I am so very, very sorry for the delay of my weekly devilish pleasure. I was working late Thursday night and...gulp…didn’t watch LOST. Yes, it’s true. I have to be in the right mood mentally and I had work on my mind. I needed to wait until I had a quiet space to watch, review and reflect. And yes, to your next question…I am insane.
I have mixed feelings about this episode. I think it wasn’t so much of a hit out of the park like the rest of the episodes have been this season. I am trying to see the significance of it. Maybe because it has been in line with what I guessed, I didn’t find anything shocking. It was definitely entertaining.
There were a lot of connections this episode, mainly to the numbers. The numbers again are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. Penny’s address was 423. The code Daniel tells Desmond is 2343. The Black Rock diary was item# 2342. Desmond’s flash is 8 years ago.
Water is always a major theme on the island. It typically means that something bad is going to happen. For Desmond, they are a connection to his flashes. Most of his flashes with Charlie focused on him dying either by drowning or by lightening during a thunderstorm. Desmond flashes occur either in the rain or like in the bathroom when he came in contact with the water.
The Black Rock is another big connection to Widmore and Hanso Foundation. Magnus Hanso was the captain of the Black Rock. Alvar Hanso, head of the Hanso Foundation, is his great grandson. Tovard Hanso wrote the diary that has not been seen by anyone outside of the family. Widmore has now purchased the diary. Is this how his connection and interest in the island begins or is it to keep anyone from learning about it?
George Minkoswki’s dying words are, “I can’t get back”. It is close to Jack’s line at the end of season 3, “We have to go back”. The entire time differential may be why Kate says they can’t go back. Maybe not only because they lied and its part of the conspiracy, but they may physically not be able to get back.
Daniel seems to be suffering from the long periods of exposure to radiation. While at Oxford, his memory is not impacted. But by him not protecting his head, it can be assumed that it eventually does. He writes the note to himself about Desmond being his constant, not knowing if time shift will happen to him to. He writes it in his journal BEFORE he documents the correct coordinates as a result of his contact with Desmond. . If you noticed, he flips backwards in the journal to find the entry.
It is interesting that Daniel instructed Frank to leave on a bearing of 305. But Ben told Michael he had to be on a bearing of 325. Ben has never wanted anyone to leave the island. So we assume that Ben lied to Michael. But it also makes me think that Ben gave Michael the coordinates to the freighter. I think both Michael and Walt are on the Freighter. One working against anyone leaving, destroying the radio. The other trying to help them, such as opening the door. Which is which? I think Walt is working for Ben. Knowing they cannot leave, he destroys the room and goes to Locke in a vision. Michael still wanting to get back to the real world helps Sayid by opening the door. Or it could be Michael working for Ben as Sayid does in the future and Walt trying to help the Losties get off the island.
Time Shift
What we know is that any shifts in time cannot change the future. It can make you aware, but most people are going to continue on their path. The flashes are mental and physically the person does not change. Example, when Desmond writes the address on his hand on the freighter its not there in the past. Desmond appears catatonic, but still present.
What does this all mean? Why is this important? I don’t think it is. I think this episode was character development for Daniel and Desmond. The only significant thing that happened is to know that people experience time differently on and off the island. Ok.
What else did we learn? We knew that Desmond time shifts. We now know that it was probably activated by the explosion of the hatch. Penny is an important part of his life. Daniel knows of the time shift and has been working on the theory for years. Uh huh. And that Widmore is connected in someone to the island and perhaps the freighter. Continued father issues. So again, entertaining but more development of how Daniel is connected to the island and now that Charlie is dead, Daniel’s connection to Desmond. Also Desmond’s love for Penny.
I am excited to get back to learn what is going on back at the barracks. I hope to learn more about Sayid and the freighter, but understand that although they have given us a lot, they have to save some of it. I am loving this season. Until next week…c-ya!
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