Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Season 2 - Final Thoughts

I told you I needed time to reflect more!

Funny to open my email and hear from YOU. Oh what will we do without our shows??? Perhaps talk to our family, go out doors...maybe even pick up a book? NAW!

I think the foot ties into the whole cloning thing. Perhaps not everything comes out right. Or maybe the whole time shift thing and that statue is left over from another time and another civilization. We don't know how old the island is. There is a quote from the play, Headlong Hall, "Here you see is the pedestal of a statue, with only half a leg and four toes remaining: there were many here once." I have tried to hunt down more about that but it has eluded me. So I am going with Lost civilization for now.

I think that them having names just shows that they are not the Others we thought. Everything is a lie, from the beard to their camp to their names. I have not found in any connections with their names and the Losties.

The Dickens book, Our Mutual Friend, It centers on the theme of "money, money, money, and what money can make of life". A young man is on his way to receive his inheritance, which he can only claim if he marries a beautiful, mercenary girl whom he has never met. However, before he can arrive, a body is found in the Thames and identified as him. The money passes on, instead, to the Boffins, and the effects spread throughout various corners of London society. Ties to Lost? Desmond is presumed dead but he isn't on his way to be with the woman he loves, or more correctly, redeem his honor for the one he loves.

Below is the email I was typing...just some final thoughts:

Hi all. Cant let go yet.

We took the quiz during the party and there were a few outstanding questions. We knew the answers just kept changing them in the wrong order.

Sayids university: Cairo University

Boones blood type: A Negative

Charlies tattoo: Living is easy with your eyes shut.

Sawyers book: Watership Down

I had another quick question: If Rose and Locke were cured by the island. If the Electro-magnet field is destroyeddoes that mean they will get sick again?

Okay. I thought it was a solid season. I loved the lines by Sawyer. Charlies transformation. The introduction of Echo. I liked Jin and Suns relationship. Absolutely love Sayids strength.

I hated Lockes struggle and hope to see him recover from his latest mistake. I also didnt like the whole Michael thing. The deaths seemed pointless.

The show has resolved the issue with the electromagnetic field, the numbers, the computer. More questions about the Others, the experiment, and why them?

I think the new direction of the show might be more contact between real-time on the island, real-time in the world and flashbacks (Libby, Claire (no big prior connection to another Lostie), the Real Sawyer). If the charade is over, will we learn more about the experiment? I am excited to see what possible direction it can still go in, without revealing too much and keeping us interested. Sadly, I cant see it going for more that 2 more seasonsunless you add new characters or another crash. Perhaps the Others will get flashbacks?

I am going to stick with my unsubstantiated theory:
These people have some connections, but most are purely coincidental. They have flaws and issues to resolve, but are basically good people. They were all on the same flight and the flight was brought down by a mistake that occurred on a hidden island that is being used for experimentation by the Hanso Foundation. The electromagnetic pulse disrupted cabin pressure and tore the plane apart. Once on the island, some where chosen to be exempt from the experiment. I believe they were released. Others were chosen to be part of the experiment such as Aaron and Walt. The main characters naturally just gravitated to it by their curiosity. Once you are on the island, you cannot leave. The island cannot be found because not only is the EM keeping it hidden, but also there is a shift in time. The Others want to continue their experiment with those that are chosen to be special from the group. Since they have contact with the outside work, they know who they want. Widmor Corporation funds the Hanso Corporation. The monster are rifts in time as well as the voices. They want to be left alone to experiment, but they need 2 more people, Walt and Aaron. As a result, the experiment has been compromised. Everything else is wild hoaxes to keep everything secret. There are cameras and surveillance throughout the island, which is why they are always a step ahead of them. I believe Penny is tracking the EMP or she has a tracking device on the boat and when the EMP occurred, it allowed the signal to get through. Henry is a higher up and once in the trap, wanted to learn more about the personalities of the Losties. He was intel 100%. I believe they still want Aaron and eventually Suns child. But like Alex, they dont hurt the children, she became part of the experiment. I believe that Walt is not Walt. Perhaps a twin. I thought that Lost was more like the movie Unbreakable with Bruce Willis. I wont spoil the ending, but disasters occurred in an attempt to find the hero. I thought that people were put together in an attempt to get them on the island for experimentation. But no way to control who lives and who dies? So I think it was an accident for them to be therebut the once they are there, they are forced to stay and participate. But the more I thinkthe more I change and twist my theory. Not to mention actual proof that typically blows it all to hell!

Anyway.good night and good luck.

Live Together, Die Alone

Look Familiar?!?

Let me just start by saying thanks for a great party!!! Lots of food, fun, guys forgot your prizes!!! Thanks to everyone who came and for my lovely gifts. It was great. Next year it will be bigger and better.

How pray tell can I make it even better??? Well for startersI wont fast forward 10 minutes of the show!!! We missed soooooooooooo much last. I was on the boards at midnight going what? Desmond saw Libby?!? But I downloaded it this morning and re-watched.

There are a ton of crazy and insane theories flying now that some have been dispelled and others have been confirmed. Lets start with our regular format.

Well, we now know how the plan came down. The result of Desmond not pushing the button. The rest of the world exists. They all know that Michael double-crossed them and killed Ana-Lucia and Libby. We know why those four - to keep Jack, Sawyer, Kate and have Hurley tell the group not to go after them. We see Desmonds back story and why and how he got to the island. Michael and Walt are reunited. Charlie and Claire share their first kiss. A lot of my questions or hopes were answered. I want morebut then what would the point of the show be if they told us too much? So it was enough for mesolid season, good finale. Great would have been black smoke going up to Hurley and reading him on his way back (Although I am sure that he will meet with Jin or Sayid on his way). Turning over the guy they shot to reveal who he was (some think Mr. Candle/Wichman because he looked Asian). Maybe Walt saying something cryptic to Michael. But all in all I liked it.

The cell block where Desmond was 5B(The numbers). He has a pocket watch that he was given when he got out of jail. (Jin had Suns dad watch-some connection to time). Ethan is the man who interrogated Sayid in the gulf. Libby (Elizabeth) was the woman Desmond was talking to in the airport. Widmor Corporation sponsored the race around the world, Desmonds girlfriends dad, company Michael worked for and maker of Suns pregnancy test. Libbys husband is named David. Hurleys alter ego was named Dave. Connection? I think so! .. There were about a million ah-ha moments in the show between Desmond and Locke, all centering around how their lives intersected. I think that Locke feels his life lacks purpose. But his actions give purpose to other people (Charlie, Desmond, Echo).
But since he cant see it in hishe thinks he is wrong. That is why he couldnt accept that Echo would continue pushing the button if he didnt want tohe needed to prove it was wrong and by doing that make sense of everything.

Okay since my coworkers are hounding me, I am going to make this quick. I reserve the right to send supplements in the future.

I read that the whispering in the forest was saying Elizabeth. Not sure why or how that impacts anything. Is it a massive stereo system on the island that is causing the whispers or what?!? I have always thought it was someone speaking on another dimensionmy time warp theory. More evidence of that is when they showed the 2 researchers at the end. One was named Lenny. Lenny supposedly went crazy and was in the mental institution with Hurley. That is where Hurley got the numbers. But of course that was in real time. But what IS real time on Lost island??? Everyone on the net was screaming that the researcher on the phone was Jacks twin. STRONG resemblance but the ear lobes are different. That would be an interesting twistbut too much a stretch. But back to Lenny, if it was Hurleys Lenny, the time is all off. And the time seems to be making more sense with the plane crash happening 9-22-04, same time the series started.

I think there is something up with Walt. Henrys comment about We got more than we bargained for. What does that mean?!? And remember back to Miss Klughs questions of Michael (Has Walt ever been in a place he wasnt suppose to be?). He just seemed strange and unconcerned about what was going on. Not to mention, no mention of Vincentwhich was really important to him before.

I like the snow globe theory. That they are stuck somewhere they cannot get out of, once they are in. A big Island Oasis. Perfect place to experiment.

I found it interesting that after Desmond turned the key, that part of the experiment is over. The Others didnt seem overly concerned about the magnetic field going off. They reacted to the sound, but once it was over, they went back to business. Also Charlie was pretty happy when he came back. He said, Echo and Locke hadnt made it back yet? What if what he meant was that they werent back from looking for Henry Gale? Maybe that light erased his memory slightly. I assumed he meant back from the hatch. He just seemed too happy. Of course the other option is that there was some resolution that we have yet to see and it will be shown Season 3.

Libby didnt seem to be plotting against Desmond. But she has been around a lot of the Losties. I am looking for one more to be convinced that she is an Other. Perhaps a connection to Jack since Her husband was sick. Maybe he was treated by Jackher and Desmond are back in the US.

Claire was also an idiot to just start to inject her son. But it did look like Michael was getting the sickness, on his hand and forehead. Maybe she is not so dumb after all.

The Others seemed okay letting go of the façade. It seemed as though they no longer needed to hide it. Henry is a top person but not the tippy top.

Wellthats it until September. Thanks for all the input, kudos and great conversations. Next year, there will be no reruns, yea! They will run 7 episodes, go away for 8 weeks (New cop show), 6 more til the season finale. I prefer that because it doesnt disrupt the flow of things. Of course those middle months are going to be hardbut we will survive.

Until the FallC-ya!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Three Minutes

More like 12 hours! :)

Three Minutes Lost Discussion

Hello all! Late as usual. L I had a Brownie graduation to facilitate and I was scrubbing the frosting off carpet at 9pm so I watched Lost later that night. The kids were late to school because I had to re-watch it this morningthus the delay in the discussion. Not so much solved, instead more questions. I am not even sure how to organize this episode. I think I will go step by step and we can discuss along the way

I was so mad that the previews of the Others was really a short flashback for Michael. I thought they were really going to interface with them. I just had a whole crazy theory I just deleted about the date stampblah, blah, blah. But the caption is to show us what else was happening on the island and the flashbacks are just memories that the Lost people are having. Perhaps we dont get a date stamp so that we cannot figure out when all this is happening, or as some think, those are implanted memories and connections.

I loved the story Echo chose to tell Michael. I think he knows something is up but his button mission is too important so he lets it go. He wont even leave to get his things. His church mission allowed Charlie to focus on something else and get past his demons. Although not built, Echo had completed that mission. Remember, Echo asked Charlie to help him. Being the only one besides Sawyer who would speak to him at that time. He gave Charlie a mission and renewed faith in himself.

Cant skip over Sawyers lines: Captain Arab and I screwed her. You what? We got caught in the net. I liked how Sawyer was sensitive this episode. Of course this means he will over compensate next time and be an ass. But it was nice. I LOVE Sayid, new favorite. He knew right away Michael was plotting. Not sure why it wasnt more obvious why he would want Kate to go instead of Sayid??? Duh!

Some quick connections: Miss Klugh was the woman in Echos black smoke vision. Some say she was also on the healers wall unconfirmed. When Miss Klugh said, For someone who wants his son so badly, you dont seem to know him at all. Same thing the lawyer said to him when he lost custody. Alex is Rousseaus daughter.

Question about Others

I thought it was interesting that Pickett shot at Michael first. Zeke stopped him, but if he knew they needed him, why shoot at him. I dont think they were expecting him, it was Walt sending the messages. They were holding him underground but let him out from time to time. We see Zeke back in costume. Either him and the other one are twins, or maybe some of the Others are part of the experiment and some are not. I noticed the similarities between Pickett and Sawyer. (See you in the funny papers, so your Walts old man, country twang in voice). There are other important people but these 4 have been focused on. They must have known by viewing the hatch that they were coming with guns to find Michael. It seemed like Alex has a problem with this whole experiment thing. She was nice to Claire and assures Michael that his friends wont be hurt, they are just scaring them away. They knock him out so he doesnt see what else happens. They want Henry back probably because he was getting to close to Locke. He even said that they would kill him if he said anything. I am not sure what side Henry is on. I dont think he is on the side of the Others anymore.

Question about Walt

I think there are several things going on with Walt.

Good Walt: I think Walt was tying to send a message to Michael but Michael was too desperate to listen. Walt told his dad to calm down. He asked about Vincent (which is strange how Vincent knew to bring the statues to Charlie and not someone else psychic link). Walt said they make me take tests. He almost sounded apologetic. I think more to measure, understand and control his abilities rather than to hurt him. All the questions from Klugh about seeing Walt where he shouldnt be. We have seen this in Shannons visions. I think they are using Walt on the survivors. They are running tests on him by having him run tests on them. I believe Walt knows Michael is going to die and was telling him he loved him as a good bye. Walt kept saying Dont leave me Dad. He was trying to tell Michael not to go get Henry and do what he was about to do. If he just stayed and didnt get Henry.then what? They said he would never see his son again. Not that they would kill him or Walt. So many undertones and double meanings. And the room?!? What does the room make Walt do? It didnt sound like a punishment for him, but rather a punishment to those he loves. They wouldnt hurt him, remember.

Bad Walt: I dont get into the commercials, websites, phone numbers stuff that goes along with the show (Hanso Foundation). But there was a common clue that runs through all of them and I think on the map somewhere? Heir Apparent -one whose succession especially to a position or role appears certain under existing circumstances. So perhaps it is Walt running things. He may not have control of his powers so he is not in control yetbut he will be. He is still a kid with a lot of power. When he was being taken away, it was more of him trying to stay but understanding why he was being carried away. I am thinking there is something else up with Walt. Why is he still in the old clothes from the plane crash. Why not at least change him. I thought he was just a vision but when he touched him he was real. But he didnt run up right away to see him. Only after his dad kept saying he would do anything to get him out of there.

And when he said they arent who they say they are, theyre pretending. Does he mean the others or potentially someone else at the camp? Could it be our fearless four? We know Sawyer is pretending, Kate on the run, Hurley in a mental institution. Or maybe he was telling us what we already assumed. That the Others are pretending and are really the scientists.

Questions in General

Miss Klugh never asked Michael to kill anyone. Just to make up a story. But she must have known because she said, They will be angry enough to follow you.

Why Kate, James, Hugo, Jack. Michael said to Jack, Only those that already know. Know what??? Sayid saw Henry, everyone was at the funeral. Echo and Locke were off to track down Henry because of the shooting. So why them? I see some connections but to me, Hurley is the odd choice. Except his connection to the numbers. The running theory is that because they all had visions of people or things while they were awake, that is why they were chosen. Some others think the whole dad thing. I dont have a clue. I think it is more of their similarities to the Others. Zeke & Jack play similar roles, Pickett & Sawyer, Alex & Kate, not sure how Hugo fits in. Miss Klug reminds me more of Echo or possibly Locke. Hugo is the key to figuring this out. And why ask by their first and last name? Why not Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Hurley. That is what they are called in the hatch. Its not the manifest because Ethan never got it. Kate and Sawyer were suppose to be on that flight but Jack and Hugo got lucky (Jack didnt have the right papers for the casket and Hurley didnt fit). Also Sawyer had been going by that name for yearsnot hard to believe he had fake identification. What is so important about those four but excludes Charlie, Claire, Sayid and Locke? I see the connections between Sawyer, Jake, Katebut not Hurley.


The boat at the end is Desmonds that he used to sail around the world. This is where we see the return of Desmond, hopefully what happened to his partner, and how Libby fits into all this. Also notice the stock pile of tubes that were suppose to carry the journals.? Of course Jack finds them instead of Echo and Locke who would know instantly what it means. Saw the explosion that throws Charlie curious to see what it does to Locke and Echo. Does Echo make it out or is he caught in the door like Henry. Who is Sawyer shooting at? Who dies?!?! I think the black smoke had something to do with the plane coming down. But Desmond would have pushed the button so it was not his fault. It gives more evidence that it does nothing. If not pushing it made the plane come downwhy was Desmond still there pushing it when they found him? Questions, questions, questions!!!! See ya next weekhopefully for the answers!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


They caught me this time. I typically can get this out much sooner but they grabbed me at the door and forced me to work. But I tried to stay faithful to the group as much as I could.
Begin scene:
Child: Mommy, why are you watching Lost this morning?
Me: Put your socks and shoes on for school!
Child: But Mommy you watched it last night?
Me: Yes, I know but I needed to review the numbers on the transcript from the hatch one more time.
Child: What hatch?
Me: Get dressed! We gotta go!
And...End scene. Children late for school.
So I tried.

Solid episode. I have never been so happy to see someone spit up blood in all my life. But unfortunately our dear Libby is gone. She will however be connected through flashbacks still, she is not off the show but character Libby is dead. I didn't hear any good Sawyer lines tonight. Freckles was the only reference he made. Also the Artist Formerly Known as Henry Gale. I miss those. Of course if I wasn't studying the show like the bar exam I might have felt some sort of emotion when Hurley said, "I'm sorry I forgot the blankets." Cut to Jack looking away. So sad. Everyone's lips moving saying "Shot me" after she blurted out Michael!. But of course, they couldn't give us that! I think the show did a good job at giving us a little more but adding additional questions.

I noticed when the showed Echo's brother that there was a glass of water next to the computer. Water=Dead people. It rains when something is going to happen. Kind of like in the movie Sixth Sense, red=dead people. The biggest connection was Claire's psychic being the dad of the little girl. I'll talk about that more in questions. Echo's passport date 8/23/1968, date on passport 4/16/2004...the numbers. The Pearl video narrator introduced himself as Mr. Mark Wichman, but on the Swan film he was Marvin Candle. Wick=Candle. He had both hands this time and a prosthetic hand in the Swan video. Did he lose it in the accident? Is he a twin?

I really had more questions this time around.
1) "You need John for this." Why? Just because he had the map or because he needed to help renew his faith? Echo was limping, Locke on crutches..let's send them to track down Henry who is armed??? And they never did find his track. Echo wasn't looking but Locke was. Is he still in the hatch? Perhaps he left out of another tunnel or door? I think John was brought because of his unwavering faith in the button. He was the one that needed to be convinced to still push it. Echo's brother said he has important work. Maybe the Swan is real and the Pearl is the experiment??? Maybe the goal is to find all the hatches? There was a camera in there too! I knew they were being watched. Funny how no other tv would work besides the hatch. The island is probably like our current cell tower system, antennas and poles look like palm trees. When Locke and John were at the campsite, I could have sworn there was black smoke there too. I also thought it interesting that they had a time elapsed clip of the tree and the clouds moving. Did they find the ? or just the Pearl Hatch and the ? is still out there? The plane was pointing like an arrow. Could be something...could be nothing.

2) Why was the Swan film cut into 2 pieces and hidden on a different part of the island and the Pearl video was on video. The Pearl video should have been the older one as the man on the Swan film (if he was the same guy and not a twin) didn't have a hand and looked older? He also mentioned the ferry would take them back to the barracks. I think the boat that the Others were on was that ferry. They dress up in costume to pick them up and drop them off, just in case they are seen by the people in the experiment. That would answer why they take the children as to not experiment on them. Walt never really knew his dad and Claire was going to give her baby up, so being taken for them in their minds might have been okay. I hope not...I like the crazier theories better.

3) The Psychic. He may have been a fake...but he wanted both Claire and Echo on that plane. If Echo would have realized that the girl's death was a miracle, then he would have stayed. It was the father who prevented him from doing so. Just as he told Claire that she had to get on that specific flight. Some think he is part of the experiment, but I don't think so. I think he knew they were suppose to be there and made sure that they would be.

4) The numbers. I think that that computer could talk to the other one. Maybe they were told to lure Michael out of the bunker. It might have been another computer at another hatch. They could probably have seen a video of the shooting if they at all questioned it. There at least will be something in the transcripts to show whether or not Henry pushed the numbers. As Sayid did the calculations regarding the radio transmissions, he will probably do it with this is as well. Will something happen when the numbers hit 48151623:42. Have they already? When Locke hit print, how do we know when it started or ended? Again...more questions. They were not the numbers typed in but some sort of time stamp. A countdown of some sort. Maybe its not their numbers they are pushing...perhaps the printout not related to the numbers at all but to something else? Questions!!!!

I could go on and one....but I think it really is all questions and no answers. Libby is dead without any clear understanding to why she is there, Michael is working against them to get his son, Echo and Locke are going to join forces or work against each other in the end, the island is an experiment - but why them, when is it over, will they ever be free.....all. Next week show's Sayid actually questioning Michael's behavior. We are exposed to the Others, but not the REAL Others. I would love to think that they will let us in but I am not holding my breath. The show is extremely good at splintering off into another direction. I hope all the roads lead home. Until next week.....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Two For the Road

Hello all! I had to do the walk of shame this morning. Not THAT walk of shame, the other one where I walked past my coworkers offices as they looked at me with anticipation and disgust. I needed more hours to collect my thoughts. This going to be a long one. This episode was jam packed with clues, questions, spin off theories, bible references etc. I cant put it all in especially since its all supposition (Thrown in for our nameless lawyer group members). But Ill see if I can put most of it in before everyone starts calling and emailing me to fix their computers and forcing me to work on work timethe nerve!

From last night

Wow!!! I am in shock. I was just about to type I knew it!!! And then Libby was shot. Didnt see that coming. Ana Lucia was as good as dead as soon as she was caught drunk driving in real life. But Libby?!? She can be dead!!! Too many unanswered questions. I thought for sure Ana Lucia was going to give him the wrong combination. Either to stop him or to test him. My thoughts are racingokay, okay. Back to the format.


Sawyer had the lines tonight: Im not gonna gimme me you nothing. Love it. Also Guess that takes cuddling off the table. Was Ana really that good that he forgot about the gun?!? 60+ days will do that to a man. Loved Hurleys Say Anything reference. Of course us true fans didnt need all that explanation. Leave a little crumbs for us to find writers! Just like when Ana Lucia and Jacks dad were outside the bar. We knew this is where he meets Sawyer and does his confession about forgiving Jack. We didnt need Sawyer running into the car too. But maybe for more of the connection that Ana Lucia will eventually sleep with that man. Note to all woman: Sex=Death on the island. First Shannon and now Ana Lucia. Just like in the 80s horror flicks.

It seems that Locke keeps missing the mark. He questions Michael being backbut not that he could be a mole, but that they should let go of Henry. Just like the map. He is trying to recreate it instead of thinking about what happened when he held down the key. Henry (Fenry = fake Henry as he is called on the boards) is really a snake in the grass. Im not sure what to believe. I think there is a little truth in what he was saying about Ana Lucia but not necessarily about Locke. Besides Walt and Claire, no other Survivor was kidnapped. Only the Tallies had children and adults taken. Why Locke and why now? Why not sooner?

And the look on Libbys face when Hurley said Maybe I can get drunk enough and remember where I know you from. Chills. She is totally the chills woman. I hope shes not dead yet.


They made the connections clear cut this time. Sawyer, Ana Lucia, Jack. All connected by Jacks dad. It seems as though perhaps Jacks dad is connected to all of them eventually in some way. Some think Jacks dad is the leader. There was no body in the casket from the plane. His life was over, perhaps faked his own death? Also Henry saying that the leader was very intelligent but unforgiving. I think if Jacks dad was connected to the experiment in any way, it would make sense. I have more thoughts that it could be Henry. The master puppeteer. We shall see more next week. Some even think that Claire is Jacks half sister. Beyond her being Australian and Jacks father having an illegitimate daughter thats the only connection so far.

Patsy Cline song again on the radio. She died in a plane crash.

Cop cars when Ana Lucia pulled into the lot 15, 16 23. I thought I saw a 4 and an 8 too. Interest ding that Michael said there were 22 others in the tents. Who is he not counting? Henry? Or himself? The combination to the safe is a bible passage. Short version: an uprising.


Who is dead? For sure Ana Lucia. From the previews, to her appearance on GMA, she is dead (And going to start a clothing linebut that is a topic for another day). Was she killed because she killed the Others and Michael was sent for retribution? Or was she just a means to an end to get Henry out? Remember Rousseau talking about the sickness? Watch them, they will change. Who is watching Michael. No one! Well maybe its not a sickness, but a conversion or brainwashing. I dont think Michael is functioning based on brainwashing but fear and desperation. But I think he has the sickness Rousseau was talking about.

The shooting of Libby was a surprise shooting. I dont think that was expected. But not sure that she is dead. Maybe coma? There is still soooo much that needs to be revealed about her. No flashbacks to date about her. And back to the whole Hurley thing. Was she following him and ended up on the plane together? Does Libby have a twin? We know there is an evil twin underlining story. I thought for sure that Henry would turn out to be Libbys brother. If dead, she will live on in someone elses flashback.

I think they are being watched. From Michael on the computer to Michael coming back. How would they know if he did what they told him to do? He has a better chance with the survivors on his side then trusting the Others. Once Henry is gone, it will be interesting to see how Michael continues to lie and manipulate them. Everything they truly know about the Others is discussed outside and not in the hatch. I think that is a key to somethingI dont know what!

Kate knew Michael was lying because of the costumes. But as alwaysno one confronts or shares information. It supports the 2 Others camp theory. One that are survivors just like them and another that run the island.

I dont think the Henry/Locke situation is over. If Henry tells Locke that Michael is evil, who would believe him? If Henry is a top guy, then he thanks Michael and leaves. If he is low level, then he runs but doesnt go back to the Others for fear of being killed. There seems to be many levels to this experiment. Rousseau who has been alone and isolated for years, the survivors with their mini civilization and maybe the other camp living off the land in tents, primitive.

I think its interesting that once people seem to overcome their demons that they die. First Boone, then Shannon, now Ana Lucia. Remember Goodwin thought she was good and misunderstood. The island took her back to the dark place, but she was able to overcome it by not killing Henry. I know that the writers have said that its not purgatorybut clues keep pointing to it. If Libby is dead, then I think we need to consider that she was an Other, perhaps Henrys sister. No flashbacks and her strange connection to Hurley.

My Big Fat Theory !

OkayI always thought the key to Lost was a shift in time. That things are not linear as we assume. Time is moving forwards and backwards. Take a huge clue of the manuscript Bad Twin.


The manuscript Bad Twin. This is actually a book available on Amazon by Gary Troup. Its the story of a man meeting with his evil twin, kind of a good vs. evil tale. He delivers his manuscript to his editor right before he boards the oceanic plane Sept 2004 and that is of course lost. Same flight, coming from Australia to LA, hotel where he meets the twin is Windmor (same as construction company Michael worked for and maker of Suns pregnancy test). Also Gary Troup is an anagram for Purgatory. Hurley was reading the manuscript early on when they were stranded on the island but then the Tailies and especially Libby come to distract him from reading it. Now Sawyer reading it and just about to the end when Jack throws it into the fire.


This is of course in my opinion to a shameless way to make money off the show Lost. Just as the Hanso commercial last night was. But I liked that. It was similar to the show The Office having the cast spook the public service announcements on NBC.


What if the book is about the show and it is one big flashback? So the time shift really represents a flashback. The writer is really someone on the island who eventually publishes the book about the good vs. evil aspects of the island. They are on the island reading the transcript that is now a book. Shift.

Just my newest wild theorybut I think there could be a definite tie in.


Next week should be good!!!. Full of lies and continued treachery. Echos fall seemed more surreal in the preview. I dont think he is going to die too. But like everything on the showits clear as mud. Until next week everybodyC-YA!!!!