Thursday, March 08, 2007

Enter 77

I can’t stand the 10pm start time!!!! I am so tired by the time it comes on I can’t string together a coherent thought by then. And they are actually making me work at work. Boooo! I tried to get Lost Blog as one of my duties for work, but they aren’t buying it. But enough of my excuses, on with the show.

I thought it was a good episode. But I don’t feel like I was able to comprehend all of it the way I think I should. I think I am sliding backwards and over analyzing again. I will just tell you what I got from of it and you can all yell at me about how wrong I am. I am also pleased to see some anonymous comments on the board. Yeah! Comments are always welcome.

I liked the sub story with Hurley and Sawyer. Hurley really understanding Sawyer and that his frustration was not really about loosing his stuff but loosing his girl. I also loved how Sun could have asked to keep the stuff for the group if they won but preferred to have his respect and try and bring him closer to the group. Sawyer had some good lines: Grimace, Zoro, Avalanche, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (which on a side note I bought under the old Blockbuster video policy since I kept it 4 months and to this day, still have not seen). I think all of us did a collective-oh yeah when Sawyer said: “B) Who the hell are you?!?” We are all wondering that dear Sawyer.

Below is the Russian translation of the conversation between Mikhail and Ms. Klugh:
Klugh: Mikhail. Mikhail! You know what to do.
Mikhail: We still have another way [out].
Klugh: We cannot risk it. You know the conditions.
Mikhail: There is another way.
Klugh: They captured us. We will not let them to get into the territory.
Klugh: You know what to do. That's an order.
Mikhail: We still have another way!
Klugh (in English): Just do it, Mikhail.
Mikhail: Forgive me. (shoots)

Miss Klugh obviously a higher authority to him.
There were a lot of little connections this week. The cat was not the same but a symbol for the cat Sayid had seen when he was being tortured. The scene also mirrored what he did to Ben when he was in the hatch (torturing him while all the while Ben denied the truth). The cat was named Nadia after the love of his life, which he was incidentally on the way to see when the plane crashed. He was in Australia in the first place looking for large amounts of C4. Mikhail and Nadia’s b-day is on the same day. The overall parallel between 2 men, Mikhail and Sawyer, who both want isolation. Locke finding Ecko’s message "Life up your eyes and look north. John 3:05", led them right to the Flame. The heading 305, 3+0+5=8. The title of the episode Enter 77, it’s the 77 day on the island for the Losties. 7700 is the international aviation emergency code. The numbers added together on the manuals Sayid was holding equal 108. The number 4 was throughout. The numbers were also on the chess game.

This is what we were told, The Others (Hostiles) and the Dharma folks. Dharma came to the island and the Others were already there. They eventually took over the Dharma folks who are now missing and presumed dead. I saw somewhere that in some episode that the food drop was “automated and sent in perpetuity”, so no one is interacting with the outside world to receive it. Every hatch has a fail safe that blows up if there is a breach. The hydro filled with water, and Locke has blown up 2 others now.

Now who really is who? Mikhail was an Other. Kelvin was Dharma. But he was there after Dharma was supposedly over? This also makes me wonder about Juliette. She was Dharma but changed to an Other? Is that why she wants off of the island? But then, what about Ethan? He was off of the island and was recruiting…was he recruiting for Dharma or the Others? If Dharma, when did he become an Others? OR could the Others REALLY be Dharma and the ultimate switch-a-roo! That’s what I meant by saying earlier that I think I am missing the bigger picture in this episode. It’s hard for me to step back and see all the pieces and where they fit. Rememebr, Ben said he has been there all his life. But if he’s 45 that means he was born in the 60’s. So perhaps his mom was Dharma scientist? MAYBE the Losties ARE the hostiles!!!! There is no Others. Just Dharma (Others) and Hostiles (Losties and/or any survivor throughout the years). The Losties are killing, crossing lines and blowing up things. And remember from the Russian translation of Miss Klugh, “They captured us. We will not let them to get into the territory.” The Losties sure sound like the Hostiles. I got a chew on this a minute so don’t jump all over me just yet. But could the Others be Dharma and they make survivors to the island like Desmond believe they are part of Dharma, this long extinct experiment. This keeps them there with a purpose and keeps the island a secret. Maybe some of Dharma broke off and created another group as opposed to just native people of the island. Who knows!!!

When Mikhail said the computer cheats, made me think that it was a live feed and not a video screen that would be the same no matter who was typing. Just like the computer talking to Michael and he thought it was Locke. A little too fortuitous. But it does make sense that he would basically dare Locke to play, knowing that all communication functions were down and that he would wind up blowing up the station. My head hurts. It was too much for me this week because nothing is ever as it seems.

I thought it was a good episode. I think it is slowly building momentum for the end of the season. I think Rousseau may be a key to a lot of things in the end. I don’t want to speculate a lot about the previews, they are often misleading. But I found it interesting that there may be an invisible wall around the Others. Is it to keep them in or something else out? What was Miss Klugh so willing to die for? And how does my old tried and true theory of time shift fit in?!? I can’t wait to find out. Until next week….c-ya!

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