Friday, February 01, 2008

Extra thoughts about Lost and Season Premiere

(Make sure you click on February to the right to read the blog regarding the season 4 premiere of Lost)

Ok. I have a problem. I think some may call it an addiction. But its free, legal, I can’t die from it and it cannot make me gain weight. With that said…I feel MUCH better. I think this mornings blog was off. I was rusty! But I definitely have my groove back. So I have been reviewing and re-watching and just processing. Sometimes you have to take a step back from just reviewing the episode and look at the bigger (or sometimes smaller) pieces.

Why is Christian Shephard in the chair? We can all agree that Jacob is in control of…whatever. He allowed Locke to hear him and Hurley to see the cabin. I don’t think Christian Shepard is Jacob. But I do believe that he can manifest what the person needs to see. So why would Hurley need to see Christian? Perhaps because Christian is Claire’s dad. She has lost Charlie but there is something else for her to gain. A brother. Perhaps through Hurley is how the secret will be revealed. Instead of saying "they need your help", implying for them to tell about what happened and get everyone off the island. Charlie says, "They need you."

The questions (without answers!) are who is "they" specifically and why do they need Hurley? Or was he just the easiest one to approach once back in the real world? Jack was not affected until later and Kate, so far, not at all.

Back to the questions - who is in the coffin. Another reason why I think it’s Michael in the coffin – if the Oceanic 6 are mini celebrates, wouldn’t someone be at the funeral? News crew, Extra…someone? What if he got off the island on his own. He then dies because he doesn’t exist anymore – new identity.

Damn! Just read something that blew a hole in that…When the funeral director asked friend or family. If the guy in the coffin was black, would he be open minded enough to entertain that Jack was family? I think the urban area is intentionally misleading and the guy in the coffin is white. So my first choice is Locke. He was close to Walt. Perhaps he became a father to him? Ok…I am going on record saying my first guess is Michael. My 2nd guess is Locke.

The transcript of the whispers have been posted online. All I heard was “Desmond” and “I see somebody”. They never make sense to me

I got this from another site…I missed it and have to re-watch it:

The smoke monster made a big appearance this episode, and I’m going to tell you where to look for it. Ready? Good: It floats out the door of the mental ward. Think you missed it? No way… because the smoke monster this episode was Matthew Abbadon. Think back to the episode where Mr. Eko died - think back to his last visions of Yemi. Remember that moment where Eko realized he wasn’t really looking at his brother? Abbadon had that same look. That same startling, bug-eyed, blood-chilling ‘Yemi-stare’. “Are they still alive?” – he says it with the same toneless inflection as Yemi asking Eko to beg forgiveness. If you don’t believe me, watch as he leaves through the door. You never see him exit, you only see a shadow. A shadow that dissipates from left to right, disappearing through the doorway in much the same way the smoke monster moves.

Ok. I am officially done until next week. Good night!

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