Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Every Man For Himself

Hey All!
YES!!!! That was a GREAT episode. Thank you
LOST! Lost of answers, some questions, and just an
all-around, edge of my seat episode. One thing I
must say I hate are those previews of the new Taye
Diggs show Daybreak. Just a reminder that LOST will
be gone soon. Noooo!!! But I am definitely enjoying
it while it’s still on.

I loved Sawyer’s comments: Chinatown (Reference to
Jack Nicholson being beat up and wearing a band-aid
on his nose during the movie), Castanza (Seinfeld, of
course). The other Seinfeld reference is Paulo
hitting golf balls into the ocean like Kramer did. (I
think this is also a double reference to something
else?) And just loved the comment by Sawyer, “I
thought I just did. What do I gotta do, talk about
your mother?” Great! I also liked the tension
between Charlie and Desmond. He is starting to
think something is up with Desmond as well as
protecting his girl. Sweet! I can’t stand Paulo.
Dislike him like I disliked Ana-Lucia. They better find
another way to bring him in or it’s Aloha! (Don’t
make me explain it!) I also liked the WWII tactic of
showing a hostile captive cartoons. There is so much
symbolism in this show the writers are insane!


1)The numbers were everywhere this episode. The
uniforms on the prisoners, on the walls listing the
operating rooms in the corridor, the countdown on
the EKG machine when Colleen was dying. 2) Yet
another father/child connection with Sawyer being a
dad, more about that later. 3) Loved the Pulp
Fiction reference when Sawyer was on the table
about to get the adrenaline shot through his
sternum. 4) The rabbit with the 8 on its back is a
shout out to Stephen King yet again and a short
story he wrote about Telepathy. My cliffs note
version is that we are separated by space and time
but we see the same thing (i.e. cage, rabbit, rabbit
features, but we all focused on the 8. There was
also a challenge/contest for writers to write their
own story as to why the rabbit was in the cage with
the 8 on it). 5) Kate’s comment “Live Together, Die
Alone”, from Jack’s big speech in episode 1 to rally
the Losties. 6) The reference to Of Mice and Men
throughout the episode. The line from the poem from
which the name of the book was based, “The best
laid plans of mice and men, often go awry.” I know,
teachers – not the direct translation, but you get it!
From Munson in the prison thinking he was going to
get his money. To Sawyer thinking he was getting
out of one prison but landing in another. A simple
change of fate can change everything. Not to
mention just needing companionship no matter who it
is. And now that I think of it, the bigger picture of
the Others trying to obtain what they want but the
Losties getting in their way (by killing them, not
pushing the button).I loved seeing Jack trying to get the upper hand and
start to pit Juliette against Benry, Much like Benry
pitting Locke and then Michael against the Losties.
Jack finally didn’t crack when he was left in the room
with Collette’s dead body, a non-crying episode for
Jack. Also loved seeing Kate become strong again.

The second island makes sense that the experiments
would be done away from the civilization. So the
colony is on the other side of the same Losties camp
island. But the labs are on this other island, which
they get to and from on subs. I learned more than I
wanted to about polar bears and that they are
excellent swimmers and could have made and
Alcatraz-like swim to the main island.

If Benry has been on this island all his life, he must
have been a test subject at one point. Is that why
he hates needles? I also think I am missing big clues
with the cities they are mentioning. I may re-watch
season 1 & 2 to catch them.


Okay, to me the biggest OH! this episode was
Juliette being a fertility specialist. Why be on a
deserted island and your past profession was a
fertility specialist. Perhaps one that was doing
experimental cloning tests. It was also the first real
connection between the Losties and the Others,
parentage. I believe that is the connection. The
Father/child connection that is running through the
Losties and now starting to connect the Others.
Since Ben has been on the island all his life, no
connections or past to the outside world, he may be
the “father” to them all. He is definitely in charge.

What do they need from the Losties? They need
something from all of them. If they are the good
guys, how do you make them join your cause? They
need a doctor because no one else can do it,
perhaps Ethan was their doctor and is now dead.
Sawyer is a con man and they were trying to get his
respect by conning him. What do they need from
him? The biggest con of all time? And now Kate.
This might be a stretch but maybe she is pregnant.
Mr. Friendly keep asking if the clothes don’t fit just
let me know. They are nice to her in most ways.
We never did find out whose pregnancy test that
was on the plane. NO WOMAN just carries this

There are so many Others, men & women, but no
children, no babies. They are fascinated with the
children (Walt, Aaron). Maybe they were focusing on
Walt because he has special insight, or maybe
something as simple as he is the first ethnic child
they have been able to test. They were super
interested in Claire’s baby, but more so when she
was pregnant. Maybe they don’t know Sun is
pregnant yet. All things to think about.

Remember when Mr. Friendly said “They sky went
purple, our coms are down, we’ve been blind etc” Do
they no longer have access to the outside world?
Juliette also said when Jack asked for the
paddles, “They don’t work. That was before.”
Before what? The hatch blowing or something else?
Everything looks so old, why not modernize?

Finally, Desmond and the whole precog thing. He
doesn’t seem to know what is happening to him. He
is also working on the Others rule of thumb of don’t
say or explain anything. His ability to see things is
limited to within the same day so far. I have more to
say on this but my thoughts don’t make sense yet.
This is all going to become really important later.
Stay tuned.



Next week we will be finding out about what is left of
the hatch. I think it’s interesting to see more
conflict between Locke and Echo. We see the one-
eyed guy in the video screens. Remember his other
eye was in the Arrow Hatch with the Tailies. I think
it will be a slower episode as the Losties seem to just
be living and not searching for answers. Also think
we will see the Black Smoke again. We shall see!

Bye for now.

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