Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not in Portland

So did anyone actually watch it last night?!? 10 p.m. was a killer for me! I am getting soooo old. I did manage to watch it but fell asleep typing. It all sounded like gibberish by the morning. And I broke my noon rule. So let’s just get to it. Same format: Summary, Connections, Questions, Conclusion.


I thought it was a good show last night. It was a pretty typical character development episode. We learned about Juliet (Julie, Jules etc) and her history. She is a brilliant fertility scientist, but scared, timid and controlled by the man in her life. Explains why now she is a forceful, killer. Even her hair looks stronger. Very interesting to know that she is stuck on the island as well, if we believe her. It does make sense that she would want to leave the island and be back with her sister. We will probably learn more in future flashbacks. Sawyer had the best lines, glad we didn’t loose that over the hiatus. “Glad to meet you, Sheena.” “Don't get mad at me, just 'cause you were dumb enough to fall for the old Wookiee prisoner gag.” My favorite was when Kate was on the walkie talkie with Jack and he said, “Yeah tell him I said hello…will you come on!!!” Loved it.


Numbers – the monitor showed 108 on the screen, the medical lab was in lab 5. The number 4 was on her security card. Karl was being held in room 23.

-Kate was in Miami in her wedding flashback.

-The plane when Juliet opened the blinds was an oceanic flight.

-We all saw Ethan when Juliet walked down the hallway to her sister’s apartment. Much like the walk down the hallway when he was keeping Claire.

-The anagram for “Mittlelos” lab as is Time Lost or Lost Time.

-Rachel’s pregnancy test was a Windmore, just like the other ones.

-When Juliet said, “Whatever you think I am, I’m not.” Ben said the same thing while in the hatch.

-The whole brainwash room was like Clockwork Orange. Pretty straight forward crazy Others stuff. The only thing that stuck in my mind was the “God loves you as he did Jacob” sign. Only because of the whole “Shepard wasn’t even on Jacob’s list”. In my mind, the slide was trying to reinforce the superiority and maybe divinity of Jacob. Also noticed the last scene of the slide show was of a scientist, probably a De Groot.

-Aldo the guard was reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. It’s a book about cosmology, black holes etc.


I think Juliet’s sister Rachel perhaps had ovarian cancer and could no longer conceive due to organs being removed. Juliet’s experience with impregnating a male mouse would fit that. The aging womb to me reinforces my time shift theory that perhaps people are aging at different rates on the island. If we see a couple of teenagers, those are the children from the plane! That is too wild for me. I am not sure how far and deep the time shift is but it is prevalent.

I liked how the company was stalking her to get her on the island. Maybe some are chosen and others get there by chance. I don’t think they killed her husband, although pretty cool nonetheless. It reminded me of the movie Final Destination. BUT it was similar to how Michael was hit by a car when he was crossing the street after threatening to take Walt.

Ben is Alex’s father. I believe he took her from Rousseau, like they wanted to do with Aaron, and he raised her as his child. She is obviously a higher up since everyone let’s her go. She is a lot like Rousseau as she knows the jungle, tricks and traps. I would be curious to know why they don’t want her and Karl together. Why did they feel the need to re-program him? I don’t think Rousseau knows that Alex is her daughter. I think she is so crazy that she is still probably looking for a baby instead of a full grown girl.

Do we believe what Danny said that Ben would never want them to leave? Did Juliet kill him on purpose? I think some of what she told Jack is true…not all of it. She wants to leave. She is being kept there. But still, something else is missing.

Purple sky comment. Jack asks why they didn’t take him off the island? Tom starts to explain, “Every since the sky turned purple….”, what does that mean?!? If that means they couldn’t get him off the island, then Michael and Walt haven’t really left. And why would they need Jack, Sawyer and Kate if they were going to take him off the island? (Purple sky was after they were taken). Ben has never been off the island. Would he really leave for a surgery?


I am glad to see in next week’s episode that they are going back for Jack. Live together or die alone. Even though the hiatus was rough at first, it is going to be nice to have week after week of LOST. I think that the show will continue to build momentum. So until next week….c-ya!

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