Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Good morning! I am on vacation so please excuse my late post.

It was a very slow episode this week. I think it was for the folks that hate to have to think about all the intricate connections. Everything was simple and out in the open. No hidden clues. It confirmed what we already knew and laid down foundation for future episodes. They cant all be winners!


I thought that Rose and Bernard had been married for years. It was interesting to find out that it had only been 5 months and that they were on their honeymoon. I liked Sawyers lines as always (Whats wrong Norma Rae? Union trouble down at the factory), Bernard (I liked you better when you hit people with sticks). I like that it seems like Locke is getting his act together again. I dont like crazy, weak Locke. We have confirmation that Ecko is making a church. It is clear that some are quite happy to stay on this island. I think the number will grow. Rose/Bernard (recovery), Jin/Sun (pregnancy and away from father), Locke (he can walk), Hurley (found peace and love), Ecko (reborn priest), Kate (no longer a fugitive), perhaps even Sawyer (man with all the power). I think its an interesting trend.

I want to insert here some crazy wild theories that are out there:
Purgatory (shot down by writers of Lost), alien habitat, all a dream of Hurleys, massive experiment and they are being watched (main one), they are all in the mental institution, they all were on the island as children and brought back as adults, heaven or the other side, collective unconsciousness, and my personal favorite time shift. If you would like an expansion of any of these theories let me know. There are massive clues and connections for eachbut they are all just theories. I like time shift the most because it explains the backward walking, time lapse and the constant flashbacks at the core of the show. One new addition to my ever growing wild theory is the skeletons found in the cave? Could they actual be Rose and Bernard? He said they would never leave. Further, could what we have be seeing all a flashback? Anyway back to the show.


The big one of course is Rose and Locke. I think there will be more connections to the Losties in the future though. Rose believes she has been healed by the island and so does Locke. Sun has but no one but her knows this (Jin does but he doesnt seem to care). Some have speculated that Rose may have the same disease as Walts mom. But there is not proof of that. I thought it was interesting all the crutches hanging in Isaac the healers place. I stared at the screen and the screen shots of his wall and nothing! I also went online and no one could find a link or a connection either. The healer and Claires psychic are familiar but are not the same person. I figured Isaac had to be someonebut couldnt find a connection.

Isaac mentioned the magnetic healing power of his location but that it couldnt heal her. We already know that the island has a strong magnetic force.

A nice little tribute to Otis Redding, his song was played in the scene with Bernard and Rose. He also died in a plane crash.


The only real questions I have is what is the significance of the Black Rock? On Rousseaus French recording, she states that is where they crashed (or the name of the ship was the Black Rock). It is here where her team got the sickness and she kills them. From the map last week, it is where Magnus Hanso was buried. Also could it mean the Black Rock is the source of the healing powers? I think us being shown the black rock (to make the SOS sign) and surrounding Jake and Kate at the meeting point of Zeke is important. Just dont know why yet.

The button doesnt count down. When Locke entered the numbers, he held down the button for a few seconds longer. The timer didnt start until he let it go. He was probably mentally contemplating the whole process, and I thought for a minute thought about itbut then he let it go and went back to thinking about the map. But what if he had held it down longer? Walt had said dont push the button, button bad. Henry has said it is a fake (By the way I think he did push it to keep the whole thing going). But what if they just held it down with a weight? They cant not push it, pushing it is doing nothing, so hold it down? I would be really interested if Locke figures it out and tries it.

Michael of course is not going to be the Michael we remember. I think either he is working for the Others now in exchange for his son. When he said that they are not armed, lie. We know they are more sophisticated (Kate and Jakes convo) so they either showed Michael what they wanted him to see or he is saying there are wild unarmed people based on what the survivors use to believe (maybe they do not know that Kate saw the disguises). He was gone too long to have just been their captive and escaped. He was released.for a reason.

Next weeks episode will be a re-run with a new episode the following week. It has been speculated that the remaining weeks will be exciting and leading up to the season finale5 more episodes left. Libby is now the only one we have not seen a flashback for. Hers should be very interesting and telling. We shall see.

C-ya in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Chills down my frickin spine!!!!!!

Dude this episode was slowbut the last 15 minutes made it all worth it. Wow! I am a little late because Mandesa was voted off American Idol and I needed to collect myself after that dramabut I digress.

Great lines as always: Saywer: I can buy a whole chain of convenience stores. Do you think Sayid needs a job? And it was classic when Hurley was yanking Sawyer back underneath the tarp. Dave: What? Do you really think they blew up the Death Star? Loved it.


The absolute beauty of the episode is that they took several of the wild theories and combined them into one storyleaving us with more questions than ever before. For months people (not you guys because you never respond!) but others have always thought the island was the collective unconsciousness of one mind. Some have guessed Hurleybut most thought it was Walt or Aaron (Claires baby). They showed how this theory could be completely possible. But it cant be true because why tell us the ending of the whole thing in the middle of Season Two?!?

They also touched on the survivors being watched. How else would Henry know what Ana Lucia was referring to when she mentioned the guy with the beard? If the beard was fake, how did he know who she was referring to? I also think that Henry knowing about what happens after 108 is either because he knows everything or because he was watching Locke at the time.

We also already concluded that the bearded guy is also a pawn or someone with no real power, Henry reinforced that. I personally think that Henry is THE guy. The ultimate twist in the experiment would be to be among them. He really knows too much to be just another Other. (I saw on the board someone thought this as well and made a great reference to Keyser Sose (sp?) from the Usual Suspects (Henry reminds me of Kevin Spacey!). If you have never seen the movie, shame on you! The line is, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesnt exist." I thought that was pretty deep in relation to all this. If they no longer believe, they will fall victim to the trap. I didnt believe he pushed the buttonbut now that he said he didnt, I think he is lying.

They revealed Hurleys wrong doing he killed two people due to his sin, gluttony. Seems everyone either killed someone or has dad issues. When Henry mentioned God cant see the island any better than anyone else can.I thought he meant that the hatch doesnt exist and it is all an experiment. Then of course the old purgatory theory. Or that God has forsaken them. Also that it is because the island is cloaked under the magnetic field. I think its more simple than that and he was referring that the island as they think of it doesnt exist.


I guessed Dave was a figment of Hurleys imagination when he took the picture (pat on the back for me). Of course Libby in the institution sent chills down my spine. The whole connection to the numbers (23 people on a deck, meant for 8, he killed 2 people all the numbers). The other is him playing Connect-Fourpart of the numbersgame of strategy. Dave says "See you in another life" to Hurley just before he dies, this is the same thing Desmond says to Jack when he left him. I was trying to look up who the psychiatrist wassomeone mentioned he was the doctor in the orientation film standing on top of the skyscraper. I have to find a screen shot to confirm. But that would make sense as to how 2 of his former patients ended up on the island. Those were the only ones I could pull out. I thought Leonard was someone or maybe the guy with the basketballbut couldnt find a connection. Dave, when he was running down his hallucination theory to Hurley, talked about the numbers and said, Where else did you see em? I thought he said, Seen him, referring to Leonard being in the hatch. But it was see em meaning the numbers and they were on the hatch (that is why Hurley tried to stop them from blowing it open). I thought I missed something (Oh, the horror!).


The obviousis this all a hallucination? If so, whose? Why was Libby in the psych ward? Was she watching Hurley as a plant or was she a psychiatrist who snapped? Who is Henry Gale really? Is he just and Other or someone more important? Is he the HE? What is he really up to? Did he push the numbers? Anther weekmore questions!


I am just glad next week is not a repeat. I am still reeling from this episode so I wasnt paying attention to the preview. Probably doesnt matter because nothing exciting will occur until the end anyway. But staying true.Ill be therewith remote control and laptopready to go!
