Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greatest Hits

Hey all. I have long since stopped getting this to you on time so I will save the apologies and lame excuses. It’s all ABC’s fault for putting it on so late. Next year they are moving it back to 9pm so that is totally workable. This is going to be a quick one since it was just a build up episode. Don’t forget, Lost Season Finale party is this Wednesday the 23rd at 7:30. Look for another email alerting you when the website is up with directions etc. It’s going to be sooo fun! All are welcome! On to the show….

I thought it was a really touching episode. I thought they did an excellent job with Charlie and allowing him to make some really touching goodbyes to Claire, Aaron and Hurley. I am really not sure if he is going to make it to the end of this series. There have to be some really big losses and he’s death would make sense. I hope they don’t pull a Michael and Walt and just make him disappear for a really long time. That, I won’t stand for. You can’t even say that he is a major character so they CAN’T kill him because on Lost island, everyone is vulnerable. But it was good to see that interchange and see Jack act normal again. I still hate it that they are trusting Juliet because I still think she is up to something. I think Rose brings stability and wisdom to the episode. I think it’s too easy to kill off one of them but someone has gotta go next week and it is definitely not Locke. If he had a flashback or goodbye scenes like Charlie, then maybe. But no way he would just be dead in an open grave.

There were some pretty good ones this time around. The license plate on the car was YRE2OL. When I first saw it an was working it out during the commercial break I realized it was “You’re Too Old” which makes sense since it was a young rock band’s van. But I also saw, “You’re a Tool”. But that is way too mean and believe that Lost would not go there, not to mention a stretch! It was symbolic to see Alex cutting up the white rabbit in front of Ben. It was a pointed passive aggressive move against her father. Not too many white rabbits hopping around the island for food. The Looking Glass Station was another reference to Alice in Wonderland. Also on the map there was a dharma logo of a rabbit which also support the connection. The Looking Glass station is the portal to the outside world. I think teleportation or time travel is still a stretch but this is the dock for the submarine, so where does it go from there? The numbers were all over the place, Charlie was 8 years old when he learned to swim, he could hold his breath for 4 minutes, he was the fourth person to walk by and actually helped the mugging victim, the volume indicator on the van was at level 23. The mugging victim was Nadia, Sayid’s girl. The song Charlie was singing was Wonderwall and the same song he was singing when Desmond was there. The bumper sticker on his guitar case said, :I was here moments ago.” Naomi was in the crowd of people as well. Which is incredible suspicious to me.

Ben showed again he uses Jacob to justify his own wishes. And not sure if Alex was asking or confirming if Ben was her father. I believe she was asking since Sayid put the thought in her head and obviously everyone knew but was not telling her. Karl obviously did. I further believe that Ben is trying to keep her away from Karl due to her possible dying in childbirth. I looked to see if the woman on the Looking Glass Station, Greta and Bonnie, were around before and I didn’t see any proof of that. They look familiar because they have been in a lot of other things, but not Lost.


Desmond’s premonitions are not always accurate. So does a helicopter mean that Claire/Aaron were rescued or that they are taken by the Others. No one else is there? And what if they choose not to leave? What if they commit to one another and live on the island as people did before the incursion? I do believe that Desmond can’t keep stopping the future from happening, but I am not convinced that Charlie actually needs to die.

So, if she is in the crowd when Charlie was singing, could she also, like Desmond, be connected to the time travel thing? No one has focused on time. They have only been lost 90 days. A greatest hits album? I thought they were a one hit wonder. I wonder if more time has passed back home then on the island. And her being in the same place as another “time traveler” is suspicious. Could be a ying/yang thing. That was the symbolism of the shirt Charlie was wearing. Like the old Quantum Leap, could Desmond be a good “jumper” and Naomi a bad one? Just watch her is all I’m saying. When Charlie was singing and it started to rain, Desmond appeared. So this ending was different this time. Was this a result of something he did? Could it be the Naomi factor? Or could it be what would have happened if Desmond hadn’t interrupted? No answers but just things to think about.

Overall a great build up to the season finale. I will be watching the connection/recap show that is on tonight just because the last one had some really neat connections that I missed the first viewing. I am really going to miss this show after next week. But we can always play the board game in my office during prep periods. Just to keep the fires burning until Jan 08. I hope to see you all at the party. Until next week, c-ya!

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