Tuesday, May 22, 2007

LOST Season Finale Party

Come or the smoke monster will get you!!!

Okay, that was lame. So tell me HOW lame at the party!

7:30 - 11:00 (come on old folks you can make it!)

Food catered by L&L Hawaiian Barbecue

Drinks, games, prizes, fun!

1478 Caminito Sardina My address does not exist on google, mapquest or yahoo maps so call if you lose directions and are lost. Get it, Lost!

805 south, exit orange avenue/olympic parkway. Head left/east olympic parkway. drive about a billion miles. If you see the home depot/walmart you are close.

Make a left on Eastlake Parkway. Make the first right in to the housing community Summit @ Eastlake. call me on your cell at the front gate or do it ghetto style and enter when someone goes in or out. I'm not yet on the call box. Turn right and then right again on Caminito Sardinia. My address is 1478, right side. park in the first parking spot your see. It's okay to park where it is numbered. I will have signs out there to guide you on your way and exposing myself to my neighbors as the dork that I am. I can't hear doorbell on top floors so just walk on in! Did I mention this was ghetto style?!? 619-794-8109 or 619-651-8995.

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