Friday, March 16, 2007

Par Avion

Par Avion

I would apologize for getting this to you on a Friday. But MOST of you didn’t even watch it Wednesday. And by MOST I mean one person. But it stings. If you, and you know who you are, are not going to make the commitment to stay up to 11:00-12:00 to watch LOST and be ready for discussion the next day, everyone suffers. And by everyone, I still mean just you.

I think we (the fans) have done a good job voicing that 10pm is just WAY too late. They won’t do this again to us Season 4. It’s a 9:00 show for sure. Oh well, on with the show. This will be short and sweet this week.

Great episode! LOST is definitely back. Of course I mentioned the major connection between Claire and Jack last season. So it was anti-climatic. But the whole Locke thing gave me chills. We will discuss that later. I thought they did a good job wrapping up stray storylines and I also liked how Desmond just told Claire what was up. No stringing her along, withholding, lying…he just told her. It was a nice contrast from the whole We-Are-The-Others-And-We-Never-Reveal-Anything thing that always happens. Sawyer almost got off his Barbie comment, can’t wait for his week to be up!

The biggest one of course is that Claire is Jack’s half sister. It makes it seem less than a coincidence that not only Claire and Jack are on the same plane, but that Christian was there too. This revelation is clue that everyone has daddy issues. The beginning of the episode when it opened showing her eye was similar to Jack’s when he woke up on the beach. The numbers were on the odometer on the car and were said over the intercom in the hospital. The tv program in Claire’s mom’s hospital room was the documentary about migratory birds that she would later refer to on the island. The book that Sawyer was reading was The Fountainhead. In a nutshell, about a man trying no to conform, preferring to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise.

Charlie – It seems to me that being around Claire is dangerous. All the near deaths are when he was with her. I think it’s a leap to think that it has anything to do with baby Aaron. Remember the Others wanted Aaron, why? Is he trying to off poor Charlie? For now, Claire doesn’t care and is standing by her man.

Claire – So she never knew Christian’s name. Will she connect the dots with Jack before they leave the island? Did she kill her mom? Wasn’t it just like when Juliette wished her ex-husband was hit by a bus and then he was? Now Claire, arguing in the car with her mom and wishing her dead, and then being hit by a car. Car crashes are extremely prevalent in the show. Another thing…didn’t Claire’s note seem really cryptic!

To whom it may concern, we are the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. We have survived on this island for 80 days. We were six hours into the flight when the pilot said we were off course and we turned back towards Fiji. We hit turbulence and crashed. We've been
waiting here all this time. Waiting for rescue that has not come. We do not know where
we are. We only know you have not found us. We've done our best to live on this
island. Some of us have come to accept we may never leave it. Not all of us have
survived since the crash, but there is new life too, and with it, there is hope.
We are alive. Please don't give up on us.

On one hand it was very poetic. But then again, it was like the other messages, no dates some information, I think we will definitely see that bird or at least, that message again.

Mikhail – He clearly would have rather died than taken back to the camp. I think an important thing he said was that since the sonar was down, if they leave, they couldn’t come back. That to me is important because of the reason they would want to…which they of course won’t reveal. We also get confirmation that Ben is not HIM. He seemed a little surprised that they didn’t know. Some people think that Jack will be their new leader. I don’t. I do think there is someone pulling the strings. The security fence didn’t have any dead animals, polar bears, boars – so I don’t think the Losties would have been hurt going through it. Someone (the above mentioned person who is responsible for the late blog) suggested that it might be a chip in the Others and the fence keeps them in. This is supported by the fact that it didn’t kill him until he was facing outward as if he was leaving. He fell, got up and faced them. Could just be dramatics…who knows!

One thing about the flashbacks, they can go pretty far into the past or just recently. That is something to always keep in mind. I have felt that the Losties existence is a flashback as well. Perhaps the Red Sox game is history because they are in a different plane of time. The Losties think its current but they are in the future and it is their past. Would kind of explain Mikhail saying “you won’t be able to come back” and “you are not capable of understanding.”

Locke - The biggest thing was Locke. I am going with the fact that, yes he is a sad sack, but he is doing all this for a reason. I think its still to easy to just say he doesn’t want to leave the island. If they leave and can’t come back, he can just stay. He’s blowing up hatches and now he has the C4. To blow up the submarine perhaps? Mikhail was about to reveal that Locke was paralyzed. Which leads me to believe the intel they have was all before the left the island because they didn’t try to steal Sun who is now pregnant. No one seems surprised that he is now walking around. Perhaps because they know the healing properties of the island? But then again, why would Ben need surgery. Everytime you seem to get one piece of the puzzle, there’s some crazy edge that just doesn’t fit. But Locke knew he didn’t win the chess game last week since he is an avid player. So he was searching for something. He was pushing that stupid code into the computer in the hatch, this is the first time a computer interacted with him. Not to mention the shout out to WarGames with the secure menus to the computer hidden by a game. So he was smart to sit at the computer in my opinion. He knew there might be an explosion because he would have already found and taken the C4. Locke is now the guy to watch.

Next week looks even better. They really did mean it when they said the rest of the episodes they will start showing us more. I am curious to see the Rousseau thing unfold, of course what is Locke’s connection to them. Not sure they will give up THAT much next week. But one can hope. Until next week, c-ya!

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