They caught me this time. I typically can get this out much sooner but they grabbed me at the door and forced me to work. But I tried to stay faithful to the group as much as I could.
Begin scene:
Child: Mommy, why are you watching Lost this morning?
Me: Put your socks and shoes on for school!
Child: But Mommy you watched it last night?
Me: Yes, I know but I needed to review the numbers on the transcript from the hatch one more time.
Child: What hatch?
Me: Get dressed! We gotta go!
And...End scene. Children late for school.
So I tried.
Solid episode. I have never been so happy to see someone spit up blood in all my life. But unfortunately our dear Libby is gone. She will however be connected through flashbacks still, she is not off the show but character Libby is dead. I didn't hear any good Sawyer lines tonight. Freckles was the only reference he made. Also the Artist Formerly Known as Henry Gale. I miss those. Of course if I wasn't studying the show like the bar exam I might have felt some sort of emotion when Hurley said, "I'm sorry I forgot the blankets." Cut to Jack looking away. So sad. Everyone's lips moving saying "Shot me" after she blurted out Michael!. But of course, they couldn't give us that! I think the show did a good job at giving us a little more but adding additional questions.
I noticed when the showed Echo's brother that there was a glass of water next to the computer. Water=Dead people. It rains when something is going to happen. Kind of like in the movie Sixth Sense, red=dead people. The biggest connection was Claire's psychic being the dad of the little girl. I'll talk about that more in questions. Echo's passport date 8/23/1968, date on passport 4/16/2004...the numbers. The Pearl video narrator introduced himself as Mr. Mark Wichman, but on the Swan film he was Marvin Candle. Wick=Candle. He had both hands this time and a prosthetic hand in the Swan video. Did he lose it in the accident? Is he a twin?
I really had more questions this time around.
1) "You need John for this." Why? Just because he had the map or because he needed to help renew his faith? Echo was limping, Locke on crutches..let's send them to track down Henry who is armed??? And they never did find his track. Echo wasn't looking but Locke was. Is he still in the hatch? Perhaps he left out of another tunnel or door? I think John was brought because of his unwavering faith in the button. He was the one that needed to be convinced to still push it. Echo's brother said he has important work. Maybe the Swan is real and the Pearl is the experiment??? Maybe the goal is to find all the hatches? There was a camera in there too! I knew they were being watched. Funny how no other tv would work besides the hatch. The island is probably like our current cell tower system, antennas and poles look like palm trees. When Locke and John were at the campsite, I could have sworn there was black smoke there too. I also thought it interesting that they had a time elapsed clip of the tree and the clouds moving. Did they find the ? or just the Pearl Hatch and the ? is still out there? The plane was pointing like an arrow. Could be something...could be nothing.
2) Why was the Swan film cut into 2 pieces and hidden on a different part of the island and the Pearl video was on video. The Pearl video should have been the older one as the man on the Swan film (if he was the same guy and not a twin) didn't have a hand and looked older? He also mentioned the ferry would take them back to the barracks. I think the boat that the Others were on was that ferry. They dress up in costume to pick them up and drop them off, just in case they are seen by the people in the experiment. That would answer why they take the children as to not experiment on them. Walt never really knew his dad and Claire was going to give her baby up, so being taken for them in their minds might have been okay. I hope not...I like the crazier theories better.
3) The Psychic. He may have been a fake...but he wanted both Claire and Echo on that plane. If Echo would have realized that the girl's death was a miracle, then he would have stayed. It was the father who prevented him from doing so. Just as he told Claire that she had to get on that specific flight. Some think he is part of the experiment, but I don't think so. I think he knew they were suppose to be there and made sure that they would be.
4) The numbers. I think that that computer could talk to the other one. Maybe they were told to lure Michael out of the bunker. It might have been another computer at another hatch. They could probably have seen a video of the shooting if they at all questioned it. There at least will be something in the transcripts to show whether or not Henry pushed the numbers. As Sayid did the calculations regarding the radio transmissions, he will probably do it with this is as well. Will something happen when the numbers hit 48151623:42. Have they already? When Locke hit print, how do we know when it started or ended? Again...more questions. They were not the numbers typed in but some sort of time stamp. A countdown of some sort. Maybe its not their numbers they are pushing...perhaps the printout not related to the numbers at all but to something else? Questions!!!!
I could go on and one....but I think it really is all questions and no answers. Libby is dead without any clear understanding to why she is there, Michael is working against them to get his son, Echo and Locke are going to join forces or work against each other in the end, the island is an experiment - but why them, when is it over, will they ever be free.....all. Next week show's Sayid actually questioning Michael's behavior. We are exposed to the Others, but not the REAL Others. I would love to think that they will let us in but I am not holding my breath. The show is extremely good at splintering off into another direction. I hope all the roads lead home. Until next week.....
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
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