Thursday, March 29, 2007


Don’t faint. Yes, it’s an early blog. I didn’t like this episode for completely personal reasons. I HATE BUGS!!! So it was difficult to watch. Sorry I just can’t be impartial. But I will try my best to provide you with the same level of professional blogging you have been receiving…despite the fact that even sitting here now and remembering it, I am twitching and brushing invisible bugs off of me.

I thought that Nikkie was faking her death since she was just in a scene in which she died. There of course is still a possibility since Locke had said that “Nothing ever stays buried.” It was cool to see Vincent try his best to show them that Nikkie and Paulo weren’t dead. Vincent truly has a connection to the island. I think that before I thought he was the cause of things bad. But now I think he is warning them and they misinterpret his signals.

I loved Sawyer. He was funny without even trying to be. His “Who the hell is Nikki?!?” Was too funny! He slipped in “Nina and Pablo”, again being funny by accident. Hurley was funny as well when Jin was speaking Chinese and he responds, “I know.” The humor in the show is what gets keeps me.

This week there are some connections but a lot of parallels. Let’s start with the connections. The red flowers were in the kitchen when Paolo was preparing the meal are the same as the ones on the island. The number 4 and 8 were everywhere! The show was in its 4th season. The tv slate had the numbers on it. The time stamp told everything in 84, 80 4, 8 increments. Razzle Dazzle is the name of a song in the musical Chicago where the jury is being distracted by the theatrics of the defendant and away from the real crime. Sawyer was reading Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie, which was basically about love and betrayal.

The parallels are that Nikkie and Paolo poisoned someone in their previous life and were poisoned on the island. Nikkie says, “We all know what happens to guest stars.” And her character later dies. Even though she was supposed to be a character, she seemed more like a guest star. Nikkie asks Paolo to promise that that they will never end up like Shannon and Boone. Of course they do. Paolo refuses to get in the plane while Boone does and dies. I am glad the writers didn’t truly mess with history when recreating the scenes with Nikkie and Paolo in them. They did seem to die for nothing? If we would have had their flashback sooner and then used them, they might have been more liked. I definitely liked Paolo more after this and now he is dead. I’m okay with it, it just seemed a little weird for me. If they wanted filler, they could have focused on Rose and Bernard. We know that Locke was healed by the island, maybe some more support for that fact that she was too.

So was it Smokey that killed them as a manifestation of bugs? We heard the familiar sound and bending of trees. Although Paolo really loved Nikkie, he was still a murderer. Yet another person on the island to have killed before. Sawyer seemed to have learned a lesson that she didn’t. Their existence on the island was more important than money. It was worth nothing there. She died for something that was useless due to her nature.

It was funny to see the characters try to figure out the whole “You’re next” line from Ecko. I am definitely leaning more towards the 2 of them being next. Hurley already proved that deathbed words can be misunderstood.

So to touch on the timeline: Paolo and Nikkie find the hatch. Later Ben and Juliette come, thinking that Tom left it exposed. Ben instructs them to move the plane over it. We thought this was a mystical sign at first when they discovered it. But now we know it was a coincidence. Ben brings Juliette to see inside the other hatch. After, Ben will send messages to Michael pretending to be Walt to coax him out of the hatch. There main goal was to have him get Jack. Nikkie referred to Jack and Sawyer as Kate’s 2 boyfriends, so it would have been clear to Ben as well the emotional attachment. So they were brought, just to manipulate Jack. Hurley was brought because he wouldn’t fight back and they could send him with a message. So this debunks some of the “lists”. Ethan’s list was just to find out who was on the plane so they could run background checks. He never made the list because he went after Claire against his orders. This is kind of connected since he did have an earlier fascination or connection with Juliette’s sister. So instead of making the list, he tells Tom they have a flight manifest. So they get that and find out about the remaining folks on the plane. Michael’s list is just the names of folks that will help them with their ultimate goal of getting Jack to do the surgery. But it contradicts the timeline because at that point the sky hadn’t turned purple. They could still communicate with the outside world. So why use Jack? The only remaining list is Jacob’s list. That one I am still trying to figure it. I think I mentioned it before as the list of people who may eventually become Others.

As many of you know, I will be attending the LOST Weekend in Hollywood this weekend. I was nervous at first but now that I have been on the boards and talking to other nuts, I feel right at home. I will tell you all about it whether you want to know or not.  Next week looks like good one. So until then…c-ya!

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