Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Long Con

Well hello everyone...

I can't help but love this show. Man! I hope the “sickness” is spreading and we get more folks infected at HTH. This is going to be a long one so bare with me. The stuff just keeps coming to me!!! Did you figure out the common thread???? It’s at the end of this in case you didn’t.

This was a tough one again this week. I didn’t like to see Charlie suffer last week and get punked in the end of the episode and now Sawyer reverting to his evil ways. Of course he never really changed…just was injured. But I think opportunity to con and truly being bad are not mutually exclusive. He can be an opportunist and still have some good in him. It seems slowly that they are breaking every character down.

Between Hurley and Sawyer, Sawyer wins for the best lines:

Hurley -
Are you going to put the Lime in the coconut and drink it all up?

Sawyer -
To Jack: Hang on, I'm about to get the high score on Donkey Kong.

To Locke: Sure, Sun gets attacked in the jungle, and you think it's a good time to start using the Dewey Decimal System.

Calling Jin Tokyo Rose.

And to Charlie: Look who had to relocate to the suburbs.

Love it!


Hurley threw that comment out about, “or another time.” When referring to the transmission. But I don’t think that means anything….yet another shout out by the writers to the freaks like me and our hair brain theories. Unless of course you connect that to when he was in the bunker the psychiatrist made a comment about the washer and dryer being newer than anything else? Hmmm…

Interesting that they have a Doctor, Psychiatrist and now a Dentist on the island? Why mention Bernard’s profession? Everyone - Sayid, Ana Lucia, Jack, Ecko, etc - former professions in life factors into their role on the island.

Back to more concrete things…I knew it was one of them who stole Jin. Because the dog was around and barked when Shannon got shot when it was the Others. Dog knew Charlie. And of course the watch he was wearing. I did remember the connection between the rain and the Others…but again…the writers throwing a curve ball.

Locke was probably looking for more parts of the reel in the books. The book he was shaking “Owl Creek Bridge” is about a civil war guy about to be hanged. But then he escapes from his captors and runs to freedom. Of course there is a loud noise and his neck is snapped and we find out he in fact is hanged and it was all in his mind that he got away. Surprisingly enough…I am taking it at face value and it is referring back to the whole episode being a con.

Interesting tidbit….Sayid and Hurley were listening to Glenn Miller on the radio. Glenn Miller disappeared as he was flying to Paris for a Christmas concert. He was never found, presumed dead in a plane crash. I get chills when I think of that.

I think that is it for now. Did you figure out the common thread???? The link this week was between Sawyer and Kate. Calling his girlfriend dimples and Kate freckles…subtle. But the big one was notice anything about the waitress at the diner where Sawyer met the other con man?? Kate’s mom.

Okay…that’s it for me. ‘nite.

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