Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Hidee Ho!

It’s Spring Break. Whohoo!!! Cancun? Mazatlan? Hell no…Just looking forward to a new episode of Lost! Sorry for the delay..fell asleep. But there was soooo much to process this week.

On to the show…and remember our new format (Summary, Connections, Questions).


I thought it was a good episode. I do like it more when the flashbacks tie in better to the story. This time, it was a peek, but not a full look. Good Sawyer and Jack scenes… best line goes to Kate (“Should I go get a ruler?”) Hurley was good as well.

KNEW IT!!! The “Henry” is an Other. But is he?!? We will discuss this later in the Questions section. He is definitely playing Locke, who is once again being set-up. I think that the flashback to Locke being a Home Inspector definitely illustrates how his previous life figures into the island (analyzing, observing, knowing how to fix things) definitely better than working for a Box Company.

I think they would all be better off if they talked more to each other. No one shares information which adds to the confusion. Locke probably will not mention the map, Kate did not mention the beard…so it is no wonder that they don’t ask the right questions when the time comes – they don’t share or ask them of each other.


This is a hard section because there were so many….the map stuff I got off the website because I don’t speak Latin at all.

Locke Flashback

Cooper (Locke’s father) is a con artist. We know he is rich and conned Locke out of his liver…but was he really? Rich men don’t hide out in motels even if they were faking their own death. The con is the most important part. Cooper is Sawyer. Remember Sawyer (James) took on the alter ego of the man he is trying to find. That man is Cooper (Locke’s dad). I thought Maybe Helen was in on it too (the long con) but I don’t think so. I think the bigger link is between Locke and Sawyer. The safe deposit box had some of the numbers in it. And Kate was trying to rob a safe deposit box…but I think the clearer link is Locke and Sawyer.

You all saw Nadia as the new owner of the house that Locke was inspecting. So she did not die as Sayid thought.

Oceanic plane flying overhead as Locke was at the motel at the end.

When Helen was at the door of the motel, she said, “Are you him?” Just like Desmond said to Locke when they were in the hatch.

Back on the Island

Food from the food drop was for the swan hatch (swan logo on the food).

Address on driver’s license for the real Henry Gale matches flight number of the plane. There are a lot of other similarities to the numbers on the driver license – added up etc they all relate to the numbers.

Great picture of the map on the wall-

Below are the Latin translations of the words –
Cogito Ergo Doleo - I think therefore I am depressed
sursum corda - lift up your hearts
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest - It’s a bad plan that can’t be changed.
(Publilius Syrus) Malum prohibitum - A prohibited wrong. ...
aegrescit medendo - the treatment is worse than the disease (BEST ONE)
Hic sunt dracones - Here be dragons (maybe the magnetic field…black smoke?)
Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est - The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow
Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse - I think we're on the same wavelength
CVII = 107
CVIII = 108

The entire map shows the connections between the hatches and what has gone on before. It is believed that Desmond made this map.


Okay…here is where the wild theories run rampant.

Henry was sent to scout for the food drop and was using Henry Gale as his cover. He is captured by the French woman and then Sayid. So the options are that he is an Other, trying to get the food since the survivors are in the hatch. Or he is part of the Dharma group and is helping to shift the experiment. Or he is Kelvin (Desmond’s partner-thought to be dead).

I think the doors come down so that the drop can be made. Somehow the magnetic field is lowered so that the parachute can pass and land. Maybe it’s also to keep them from pushing the button, which maintains the magnetic field. I think Desmond and Kelvin (Henry) are part of the experiment and have found answers…but are still clueless. They are there to push the button every 108. They are then restricted from pushing the button when the food drop is made. I think Henry went and reset the system and opened the doors for Locke. He didn’t leave because he needs something from Locke as well as from the group. Better to create an ally.

The doors start to close and Henry is panicked. He typically doesn’t speak to them outside just listens and gains more insight. So why now? Because he knew what was happening. Remember he questioned about how the food got there etc. He was really trying to find out what they knew. Or perhaps trying to establish a time line? The doors come down to indicate the dropping of the food. I thought the woman sounded like Helen… but it was really someone indicating the coordinates and count down for the drop. I think once Henry was out….he shut off the function and reopened the door. No way he remembered those numbers he just heard once…can you recite them and we have heard them for over a year!

Sayid knew Henry was lying because as he said, “he had no passion for his wife.” So he continued to dig and see that it was really someone else. The real Henry Gale is connected somehow to them, but it is still unknown how.

So big things that happened:
-Confirmed Henry is lying
-Outside contact with the world possible (food drop)
-Map on the wall of the Hatch

The Week Ahead

Did you see the preview for next week!!! Don’t eat the food! It’s contaminated…or laced with a hallucinogenic? Think...Hurley has been sneaking food from the hatch…taking more than everyone else…the rest eat the fish and fruit – he needs the processed junk. Only logical that he would be affected first.

Have a great rest of the week!!!

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