Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Live Together, Die Alone

Look Familiar?!?

Let me just start by saying thanks for a great party!!! Lots of food, fun, guys forgot your prizes!!! Thanks to everyone who came and for my lovely gifts. It was great. Next year it will be bigger and better.

How pray tell can I make it even better??? Well for startersI wont fast forward 10 minutes of the show!!! We missed soooooooooooo much last. I was on the boards at midnight going what? Desmond saw Libby?!? But I downloaded it this morning and re-watched.

There are a ton of crazy and insane theories flying now that some have been dispelled and others have been confirmed. Lets start with our regular format.

Well, we now know how the plan came down. The result of Desmond not pushing the button. The rest of the world exists. They all know that Michael double-crossed them and killed Ana-Lucia and Libby. We know why those four - to keep Jack, Sawyer, Kate and have Hurley tell the group not to go after them. We see Desmonds back story and why and how he got to the island. Michael and Walt are reunited. Charlie and Claire share their first kiss. A lot of my questions or hopes were answered. I want morebut then what would the point of the show be if they told us too much? So it was enough for mesolid season, good finale. Great would have been black smoke going up to Hurley and reading him on his way back (Although I am sure that he will meet with Jin or Sayid on his way). Turning over the guy they shot to reveal who he was (some think Mr. Candle/Wichman because he looked Asian). Maybe Walt saying something cryptic to Michael. But all in all I liked it.

The cell block where Desmond was 5B(The numbers). He has a pocket watch that he was given when he got out of jail. (Jin had Suns dad watch-some connection to time). Ethan is the man who interrogated Sayid in the gulf. Libby (Elizabeth) was the woman Desmond was talking to in the airport. Widmor Corporation sponsored the race around the world, Desmonds girlfriends dad, company Michael worked for and maker of Suns pregnancy test. Libbys husband is named David. Hurleys alter ego was named Dave. Connection? I think so! .. There were about a million ah-ha moments in the show between Desmond and Locke, all centering around how their lives intersected. I think that Locke feels his life lacks purpose. But his actions give purpose to other people (Charlie, Desmond, Echo).
But since he cant see it in hishe thinks he is wrong. That is why he couldnt accept that Echo would continue pushing the button if he didnt want tohe needed to prove it was wrong and by doing that make sense of everything.

Okay since my coworkers are hounding me, I am going to make this quick. I reserve the right to send supplements in the future.

I read that the whispering in the forest was saying Elizabeth. Not sure why or how that impacts anything. Is it a massive stereo system on the island that is causing the whispers or what?!? I have always thought it was someone speaking on another dimensionmy time warp theory. More evidence of that is when they showed the 2 researchers at the end. One was named Lenny. Lenny supposedly went crazy and was in the mental institution with Hurley. That is where Hurley got the numbers. But of course that was in real time. But what IS real time on Lost island??? Everyone on the net was screaming that the researcher on the phone was Jacks twin. STRONG resemblance but the ear lobes are different. That would be an interesting twistbut too much a stretch. But back to Lenny, if it was Hurleys Lenny, the time is all off. And the time seems to be making more sense with the plane crash happening 9-22-04, same time the series started.

I think there is something up with Walt. Henrys comment about We got more than we bargained for. What does that mean?!? And remember back to Miss Klughs questions of Michael (Has Walt ever been in a place he wasnt suppose to be?). He just seemed strange and unconcerned about what was going on. Not to mention, no mention of Vincentwhich was really important to him before.

I like the snow globe theory. That they are stuck somewhere they cannot get out of, once they are in. A big Island Oasis. Perfect place to experiment.

I found it interesting that after Desmond turned the key, that part of the experiment is over. The Others didnt seem overly concerned about the magnetic field going off. They reacted to the sound, but once it was over, they went back to business. Also Charlie was pretty happy when he came back. He said, Echo and Locke hadnt made it back yet? What if what he meant was that they werent back from looking for Henry Gale? Maybe that light erased his memory slightly. I assumed he meant back from the hatch. He just seemed too happy. Of course the other option is that there was some resolution that we have yet to see and it will be shown Season 3.

Libby didnt seem to be plotting against Desmond. But she has been around a lot of the Losties. I am looking for one more to be convinced that she is an Other. Perhaps a connection to Jack since Her husband was sick. Maybe he was treated by Jackher and Desmond are back in the US.

Claire was also an idiot to just start to inject her son. But it did look like Michael was getting the sickness, on his hand and forehead. Maybe she is not so dumb after all.

The Others seemed okay letting go of the façade. It seemed as though they no longer needed to hide it. Henry is a top person but not the tippy top.

Wellthats it until September. Thanks for all the input, kudos and great conversations. Next year, there will be no reruns, yea! They will run 7 episodes, go away for 8 weeks (New cop show), 6 more til the season finale. I prefer that because it doesnt disrupt the flow of things. Of course those middle months are going to be hardbut we will survive.

Until the FallC-ya!!!

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