Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Man from Tallahassee

Well…it’s not all in his head! Getting pushed out of building would result in a little trouble walking.

Good morning! Yes I am going to try to get this out by noon. But every time I point my bat at the fence, ya end up with the blog on Friday. SO let’s stop predicting and more typing!

EXCELLENT SHOW!!! The show seems to be getting better and better each week. At times it feels like they are telling us too much! But I also hope they keep it coming. It moved right along last night. I record it so I can go through the commercials and I couldn’t wait for each scene. I think they gave a little too much away on the previews and promos, so I am going to stay away from those as well as spoilers. I guessed everything that happened EXCEPT for the fall out the window. That was great! I would have bet cash money that it was all in his head. Especially with the whole depression thing. I was hoping that there would have been a Libby/Hurley connection with the mental illness but it took a different turn. I really enjoyed Locke this week. I think it’s a really fine line between him being completely clueless and being crazy like a fox!

Locke fell 8 stories, so there is the connection with the numbers. The tv tray had symbols found on the map. He spent 4 years paralyzed, again reference to the numbers. His address on the disability paperwork was 168. You see the book, A Brief History of Time again, this time in Ben’s house. The song Jack was playing on the piano was the score that is played every time Jack has a reflective moment. Kind of his theme song. When Locke looked down into the submarine, it was like when he was looking down into the hatch the first time. Cooper was pouring MacCutcheon whisky for Locke. Remember Sawyer’s comment, “You may have been to Phuket, Doc, but I've been to Tallahassee.” That seems to connect the dots for me that Cooper is the REAL Sawyer. I would be truly surprised if that connection was not made in future episodes.

OK. I have so many ideas floating in my head I am going to just write them ALL down. I am not really sold on what I think is going on.

Liars always tell as much of the truth as possible. Helps keep the lies straight. Ben is manipulative and a liar, but most of what he said is true. I do believe that once you leave the island now you can’t come back. But I don’t believe that you can no longer leave the island. If Ben was so concerned about seeming weak to his people with letting Jack go, why was he okay to let Walt and Michael go? Probably because the submarine could truly make it and the boat they are on cannot. I do think the whole Penny thing will factor into them eventually being able to go home.

Ben is not the top figure. Tom warned Jack that he was being listened to. By whom? I don’t think he meant Ben. He is definitely the leader, but he is not Jacob. Ben also mentioned that some happened on the island (Losties) others were recruited (Dharma). That further convinces me that the Others are Dharma and the Losties are Hostiles.

That brings me to the List. Remember Jacob’s list? Why those names? Jack wasn’t on it but Locke was. Maybe the list is people who will eventually want or who are meant to stay on the island, for some reason or another. Maybe not so much chosen because they are good, but because they want to stay. Locke definitely could become an Other, but there is also something about him that makes him dangerous to them as well. I think when Ben said he was coming for Locke before he was captured, he was telling the truth.

So is there a magic box? Is the magic box just Smokey and there is a concentration of it near the black rock? Can anything you wish come true? Probably not. Because none of them seem to be getting their wishes. Not even Ben. He wants everyone to stay, and WANT to stay. He doesn’t want to be ill. He wants Alex to love him. It seems to be bringing up their fears instead. Mikhail alluded to the fact that their minds couldn’t comprehend it. I am beginning to believe them. Good to see that Jack was not one of them, he seemed just a clueless as he was before. Calm, but still clueless.

The biggest question, of course, is how did Cooper get on the island?
- He was on the plane. Claire, Jack and the dad (whom we have never seen his dead body). Why couldn’t he have been? He could have been in the tai lsection and was taken by the Others. I don’t believe he is the Others captor and is working with them. It seemed wherever Locke moved to, his father was near running another con.
- Or could he have been running another con in Tallahassee involving Mittlelos and the con went astray? Ben didn’t ask Tom to get Cooper, he asked Richard who is the island recruiter.
- Cooper may be rich now that he is always running cons, could this all be part of a rich man’s game? Him and Widmor were drinking the same expensive whiskey. Could they be working together? Ever see the movie The Game with Michael Douglas & Sean Penn? This reminded me of that.
- Maybe they grabbed him to use him as a pawn once they knew who Locke was. They have been on the island 80 days, they would have had time.
- The supernatural answer is that he is either a manifestation of Smokey (unlikely because most are alone when they see it), he is a clone (not liking this one either), or they just snatched him (which makes no sense since they cannot leave and return to the island). Well, take your pick!

Next week seems like another great episode. We see Sun hit Sawyer and some other stuff that I should care about (someone dying and a spy for the Others). I only care about the hitting. I hope they continue the way they are going because it is fantastic! 7 more days folks…..C-ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There definitely seems to be a division in the losties. Old school vs. new school. Ben seems to be playing both sides. That is why he talked to the recruiter and Tom at separate times. Why is Ben showing Locke is father? What does Locke have that Ben needs. He was on the list before Ben was confined to the wheel chair. Also how does Darma get all there info about the losties? Great blog this week Love the Game great movie. Keep pointing to the fences.