? As I work through it, I think it is Jacob’s brother suspended between life and death.

What we do know – How Jacob came to be the protector for the Source. Why he chooses to bring people to the island, in part to find candidates and in part to prove his brother wrong about the nature of man. We know why SM Locke is so evil. People are a means to an end for him. Vessels to be used to get him off the island. I would also say that living among them he was able to see them at their worst. I think all of the islands questions have pretty much been answered.

What’s left – Does the SM get off the island or does Jack become the new protector of the island’s source? How do things end for the Losties? What is the significance of the flash sideways?

Darlton did an interview after the episode aired. This was one interesting thing I thought they had to say:

“We knew it would be an episode that would be divisive. We've been talking since the beginning of the season about the idea that the great thing of doing a show on your own terms is you have no excuses, but it's also slightly terrifying that if you're a mystery show, there will inevitably be episodes that answer mysteries. That has the potential to frighten, terrify, make people hate. This was going to be the season where we said, "Whatever your theory was, our presentation of the endgame of the show may disprove your theory, so we're sorry if you don't like the fact that you don't get the Man in Black's name, but you don't get it." So that's going to piss some people off, and it's their right to be pissed off. In terms of what the specific reactions are, it's too hard to say 12 hours after the fact, and without seeing where this episode plays in the grand scheme of the series. That's all we can say.”

They also emphasized that it always their intent to do a mega episode download of information and focus the remaining time on the characters. The characters, not the mysteries, are more important.

Well fine then! I will put away my tablet and pen and watch the next show as it is. Without looking above it, below it or through it. Perhaps then in some strange way it will all make sense. I think what’s most important about what they said is that what we know is what we know. There is not another explanation or rationalization. In some ways that is a relief because maybe we wont have to wonder weeks from now what it was all about? But something tells me…they have more mysteries left up their sleeve.


I now no that come Monday, May 24th I am going to be in a catatonic ball, shaking and whimpering in the corner of my home. Either because it was so good, so bad, or ultimately so gone. The title of the next episode is “What they died for.” Intriguing. I would love for that to be the answer to why so many people died on the island. Or perhaps their connection to still being alive in the flash sideways. Whatever the answer in 6 days we will know either way. I am going to try my best and just enjoy what is going on now. Entertainment Weekly has an awesome review of all 6 seasons, theories, characters (past and present). I would suggest you go out to your local bookstore and get it prior to the season finale. An Evite will be sent by Friday about the Finale Party. I hope most of you plan to attend. That’s it for this week. Take care and until next time, C-ya!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Candidate

Sorry, I am so out of practice. LOST takes a week off and I am completely discombobulated. But I will get back in the groove next week, I swear! I am so excited about the coming weeks I can hardly stand it.


WAH!!! I cried in the final moments of the sinking sub as the music played in the background, red light flashing ominously, Jin and Sun’s linked hands slowly separating as death consumes them. I balled like a baby! I think this was even sadder than when Charlie died. I wanted to kill Sawyer! He is really the fly in the ointment. Every one of his decisions, plots or plans goes wrong. I know there are masses of Sawyer fans…but I wish it had been him. It would have been sad, but he deserved it.

I just read this from another site so I’m giving them credit. There were 4 candidates left from the list that did not have their name crossed out - Kwon, Ford, Shepherd and Reyes. We didn’t know if they meant Jin or Sun. But we can assume that Jin was the candidate because if a candidate cannot be killed, Sun drowned but Jin chose to die. I would not be surprised if Sawyer, fed up with constantly being wrong and missing Juliet, does the same thing trying to be a hero. It seems to be his theme.


At this point, most were pretty obvious. Jack running into Bernard. The Apollo candy bar in the machine. Jack telling Locke, “What ever happened, happened.” The role reversals: Anthony Cooper being responsible for Locke’s condition on the island and the reverse in the flash sideways. Jack is a candidate on the island and Locke is a candidate in the flash sideways. The list goes on and on.


Widmore – I am still unclear on his purpose in all of this? If he wanted to help them, then why lock them up? It didn’t seem to help anyway. Instead of being straight with them since he knows the truth about the 2 timelines, why not share and end this? Or is that part of the rules? I am quite frankly frustrated with him at this point.

SM Locke – I believe Jack was right that they all have to die for him to leave the island. SM Locke seemed to confirm this when he realized the sub sank and nothing had changed. He knew that some made it out alive. I like this idea since his manipulations seem to have been consistent with them all along. Claire hurting Kate didn’t matter since Kate didn’t matter. But she is necessary to manipulate both Jack and Sawyer. I believe SM Locke needs them all to die so there is not a candidate to balance him on the island. I believe Widmore needs them to die so that he can merge the timelines. I think they need to die to get out of this. I like the fact that Jack seems to have become the true candidate as expected. I hope with him saving Desmond from the well that it will all come together.

Resolution for the characters – I think some have already gotten it. For those that died on the island, their journey is over. I feel they have to die on the island to be reset in the other one. In the flash sideways they seem to be experiencing memories. So the island has already happened to them even though they are living in the past. I am again reminded of the theory that what we are seeing in the flash sideways is the end.


There has been a lot of talk about what answers will or won’t be given within the next 3 weeks. Below is my list of must haves for this whole experience to have been truly worth it.

Walt – I need to know why Walt was so important. There were several seasons focused on him and to just let that entire storyline go will kill me. I either need another appearance by him or some sort of reference on the island or in the LA timeline. Something! Without that then the first seasons were just filled with empty promises. I think a connection could be made when you think about the little boy in the jungle taunting SM Locke. Seems about the age of Walt. Perhaps both boys are tied somehow to the mythology of the island. Or maybe I’m just grasping at straws! But something to think about.

Aaron/Claire – Why couldn’t Aaron be raised by another? I want that tied up too. It seems that he will be right now if Claire doesn’t make it off the island. I again just need a reference on the island or her giving birth in the LA timeline. I would take the fact that Claire goes into labor and has to be life flighted to the hospital, thus fulfilling the vision Desmond saw about her being in a helicopter to make Charlie’s death worth it. Charlie is still looking for her in LA so I can see a resolution possible.

Whispers – It was alluded to that the whispers were just the remnants of people who hadn’t resolved their issues on the island. So I need a previous person to come back or make some more connections to that point. I would like Mr. Echo or Shannon…but I’m not picky. I think it was too quickly revealed and needs a little more reference. This is a minor annoyance and without it I will survive. But it would be great if they would.

Ben/Miles/Richard – They have to meet back up with the group and make some kind of contribution. I want a confrontation between Ben and Widmore of some kind regarding their war. I also want Miles and Richard incorporated into the final episodes. They have become a part of the Losties family and to leave them hiding out in the jungle is ridiculous.

WHY??? – I think we will get the answer to the why this is all happening, resolution of Jacob and SM Locke, merging of the timelines and what it all means. I will be most happy if I get an answer and it makes sense.

This quote was from Wired magazine and an interview with Darlton explaining the non-answers that we will be given about the show:

"I assume that as a physicist, you say, “Force equals mass times acceleration,” and you can explain why. But when you spend time with a 3-year-old, you quickly find out that one question just begets another—there’s a “why” in the wake of every “why”—and the only way to end the conversation is to say, “Oh look, a Chuck E. Cheese!” The show is doing its best to say, “Oh look, Chuck E. Cheese!” For example, we’ve now given the viewers as much as we’re willing to say about the numbers, and we’re moving on. The characters are going to ask “What is the island”, and “Why are we here”, but more importantly, “How is it relevant to me.” They’re not sitting around in smoking jackets talking about the theoretical notions that we are, as audience members."

So what I take from that is that the characters will get the answers they need and deserve. They will get the answer to why them, was it worth it and what now. Only the answers the characters want and need….not us the viewers. They are not wondering about why the Others were so interested in Walt or if Desmond’s prophecy about Claire comes true or what were those funny whispers before they saw the SM or the Others in the jungle. They want to either go home or figure out why they needed to be there in the first place. I can respect Darlton being true to the show as long as its clear and rings true. If they can do that, then my 5 years were worth it.


Well, only 3 more episodes left. I am having a LOST season finale party at my house Sunday, May 23rd from 6:00 – 10:00pm. This is mainly so we can talk, reminisce, play a final game of LOST Scattergories, eat, drink and be merry before the 2-hour season finale. Another post with directions and more specifics coming later….just put it on your calendar. It’s the final one EVER – so if you have never been….now is your chance! All are welcome!

That’s if for now. Have a great rest of the week.

Take care and until next time, c-ya!