After hearing the podcast from the producers I need to update the blog. Please scroll down to post below for this week's blog (which I wrote earlier today!).
Oceanic 6: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Aaron, Sayid, Sun. Official.
TPTB were vague because they wanted you to be surprised a the end of the Ji Yuen episode to learn that Jin died in the crash. If they had confirmed that Aaron was part of the 6, we would have seen that episode and figured out too soon that it was a flashback AND fast forward episode together. They didn't mean for us to question Aaron, but be surprised that it was not Jin. Does that make sense? I get it now.
So Aaron was rescued from the island. Question: It’s Claire’s but do people think she is raising Claire’s baby or that it’s hers? If they think it’s hers, how can the baby be that old but Sun is just now giving birth?
Other stuff: They showed Mr. Friendly’s lover to tie up the comment that he said to Kate that she was not his type. No other significance.
The bearing to and from the island is important to prevent “the sickness” that is affecting the Freighter crew.
That’s basically it. They were answering fan questions but people, like the Losties, ask some pretty stupid questions. Things that are obvious “Did Miles have the grenade in his mouth for 4 days?” “Is Charlotte an Archeologist or Cultural Anthropologist?” “Rick Lapidus wrote the script to Nikkie’s tv show Expose. Any significance to Frank Lapidus?” (By the way, no. Writer just likes the name!). So stupid, stupid questions.
So that is it. Sorry for my angry blog earlier. I will have to marinate on that episode some more! C-ya!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Meet Kevin Johnson
I’m sorry. But I did NOT like this episode. I am still trying to figure out why? I am sooo glad that we have more shows this season. This closed an arch but not as neatly as I think the producers thought. They gave us in these last 8 episodes the Oceanic Six, intention of the Freighties and what happened to Michael and Walt. You WOULD think that was fantastic. But I think what is upsetting me is I don’t like the answers!
Oceanic Six: So Aaron is one of the Oceanic Six. This would be a good thing if it was clearly revealed. Half of the people out there think it was. Promo said it would be revealed and we were shown a baby (We already knew Kate was one). Case closed. But it makes little sense if Aaron is Claire’s and how a convicted felon got custody of a baby. OR if everyone thinks its Kate’s and the baby was not an Oceanic passenger but just covered under the media frenzy when they were rescued and he was included in the term “Oceanic Six”. It further complicates things when you think of Jack’s testimony that 8 survived, 2 died. Because that means that was a separate story entirely and has nothing to do with who ultimately was an Oceanic Six. It still doesn't make sense!!!! But fine. I don’t have to like it without further explanation.
Freighties: So some are good and some are bad. Make me a list….sound familiar? Same thing that happened to the Losties is happening to the Freighties. Infiltrated by an Other, some are deemed worthy and allowed to live. Ok. No more mystery there! If Frank said Widmore believes him that it’s not Oceanic 815 at the bottom of the ocean, he is either playing Frank or Ben put the fake plane there. I think that it is more likely Ben because has more to loose than Charles if the island is found.
Michael & Walt: So Ben didn’t lie and allowed Michael and Walt off the island as he said he would. Michael is fighting demons (just like Jack. Makes sense why Jack couldn’t kill himself…more work to do?). Walt is normal and not “ghost Walt.” Some Others can move on and off the island. Sayid turns Michael in and perhaps this is why he ends up working for Ben in the flash forward. This seems like a bad move.
Mr. Friendly being gay, which was already suspected, why is that important? What a So What moment! I think Ben set up Karl because of the way he was touching his daughter. Sure the Freighties were on an “errand”, but they had machine guns. Not precision guns with silencers. I think it’s more likely that it was a protection system around the Temple, much like the electric fence around the barracks. Why kill 2 women and a young man without provocation? I think it’s the Others who would know to kill only Karl and Rousseau. But I could be wrong…seems to be a growing trend!
Michael turned the radio to a volume of 17, 1+7=8 the numbers. Mr. Friendly told Michael to meet him at the Hotel Earle which is a reference to the movie Barton Fink. That is a strange hotel a writer stays at while he wrestles with writer’s block. The significance of the game show on the tv in Michael’s apartment was a reference to Kurt Vonnegut the author of Slaughterhouse Five. Slaughterhouse Five has been referenced in the brainwashing scene with Karl. Another Stephen King book the Shining was mentioned. Also the Mama Cass song when Michael attempted suicide. Karl says “I have a bad feeling about this”, just like Hans Solo in Star Wars.
Does this change who is in the casket? Michael could have completed his task and then allowed to die. Of course how did he end up in LA when he was last living in New York. I am not sure I even want to know anymore. I think it’s another example is the more we learn the closer to the end we are getting.
So we are off until April 24th. But back at 10pm, boo! I have really liked the 9pm start time, 10pm will be difficult. Instead of hoping for more answers, I just look forward to this show playing itself out. The highs and lows are driving me crazy. One week I am cheering and screaming at the tv, the next I am staring in disbelief and scratching my head. I will update the blog if I find out anything new while the show is on break. I hope to hear the podcast from the producers and that it will hopefully clear a few things up. We shall see. Until April….c-ya!
I’m sorry. But I did NOT like this episode. I am still trying to figure out why? I am sooo glad that we have more shows this season. This closed an arch but not as neatly as I think the producers thought. They gave us in these last 8 episodes the Oceanic Six, intention of the Freighties and what happened to Michael and Walt. You WOULD think that was fantastic. But I think what is upsetting me is I don’t like the answers!
Oceanic Six: So Aaron is one of the Oceanic Six. This would be a good thing if it was clearly revealed. Half of the people out there think it was. Promo said it would be revealed and we were shown a baby (We already knew Kate was one). Case closed. But it makes little sense if Aaron is Claire’s and how a convicted felon got custody of a baby. OR if everyone thinks its Kate’s and the baby was not an Oceanic passenger but just covered under the media frenzy when they were rescued and he was included in the term “Oceanic Six”. It further complicates things when you think of Jack’s testimony that 8 survived, 2 died. Because that means that was a separate story entirely and has nothing to do with who ultimately was an Oceanic Six. It still doesn't make sense!!!! But fine. I don’t have to like it without further explanation.
Freighties: So some are good and some are bad. Make me a list….sound familiar? Same thing that happened to the Losties is happening to the Freighties. Infiltrated by an Other, some are deemed worthy and allowed to live. Ok. No more mystery there! If Frank said Widmore believes him that it’s not Oceanic 815 at the bottom of the ocean, he is either playing Frank or Ben put the fake plane there. I think that it is more likely Ben because has more to loose than Charles if the island is found.
Michael & Walt: So Ben didn’t lie and allowed Michael and Walt off the island as he said he would. Michael is fighting demons (just like Jack. Makes sense why Jack couldn’t kill himself…more work to do?). Walt is normal and not “ghost Walt.” Some Others can move on and off the island. Sayid turns Michael in and perhaps this is why he ends up working for Ben in the flash forward. This seems like a bad move.
Mr. Friendly being gay, which was already suspected, why is that important? What a So What moment! I think Ben set up Karl because of the way he was touching his daughter. Sure the Freighties were on an “errand”, but they had machine guns. Not precision guns with silencers. I think it’s more likely that it was a protection system around the Temple, much like the electric fence around the barracks. Why kill 2 women and a young man without provocation? I think it’s the Others who would know to kill only Karl and Rousseau. But I could be wrong…seems to be a growing trend!
Michael turned the radio to a volume of 17, 1+7=8 the numbers. Mr. Friendly told Michael to meet him at the Hotel Earle which is a reference to the movie Barton Fink. That is a strange hotel a writer stays at while he wrestles with writer’s block. The significance of the game show on the tv in Michael’s apartment was a reference to Kurt Vonnegut the author of Slaughterhouse Five. Slaughterhouse Five has been referenced in the brainwashing scene with Karl. Another Stephen King book the Shining was mentioned. Also the Mama Cass song when Michael attempted suicide. Karl says “I have a bad feeling about this”, just like Hans Solo in Star Wars.
Does this change who is in the casket? Michael could have completed his task and then allowed to die. Of course how did he end up in LA when he was last living in New York. I am not sure I even want to know anymore. I think it’s another example is the more we learn the closer to the end we are getting.
So we are off until April 24th. But back at 10pm, boo! I have really liked the 9pm start time, 10pm will be difficult. Instead of hoping for more answers, I just look forward to this show playing itself out. The highs and lows are driving me crazy. One week I am cheering and screaming at the tv, the next I am staring in disbelief and scratching my head. I will update the blog if I find out anything new while the show is on break. I hope to hear the podcast from the producers and that it will hopefully clear a few things up. We shall see. Until April….c-ya!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Jin Yeon

Good morning everybody. I thought last night show was a really touching episode. Of course not too many surprises…but I still felt giddy when you-know-how came on the screen. I also had the sinking realization that it’s almost over. As we get closer to answers, we get closer to the end. But I hope the writers keep it coming because this has been one of the best seasons ever!
The show does couples extremely well. Charlie/Claire, Desmond/Penny, Kate/Jack & Sawyer, and even back to Shannon/Sayid. Jin and Sun are my favorite couple. I like how strong Sun can be at times. You felt her fear when Juliet was spilling the beans, and the betrayal Jin felt and the shame when Jin came back to forgive her. The show does feelings and emotions right. Loved seeing Hurley with Sun. I’m not sure if Hurley was glad not to see ghosts, the Oceanic Six or what?!? At least he was there for her.
Even though you knew he was coming, even though you saw him down the hall, even though this was the worst kept secret in LOST lore, wasn’t it GREAT to see him! Michael…er…Kevin is back! So many questions. So we shall save it for the questions discussion.
I initially believed Sun was Oceanic Six but Jin was not. I knew the minute Sun pregnant, Jin did not make it. Then when I saw him, and thought oh, he made it. Then when I saw his old phone, I crossed it out, he didn’t make it. On his way to the hospital, perhaps he made it but they are no longer together and it’s a “new” wife. But when Sun called out for him, I new he didn’t make it. It seemed too familiar to when Jack was drunk in the hospital and screaming for his father. The look they gave him and the look they gave Sun were the same. Pity. Pity because the person that person needs right now is dead. It was also clear when the store owner said to take the Dragon because it was the year of the dragon. Year of the dragon was in 2001.
Other connections: Expose starring Nikkie was showing on the tv set when Sun was leaving the room. The taxi cab that left Jin had a license plate 2369 that includes the numbers 23, 6+9=(15). The doctor and nurse were the same one in the flashback with Jin and then were with Sun post island. I believe Sun’s father is connected to the island since Paik Industry is a heavy metal manufacturer. I believe he made the freighter and is connected to Widmore through business. It seems Rousseau was correct and most people who come to the island are overcome with a sickness. Could cause paranoia, confusion and people to be suicidal.
Time: If Sun is going to start getting sick in 3 weeks and she is off the island the island by the time she gives birth, does that speak to the time shift? Island time they would be there less than 7 more months. But Kate’s mom said she had been waiting 4 years for her. How does Aaron’s age speed up but Sun is just now giving birth. Would seem to be that the babies would be closer in age.
“Good.”: Who was Hurley glad he was avoiding? The other Oceanic 6? I felt as if Sun missed Jin, but not because he was dead, because he wasn’t with her. She also seemed to be speaking to him. It reminded me of when Juliet was shown a video of her sister playing with her son. Perhaps Jin is still on the island, and she Sun is speaking to him. Why that day of all day? Hurley flew in to see the baby….but also because they had to visit the grave. Again, why that day? Was Hurley there for assurance?
Children: I think its interesting that Aaron is off the island but Claire is not. Jin Yeon is off the island but Jin is not. Did people have to sacrifice who left? Were they chosen or was it due to circumstance?
Headstone: In China, the husband and wife share a headstone. So the first date is Sun’s DOB. The last 2 dates are Jin’s DOB and date of death. The date listed is the day of the crash. So we can assume that he was not part of the 8 that survived the crash and then he died because the date would be later. So like the others, they are lying and saying that he died in the plane crash. Why?
Final question: Michael obviously working for Ben. Ben is still using Walt to manipulate him to keep anyone from leaving the island and from anyone coming to the island. How did he get on the ship? The freighters seem to know about everyone else, why not Michael (aka Kevin Johnson)? And where is Walt?
Questions, questions, questions!!!
The spoiler photo I did not happen and I confirmed it was not real. So LOST films scenes to throw fans off the scent. Damn them! Actually I am very glad what I thought was going to happen did not. I liked the way it played out way better. So watch out for spoilers or hints. They could be a ruse.
One more episode before the month break. Its focused on the freighter so that should be good. I am so glad that this is not the end and we will still have more episodes this year. It’s been great! Have a nice weekend and until next time, c-ya!
Friday, March 07, 2008
The Other Woman
They lied to me!!! There wasn’t a big reveal this week. I guess that’s what I get for peaking at spoilers. I thought it was a good episode, more character development. Ben was extra creepy. I liked the way that they showed him throwing a tantrum because he wasn’t getting his way. I also like Juliet a lot. She has become a very solid and complex character. I knew the minute I saw her hair that it was a flashback episode. Even though it made you think it was about her, Ben really stood out. There were also some really good lines: “It’s really stressful being an Other.” “Trust me, Jack, you don’t want to see my file.” And Ben’s twisted, “Take as much time as you need.” Kate was extra stupid. Yeah…let me bend over and turn my back to you while investigate why you are lying to me. Dumb! I, like many other people, am not feeling the spark between Jack and Juliet. Him and Kate? Hot and heavy. You can feel the longing for one another. Him and Juliet? Not so much.
Ben is reading the Valis book still (see previous blog). The combination to the safe was 36, 15, 28. 15 is a number and 36-28=8, a number. The name of the new Dharma station is the Tempest. This name is taken from the William Shakespeare play. Very basic overview of the plot: the Tempest or storm crashes a ship onto an island and the survivors as well as the inhabitants of the island intermingle. Once they leave, they are changed forever. Island has mystical powers. Some one is a sorcerer. English majors, forgive me. I think when Harper said to Juliet, “You look just like her”. I think she was referring to Ben’s mom. Everyone on the island has some issues with parents. Ben’s whole obsession was trying to solve fertility issues on the island because his mom died during childbirth. And also a psychologist is basically pointing out his off center Oedipus complex issue with Juliet. Not too mention his love Annie was a brunette and his mom looks similar to Juliet. Dr. Harper has a degree in Experimental Psychology and worked for the Hanso Foundation as evidenced by the awards she had on her wall. I couldn’t understand any of the whispers at all! I have searched for a possible translation but couldn’t find one. I listened to it online and still could not make out anything.
I thought the entire “we-are-going-to-defuse-the-gas-but-lie-to-you” was dumb but than I thought about it. The Freighties are still not sure who they can trust and were afraid someone was going to try and stop them. Which is exactly what happened. I don’t think it was Ben that manifested Harper to Juliet. I think it was the smoke monster at the behest of the island. I think the island has its own security system. And if it thinks there is a threat, it tries to stop it. I don’t think that Ben couldn’t get to Juliet. I just still believe in the mysticism of the island and think that it didn’t want its main defense against outsiders disabled.
It wasn’t a major shock that Widmore is the man behind the Freighter. I think that was hinted on pretty hard before by him buying the Hanso diary. But Ben rarely tells the whole truth and it’s often twisted. So what are we missing? Were they working together and then are now enemies? Not sure but there is more to that story.
Who is the man on the ship? It has to be someone that would shock Locke, so it has to be someone from the island or someone he knows. Here are 4 potential (and wild) choices, ranked in order of weirdness:
#4 - Locke’s Dad. Sawyer killed him. But what if he was working for Ben before he came to the island. There is a time differential. I can barely argue this one because it’s the most far-fetched to me. I would think it was the dog before I thought this one was plausible.
#3 – Sayid. We know he works for Ben in the future. This could be the start of it. Factor in the time differential theory again and it could make sense. But I think this would be plausible to Locke, thus not shocking like Ben alluded to.
#2 – Walt. Perhaps this was why he wanted him in the first place. He allowed Michael to leave knowing he would be picked up by the freighter. And then he would have someone on the inside. Not only someone working for Ben, but also someone whose information the Losties would trust as well.
#1 – Michael. We all know he is coming back. It makes sense that he was picked up on the freighter and knows he cannot get back to civilization until what ever happens between the Freighter and Ben happens. Maybe he is guilt ridden and by working for Ben is trying to help the Losties. Ben turned Sayid, he could of course turned Michael. This would be shocking to Locke because he thinks Michael actually got off the island and wouldn’t think he would be working for Ben. It makes sense that it’s Michael if you think of the story as a whole and weren’t into reading about the show, finding out Michael was coming back and analyzing and interpreting every episode. Some people guessed the Aaron thing and I was blind-sided.
I accidentally clicked on a site and saw who the Oceanic Six was. I am hoping I am wrong and that it was a flashback, but if not, damn! It’s so hard now because now that LOST is hot again, information is everywhere. 2 more episodes before the month break. It has been soooo good. Have a great week and until next time, c-ya!
They lied to me!!! There wasn’t a big reveal this week. I guess that’s what I get for peaking at spoilers. I thought it was a good episode, more character development. Ben was extra creepy. I liked the way that they showed him throwing a tantrum because he wasn’t getting his way. I also like Juliet a lot. She has become a very solid and complex character. I knew the minute I saw her hair that it was a flashback episode. Even though it made you think it was about her, Ben really stood out. There were also some really good lines: “It’s really stressful being an Other.” “Trust me, Jack, you don’t want to see my file.” And Ben’s twisted, “Take as much time as you need.” Kate was extra stupid. Yeah…let me bend over and turn my back to you while investigate why you are lying to me. Dumb! I, like many other people, am not feeling the spark between Jack and Juliet. Him and Kate? Hot and heavy. You can feel the longing for one another. Him and Juliet? Not so much.
Ben is reading the Valis book still (see previous blog). The combination to the safe was 36, 15, 28. 15 is a number and 36-28=8, a number. The name of the new Dharma station is the Tempest. This name is taken from the William Shakespeare play. Very basic overview of the plot: the Tempest or storm crashes a ship onto an island and the survivors as well as the inhabitants of the island intermingle. Once they leave, they are changed forever. Island has mystical powers. Some one is a sorcerer. English majors, forgive me. I think when Harper said to Juliet, “You look just like her”. I think she was referring to Ben’s mom. Everyone on the island has some issues with parents. Ben’s whole obsession was trying to solve fertility issues on the island because his mom died during childbirth. And also a psychologist is basically pointing out his off center Oedipus complex issue with Juliet. Not too mention his love Annie was a brunette and his mom looks similar to Juliet. Dr. Harper has a degree in Experimental Psychology and worked for the Hanso Foundation as evidenced by the awards she had on her wall. I couldn’t understand any of the whispers at all! I have searched for a possible translation but couldn’t find one. I listened to it online and still could not make out anything.
I thought the entire “we-are-going-to-defuse-the-gas-but-lie-to-you” was dumb but than I thought about it. The Freighties are still not sure who they can trust and were afraid someone was going to try and stop them. Which is exactly what happened. I don’t think it was Ben that manifested Harper to Juliet. I think it was the smoke monster at the behest of the island. I think the island has its own security system. And if it thinks there is a threat, it tries to stop it. I don’t think that Ben couldn’t get to Juliet. I just still believe in the mysticism of the island and think that it didn’t want its main defense against outsiders disabled.
It wasn’t a major shock that Widmore is the man behind the Freighter. I think that was hinted on pretty hard before by him buying the Hanso diary. But Ben rarely tells the whole truth and it’s often twisted. So what are we missing? Were they working together and then are now enemies? Not sure but there is more to that story.
Who is the man on the ship? It has to be someone that would shock Locke, so it has to be someone from the island or someone he knows. Here are 4 potential (and wild) choices, ranked in order of weirdness:
#4 - Locke’s Dad. Sawyer killed him. But what if he was working for Ben before he came to the island. There is a time differential. I can barely argue this one because it’s the most far-fetched to me. I would think it was the dog before I thought this one was plausible.
#3 – Sayid. We know he works for Ben in the future. This could be the start of it. Factor in the time differential theory again and it could make sense. But I think this would be plausible to Locke, thus not shocking like Ben alluded to.
#2 – Walt. Perhaps this was why he wanted him in the first place. He allowed Michael to leave knowing he would be picked up by the freighter. And then he would have someone on the inside. Not only someone working for Ben, but also someone whose information the Losties would trust as well.
#1 – Michael. We all know he is coming back. It makes sense that he was picked up on the freighter and knows he cannot get back to civilization until what ever happens between the Freighter and Ben happens. Maybe he is guilt ridden and by working for Ben is trying to help the Losties. Ben turned Sayid, he could of course turned Michael. This would be shocking to Locke because he thinks Michael actually got off the island and wouldn’t think he would be working for Ben. It makes sense that it’s Michael if you think of the story as a whole and weren’t into reading about the show, finding out Michael was coming back and analyzing and interpreting every episode. Some people guessed the Aaron thing and I was blind-sided.
I accidentally clicked on a site and saw who the Oceanic Six was. I am hoping I am wrong and that it was a flashback, but if not, damn! It’s so hard now because now that LOST is hot again, information is everywhere. 2 more episodes before the month break. It has been soooo good. Have a great week and until next time, c-ya!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
LOST Mid-Week Update
Stay away from the lastest issue of Tv Guide. Spoilers galore!!!
I didnt read it and want to wait and see it when the show comes on.
I am going to start referring to Carlon Cuse and David Linderloff (The geniuses behind LOST and the executive producers) as TPTB (The Powers That Be).
They answered these questions but if we wanted to wait we will know who the Oceanic Six is (March 13th), what happened to Michael (March 20th), and who was in the coffin (by the end of this season).
ALSO that we should be less concerned about what date is on the island or in the flash forwards BUT how much time has passed. So that must mean that Aaron appearing older than he was on the island AND ghost Walt seeming older might have been part of the story!
Love it. Until tomorrow...c-ya!
I didnt read it and want to wait and see it when the show comes on.
I am going to start referring to Carlon Cuse and David Linderloff (The geniuses behind LOST and the executive producers) as TPTB (The Powers That Be).
They answered these questions but if we wanted to wait we will know who the Oceanic Six is (March 13th), what happened to Michael (March 20th), and who was in the coffin (by the end of this season).
ALSO that we should be less concerned about what date is on the island or in the flash forwards BUT how much time has passed. So that must mean that Aaron appearing older than he was on the island AND ghost Walt seeming older might have been part of the story!
Love it. Until tomorrow...c-ya!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
The Constant

I am so very, very sorry for the delay of my weekly devilish pleasure. I was working late Thursday night and...gulp…didn’t watch LOST. Yes, it’s true. I have to be in the right mood mentally and I had work on my mind. I needed to wait until I had a quiet space to watch, review and reflect. And yes, to your next question…I am insane.
I have mixed feelings about this episode. I think it wasn’t so much of a hit out of the park like the rest of the episodes have been this season. I am trying to see the significance of it. Maybe because it has been in line with what I guessed, I didn’t find anything shocking. It was definitely entertaining.
There were a lot of connections this episode, mainly to the numbers. The numbers again are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. Penny’s address was 423. The code Daniel tells Desmond is 2343. The Black Rock diary was item# 2342. Desmond’s flash is 8 years ago.
Water is always a major theme on the island. It typically means that something bad is going to happen. For Desmond, they are a connection to his flashes. Most of his flashes with Charlie focused on him dying either by drowning or by lightening during a thunderstorm. Desmond flashes occur either in the rain or like in the bathroom when he came in contact with the water.
The Black Rock is another big connection to Widmore and Hanso Foundation. Magnus Hanso was the captain of the Black Rock. Alvar Hanso, head of the Hanso Foundation, is his great grandson. Tovard Hanso wrote the diary that has not been seen by anyone outside of the family. Widmore has now purchased the diary. Is this how his connection and interest in the island begins or is it to keep anyone from learning about it?
George Minkoswki’s dying words are, “I can’t get back”. It is close to Jack’s line at the end of season 3, “We have to go back”. The entire time differential may be why Kate says they can’t go back. Maybe not only because they lied and its part of the conspiracy, but they may physically not be able to get back.
Daniel seems to be suffering from the long periods of exposure to radiation. While at Oxford, his memory is not impacted. But by him not protecting his head, it can be assumed that it eventually does. He writes the note to himself about Desmond being his constant, not knowing if time shift will happen to him to. He writes it in his journal BEFORE he documents the correct coordinates as a result of his contact with Desmond. . If you noticed, he flips backwards in the journal to find the entry.
It is interesting that Daniel instructed Frank to leave on a bearing of 305. But Ben told Michael he had to be on a bearing of 325. Ben has never wanted anyone to leave the island. So we assume that Ben lied to Michael. But it also makes me think that Ben gave Michael the coordinates to the freighter. I think both Michael and Walt are on the Freighter. One working against anyone leaving, destroying the radio. The other trying to help them, such as opening the door. Which is which? I think Walt is working for Ben. Knowing they cannot leave, he destroys the room and goes to Locke in a vision. Michael still wanting to get back to the real world helps Sayid by opening the door. Or it could be Michael working for Ben as Sayid does in the future and Walt trying to help the Losties get off the island.
Time Shift
What we know is that any shifts in time cannot change the future. It can make you aware, but most people are going to continue on their path. The flashes are mental and physically the person does not change. Example, when Desmond writes the address on his hand on the freighter its not there in the past. Desmond appears catatonic, but still present.
What does this all mean? Why is this important? I don’t think it is. I think this episode was character development for Daniel and Desmond. The only significant thing that happened is to know that people experience time differently on and off the island. Ok.
What else did we learn? We knew that Desmond time shifts. We now know that it was probably activated by the explosion of the hatch. Penny is an important part of his life. Daniel knows of the time shift and has been working on the theory for years. Uh huh. And that Widmore is connected in someone to the island and perhaps the freighter. Continued father issues. So again, entertaining but more development of how Daniel is connected to the island and now that Charlie is dead, Daniel’s connection to Desmond. Also Desmond’s love for Penny.
I am excited to get back to learn what is going on back at the barracks. I hope to learn more about Sayid and the freighter, but understand that although they have given us a lot, they have to save some of it. I am loving this season. Until next week…c-ya!
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