Friday, April 06, 2007

Left Behind

Wednesday seems like forever ago!!!! I moved to my new home Thursday so that is my reason for the delay. My fingers barely work but I know that if you woke Friday morning and still no blog, you would learn my new address and hunt me down. Also I am using a new laptop and the “E” key doesn’t work well. Thank goodness you don’t need that one! So my 60+ words a minute is more like 10.

Enough with my bellyaching….on to the show. Before I start I did attend the Lost Weekend in Hollywood last weekend. It was ok. I am a party planner at heart so I thought there should have been more opportunities to buy things and constant activities. So it turned out to be a little vacation….which I hate. But I did meet some people who now speak to me on the boards which is cool. The dinner and auction were great and I got some neat little things to add to my office collection. I also met some of the “B level” cast members. There is a link on the right to my online photo album so you can seem them as well.

Great episode. I had to hit the boards this morning to refresh my memory about some things. The main story was again a rewind in the sense that we know Kate’s mother is now dead from cancer and we now know why she was screaming when Kate came to see her in the hospital (which lead to the Agent getting her plane, putting it in the bank, her robbing the bank, best friend killed, getting captured, black horse distracting them, her getting away, farm guy selling her out, eventually recaptured, plane, island). Her mom had warned her. Sawyer must have left recently since he was served at the diner by Kate’s mom. I also liked the Hurley subplot. I don’t think Sawyer was truly conned, but really wanted to go along with it because he does want to be liked. I think Sawyer as temp leader is great, with of course his loyal right hand Hurley, the voice of reason. Best line, “Call her Claire.” So simple yet so funny. I respect the fact that Sun is still ticked. Makes it more real.

The Patsy Cline song “After Midnight” played again. The numbers were in the license plate of Kate’s car and the tow company. Juliette enters a four digit code to turn on the security fence, 1623. She dislocated her shoulder 4 times. I immediately thought of the Christian book series, Left Behind, when I heard the title of the episode. The “chosen” ones are taken from their everyday lives. Another religious undertone, Kate calling herself Lucy and Cassidy stating that Lucy was a saint. The Feast of Saint Lucy is on December 13, same day as it is on the island and there was a feast on the beach. Sawyer is reading Watership Down again and Claire is reading Rick Romer’s Vision of Astrology (fun trivia, Rick Romer is really the set director for Lost). I kept reading about Kate’s cap saying “Cowboy Up”. I thought it just meant man up. I read further and it is a catch phrase which was used towards the 2003 Boston Red Sox. So connection to Jack.

I thought it was interesting how Kate is working with Sawyer’s girl in the flashback and Jack’s girl in the present. I also thought a lot about Echo and how he thought he killed a man and was justified, just like Kate did. Neither realized that that was not their only option and should be sorry they did. I

Big reveal about the smoke monster. Wow! So it is something the Others don’t control. Some theories were that it was their scanning system and someone was controlling it. Someone still might but it’s not them. I believe it does scan people or snaps pictures of who they are. Noone could miss that shutter and flash sound the monster was making. So “we don’t know what it is but we know it doesn’t like our fences”. The smoke monster could have got them in the tree if it wanted to. The fence is there to protect the Others from Hostiles but it has a secondary purpose and can keep out the smoke monster. Juliette did not seem afraid of it, more cautious. I think it scanned Juliette, discovered she is good and left. I think it was coming for Kate. Juliette was a scared woman in her flashback and now she can do hand to hand combat, I look forward to seeing how that all came about. I don’t trust her, but I don’t think she is bad. The whole “I’ll get Sayid and you get Jack” was another set-up. Why would she get Sayid? I believe she went to a monitoring station and watched Kate and Jack. Possibly radioed the Others and let them know her status. She knows too much to just let her go. Sawyer wasn’t really going to be banished from the beach and I don’t believe Juliette was either. Juliette set-up the whole handcuff thing because she needed another ally and is using Kate’s guilt. Kate messed up Jack’s plan to get off the island by brining Locke to save him. She also, as her mother said, can’t help who she loves, and I think she feels guilty for wanting Sawyer.

Locke going with them, possibly underground, is interesting. That whole thing with his dad is going to be great to learn more about. So they gain one (Locke) and lose one (Juliette). The other big question is what happened to Rousseau. I think she will follow the Others now that she has seen Alex.

Another great week. Lost folks keep it coming. I am looking forward to the interrogation by Sayid. Thought he wasn’t going to do that anymore?!? I stayed away from anything that resembled a spoiler at the weekend. They all know A LOT. But thanks to the direction of this season, don’t need them. I’m just enjoying the ride! Until next week, C-ya!

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