Good morning everybody. I thought last night show was a really touching episode. Of course not too many surprises…but I still felt giddy when you-know-how came on the screen. I also had the sinking realization that it’s almost over. As we get closer to answers, we get closer to the end. But I hope the writers keep it coming because this has been one of the best seasons ever!
The show does couples extremely well. Charlie/Claire, Desmond/Penny, Kate/Jack & Sawyer, and even back to Shannon/Sayid. Jin and Sun are my favorite couple. I like how strong Sun can be at times. You felt her fear when Juliet was spilling the beans, and the betrayal Jin felt and the shame when Jin came back to forgive her. The show does feelings and emotions right. Loved seeing Hurley with Sun. I’m not sure if Hurley was glad not to see ghosts, the Oceanic Six or what?!? At least he was there for her.
Even though you knew he was coming, even though you saw him down the hall, even though this was the worst kept secret in LOST lore, wasn’t it GREAT to see him! Michael…er…Kevin is back! So many questions. So we shall save it for the questions discussion.
I initially believed Sun was Oceanic Six but Jin was not. I knew the minute Sun pregnant, Jin did not make it. Then when I saw him, and thought oh, he made it. Then when I saw his old phone, I crossed it out, he didn’t make it. On his way to the hospital, perhaps he made it but they are no longer together and it’s a “new” wife. But when Sun called out for him, I new he didn’t make it. It seemed too familiar to when Jack was drunk in the hospital and screaming for his father. The look they gave him and the look they gave Sun were the same. Pity. Pity because the person that person needs right now is dead. It was also clear when the store owner said to take the Dragon because it was the year of the dragon. Year of the dragon was in 2001.
Other connections: Expose starring Nikkie was showing on the tv set when Sun was leaving the room. The taxi cab that left Jin had a license plate 2369 that includes the numbers 23, 6+9=(15). The doctor and nurse were the same one in the flashback with Jin and then were with Sun post island. I believe Sun’s father is connected to the island since Paik Industry is a heavy metal manufacturer. I believe he made the freighter and is connected to Widmore through business. It seems Rousseau was correct and most people who come to the island are overcome with a sickness. Could cause paranoia, confusion and people to be suicidal.
Time: If Sun is going to start getting sick in 3 weeks and she is off the island the island by the time she gives birth, does that speak to the time shift? Island time they would be there less than 7 more months. But Kate’s mom said she had been waiting 4 years for her. How does Aaron’s age speed up but Sun is just now giving birth. Would seem to be that the babies would be closer in age.
“Good.”: Who was Hurley glad he was avoiding? The other Oceanic 6? I felt as if Sun missed Jin, but not because he was dead, because he wasn’t with her. She also seemed to be speaking to him. It reminded me of when Juliet was shown a video of her sister playing with her son. Perhaps Jin is still on the island, and she Sun is speaking to him. Why that day of all day? Hurley flew in to see the baby….but also because they had to visit the grave. Again, why that day? Was Hurley there for assurance?
Children: I think its interesting that Aaron is off the island but Claire is not. Jin Yeon is off the island but Jin is not. Did people have to sacrifice who left? Were they chosen or was it due to circumstance?
Headstone: In China, the husband and wife share a headstone. So the first date is Sun’s DOB. The last 2 dates are Jin’s DOB and date of death. The date listed is the day of the crash. So we can assume that he was not part of the 8 that survived the crash and then he died because the date would be later. So like the others, they are lying and saying that he died in the plane crash. Why?
Final question: Michael obviously working for Ben. Ben is still using Walt to manipulate him to keep anyone from leaving the island and from anyone coming to the island. How did he get on the ship? The freighters seem to know about everyone else, why not Michael (aka Kevin Johnson)? And where is Walt?
Questions, questions, questions!!!
The spoiler photo I did not happen and I confirmed it was not real. So LOST films scenes to throw fans off the scent. Damn them! Actually I am very glad what I thought was going to happen did not. I liked the way it played out way better. So watch out for spoilers or hints. They could be a ruse.
One more episode before the month break. Its focused on the freighter so that should be good. I am so glad that this is not the end and we will still have more episodes this year. It’s been great! Have a nice weekend and until next time, c-ya!
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