Thursday, March 26, 2009

He’s Our You


The LOST Weekend is coming up on April 3-5. I didn’t realize it’s the day of our big run (16 miles) in my marathon training so I think I may miss it. Even though it was the height of geekdom…I loved the hotel we stayed in and the pool was the bomb! So for having a relaxing weekend in Hollywood, meeting a few minor stars and a great dinner and dance, it was worth it. Email me if you would like to go or get more information.


First off the ABC promos lie. I knew that when the whole Aaron was an Oceanic 6 thing came out and their manipulation has not stopped. This episode was not what it claimed to be. Perhaps that is why I was a little disappointed. I thought we would get into the whole love triangle thing…but we got Sayid’s flashback instead. I am sure we will get the others flashbacks and learn why the decided to get on the plane. I like the idea of filling in the holes, but they seem to be using slow drying cement to do it.

Really, Kate? You couldn’t put together that Juliet and Sawyer hooked up? You were gone for 3 years and when you were on the island you were chasing after Jack. I thought it was fairly obvious. No funny lines or big revelations this week. It went back to the old formula of LOST – small movement in story, character development and flashback. It wasn’t a bad episode…just okay.


The book young Ben gave to Sayid was called “A Separate Reality”. Basically it’s written as a non-fiction book retelling the experiences of the writer and his time as an apprentice with an Indian sorcerer. Lots of hints to hallucinogenic plants and herbs in the book as well. The Numbers were on the car and backwards on the address of the building where Sayid killed the man. Sayid was drinking McCutcheon scotch, a reference to Widmore. The Russian letters on one of the buildings translates to Oldham Pharmaceutical. Oldham was the name of Sayid’s torturer. I guess he got off the island and made a fortune later with his truth serum drug. Although he was a little kooky…I didn’t seem him as the cold blooded murderer like Sayid. Sayid, I fear, is going to die soon. Much like Ecko, he is not redeemable and will fall to the island.


Is Ben dead?

I will be curious to see if there is any Back to the Future effect on what is going on in 1977 to 2007. If Ben is killed, will future Ben just disappear?!? I don’t think so. Knowing the show, the island will heal him.

What ever happened, happened. That is what Faraday said. So either Ben was killed and reborn by the island or Ben was just shot. I am going with the fact that Ben is merely shot and will be healed by the island. But what does Ben learn? That Sayid is a killer. So 30 years when Oceanic crashes, Ben knows him. He knows him intimately. He knows Sayid is a killer. Kind of like Saywer and Kate working on a runway when they were captured. Why? Because the island would need a landing strip for the future plane to land. Could Ben be experiencing the island much like Desmond? It seems like a dream but it’s a memory or premonition? I think it’s pivotal that Sayid shot Ben. Not necessarily because he kills Ben, but he, and maybe not just his dad, made Ben the way he is today.

Add in the fact that the island saved Locke when he was shot by Ben and thrown in a ditch and Michael & Jack could not kill themselves until they completed their destiny…my money is on Ben’s alive.

For those of you who don’t watch The Sarah Connor Chronicles, you don’t know what you are missing. Excellent show! You know…the whole Terminator thing. An interesting aspect of the show is that people from the future are sent to be with the teenage John Connor and his mother and stop judgment day. But these people are not necessarily from the same future. So their motives are skewed based on their future experiences. Relating that to LOST, let’s say for arguments sake that Sayid did kill Ben? That would cause the future to change. Is there only one set future? We know the future has to happen as it did before in many ways for them to exist on the island at all. BUT perhaps by someone else’s hands? For example, the purge could still happen, but by someone else. If you kill Hitler, perhaps Mengele turns out to be far worse. It doesn’t stop the future.

This was also in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (Oh yeah…revealing ALL my geekdom!). Worf was on a shuttle and hit time riff and all of a sudden was surrounded by 20 other Enterprises. He was trying to get back to his original time. Some of the Enterprises were trying to stop him because they didn’t want to go back to their time because it was filled with death and destruction. He had to return to his time. This is why I think Ben is not dead. The island is keeping its future on course.

Thank goodness the island made sure there was a heart surgeon on the island to save young Ben. Thus exposing their lie about who they are. It seems as if Jack is on his way to saving Ben twice in a lifetime. Perhaps why he trusted him again to save him again in the future.


So another week down. I’m not going to do a countdown to the end of the season. It makes me nervous! Stay away from the spoilers. There are hints to something big happening in the world of weddings, births and deaths, but I have not read past Spoiler Alert to learn more than that. I saw about four different spoilers this week which means people are getting sick and tired of waiting for the story to unfold. Don’t be one of them. It will be worth the wait. So take care, stay strong, and until next week….c-ya!

Thursday, March 19, 2009



I tried this new quiz, its all about Jin. I started out pretty good and then tanked. Beat my score, 6 out of 11. A very poor showing.


I am open to critiques about the blog. I was told that my last one was sloppy. That I didn’t give enough history of the characters to better illustrate the connections. Mean, huh? But after watching this week’s episode, that critique was painfully correct. So allow me to travel back in time and include the thoughts from last week and roll them up into a nice bow for tonight’s episode.


We knew that Faraday saw a small little girl and thought it was Charlotte. When certain things are obvious, it’s more likely true. So let’s say it was Charlotte and Faraday was fulfilling his destiny of warning her not to come back to the island – even though he now says he wont do it. I am curious to learn where he is and where has he gone and for what purpose.

Amy‘s baby was guessed last week by many to be Ethan. That would mean is that some survived the purge. But in the future, they are viewed as Others like the…Others. So those who survived and where chosen became the Others led by Ben. This makes sense since Ben had such a strong connection to Horace Godspeed. Horace was the one who found Ben’s mom and dad on the side of the road. That is where Ben was born and his mom died in childbirth. 10 years later, Horace offers Ben’s dad a job in the Dharma Initiative. And Ben arrives in 1977 on the sub. When Ben assists with the Purge of the island, and returns after killing his father, he returns to the barracks. He walks up to a now dead Horace and affectionately closes his eyes. Ben takes responsibility for Ethan because of Horace and Ethan, along with a small group of others, go with Ben. I like the way Juliet realizes she is holding her future love as a baby. Cool as cucumber. (Ethan was a surgeon, dated Juliet, kidnapped Claire and was eventually killed by Charlie).

Now Razinsky is building the Swan station better known as the Hatch. I guess this is where him and Kelvin survive the purge since the station is a secret station. Kelvin dupes Desmond into thinking that he thinks he is Razinsky’s replacement. Razinsky kills himself before Desmond arrives to the island by boat. Razinsky desgined and built the Swan station as well as the blast door map.

Pierre Chang takes on the island of Marvin Candle after the purge. I am assuming that something happens that results in the loss of use of his arm. At this point, the Purge isn’t until 1992 so some 15 years away. We see Ben as a young boy offering Sayid some food.

Back in 2007, Sun, Frank, Ben and Locke are back on the island, ravaged by the attacked by Keamy and his men. (I am going to assume for now that Rose & Bernard are in this time period as well but have lived for 3 years now since the rescue separated from the rest of the group). People have told be that they thought LOST was scary, and I never really agreed. Until tonight. Watching it all alone in a semi-dark house. When creaking started like at Jacob’s cabin, lights turning on and doors creaking open, OMG! Loved it! I liked how Sun disregarded the smoke monster waiting for them on the dock as an animal. LOL. That whole scene had The Shining feel to it, right? But of course in that book, he just went cabin fever mad. In the movie, it seemed as though he were more possessed by the ghost of a previous version of himself. Great homage. Some noticed (my non-HD t.v. didn’t catch it, but there was a girl behind Sun when Christian showed her the picture. No verification yet if it was a blooper, a stage hand at the wrong place at the wrong time or another manifestation, like perhaps Claire. I am leaning towards Claire because the door blew open. Just as Christian didn’t open the door, this thing didn’t either. Perhaps someone behind the whispers that wanted a closer look? But notice Christian scanned the wall for the correct year that Jin was in. How many times has the travel happened and different people have taken that place. I think a couple of years ago we feared that the Losties were going to become the Others and then another group would crash on the island. Seems in many ways that thought is coming to fruition. Primarily in the lies. We often wished just for someone to tell the truth. Stop being so cryptic and just answer the question. And here Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, and Jin are now doing the same thing. But instead of in the future…the past. Genious!


- Why are they in 1977? Why those particular people? What are they meant to accomplish or is there something they need to stop? How will their decisions affect the future, if at all? This is the bigger question.
- Why bring Sun back just to be separated from Jin who is 30 years in the past?
- Ben’s arm healed once back on the island. Why does the island cure some things and not others?
- Who is in charge of Dharma? They seem no to have a strong leader right now, Ben ruled with an iron hand.
- What happened to Rose and Bernard? The barracks were pretty much trashed in the 3 years since the Oceanic 6 were rescued. I assume Sun and Frank will run into them. I still haven’t forgotten the 2 skeletons that were found in the cave.


I thought it was a good episode. I feel that LOST is however losing fans because you have to open your mind and the pace seems to be going even slower. But I am still loving it. I hope next week we hear more about Locke and where Faraday is. Everything else can wait. 7 more episodes of the season…it doesn’t seem like enough time. As always, I’m enjoying the ride. Until next week…c-ya!

Thursday, March 05, 2009



Lost Fan Weekend is April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2009 in LA. If anyone is interested in enjoying a relaxing Saturday in Hollywood…sight seeing…lounging by the pool...oh and being surrounded by uber-nerds and talking LOST, let me know. I met Rose, Bernard, Yemi, Shannon, and Dr. Artz last time. Really nice hotel, silent auction, dinner and dance. The shag was cool too!


Great episode. All character development. Best lines go to Sawyer. Referring to Miles as Bonzai. And my favorite, “Your buddy out there with the eyeliner.” If that was not a shout out to the fans and their constant reference to Richard’s thick eyelashes, I don’t know what is. Beautiful!

What I liked most about the episode was how we got old Sawyer and bad ass Juliet. Sawyer falling back on his old skills of a con and Juliet as the best right hand man in history. Sawyer was wise, intelligent and very sexy. We knew Juliet would not be able to leave. I am very interested to see how the whole love triangle plays out. Not good so far since Sawyer didn’t just say, “There back!” but instead kept Juliet in the dark. I don’t think Kate deserves his love.


The four-toed statue was seen from the back. Daniel believes he has seen Charlotte as a child. The dates don’t exactly match, but close enough. When Sawyer wakes up from being unconscious, Horace asks if “How’s you head.” Sawyer says, “It hurts.” They each said the reverse when Horace wakes up from his bender. We know how Daniel is seen working for Dharma in one of the flashes.


Adjusting Time – Daniel said that whatever happens happened. So they are able to interact with the people in 1974. Does that mean they can now change the future? Will there next move be to stop Ben, the purge and eventually their plane from crashing? Daniel mumbles that he will not tell Charlotte to never come back to the island. Does he change his mind or will he in effect change the future?

Richard Alpert – I guess I thought since he was part of the island, that he knew everything. He didn’t seem to ask Sawyer as many questions as I thought he should. Why were the Others harassing Paul and Amy? Why kill them for having a picnic? How would taking Paul’s dead body back avenge their death – or would it just explain the situation by bringing proof that it was in self defense?

Babies – Is the purge the reason women can no longer have babies on the island? The intern was concerned about delivering a breech baby, not that the mother and child may die. Is Amy’s baby somehow special? He is about 30 in real-time. LOST never really introduces things without a reason.

Timeline – Since this was more of a character episode and didn’t reveal too many plot questions, I am just curious about the timeline. Why is it so important that they are stuck in this genre above the other ones? What is the significance of being there in the late ‘70’s? This is even before Ben comes to the island as a 10 year-old boy. I really intrigued by how they are tying things up. I read this great analogy that it was like puzzle pieces thrown on the ground and we sometimes complete the sky and clouds and other times the barn. Sometimes we start working on a piece we ignored on the puzzle box. That is what LOST is.


No LOST next week. I am not sure what is in on but it is not more important than LOST. After seeing the preview for next episode, I had an epiphany about the direction of the show. I will save it until I see it to gauge if I am right. But I am loving the way it’s going. Enjoy your week off. I will be chomping at the bit! Until then…c-ya.



Lost Fan Weekend is April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2009 in LA. If anyone is interested in enjoying a relaxing Saturday in Hollywood…sight seeing…lounging by the pool...oh and being surrounded by uber-nerds and talking LOST, let me know. I met Rose, Bernard, Yemi, Shannon, and Dr. Artz last time. Really nice hotel, silent auction, dinner and dance. The shag was cool too!


Great episode. All character development. Best lines go to Sawyer. Referring to Miles as Bonzai. And my favorite, “Your buddy out there with the eyeliner.” If that was not a shout out to the fans and their constant reference to Richard’s thick eyelashes, I don’t know what is. Beautiful!

What I liked most about the episode was how we got old Sawyer and bad ass Juliet. Sawyer falling back on his old skills of a con and Juliet as the best right hand man in history. Sawyer was wise, intelligent and very sexy. We knew Juliet would not be able to leave. I am very interested to see how the whole love triangle plays out. Not good so far since Sawyer didn’t just say, “There back!” but instead kept Juliet in the dark. I don’t think Kate deserves his love.


The four-toed statue was seen from the back. Daniel believes he has seen Charlotte as a child. The dates don’t exactly match, but close enough. When Sawyer wakes up from being unconscious, Horace asks if “How’s you head.” Sawyer says, “It hurts.” They each said the reverse when Horace wakes up from his bender. We know how Daniel is seen working for Dharma in one of the flashes.


Adjusting Time – Daniel said that whatever happens happened. So they are able to interact with the people in 1974. Does that mean they can now change the future? Will there next move be to stop Ben, the purge and eventually their plane from crashing? Daniel mumbles that he will not tell Charlotte to never come back to the island. Does he change his mind or will he in effect change the future?

Richard Alpert – I guess I thought since he was part of the island, that he knew everything. He didn’t seem to ask Sawyer as many questions as I thought he should. Why were the Others harassing Paul and Amy? Why kill them for having a picnic? How would taking Paul’s dead body back avenge their death – or would it just explain the situation by bringing proof that it was in self defense?

Babies – Is the purge the reason women can no longer have babies on the island? The intern was concerned about delivering a breech baby, not that the mother and child may die. Is Amy’s baby somehow special? He is about 30 in real-time. LOST never really introduces things without a reason.

Timeline – Since this was more of a character episode and didn’t reveal too many plot questions, I am just curious about the timeline. Why is it so important that they are stuck in this genre above the other ones? What is the significance of being there in the late ‘70’s? This is even before Ben comes to the island as a 10 year-old boy. I really intrigued by how they are tying things up. I read this great analogy that it was like puzzle pieces thrown on the ground and we sometimes complete the sky and clouds and other times the barn. Sometimes we start working on a piece we ignored on the puzzle box. That is what LOST is.


No LOST next week. I am not sure what is in on but it is not more important than LOST. After seeing the preview for next episode, I had an epiphany about the direction of the show. I will save it until I see it to gauge if I am right. But I am loving the way it’s going. Enjoy your week off. I will be chomping at the bit! Until then…c-ya.