Friday, May 09, 2008

Cabin Fever

Side note: I am really bad about telling you about non-show Lost stuff. However last week, producers were on Jimmy Kimmel show discussing the season and because Jimmy is a huge fan. He tried to grill them but the other guest, Terrance Howard, kept interrupting. Jerk! But here is the link if you would like to hear what they had to say, no spoilers.

Cabin Fever

Hello everyone. It’s hard to write this because I am in an empty building and it’s so quiet I can hear the ticking of the clock. It’s annoying as hell! I think I need the constant “Are you done yet!?!” and the loud of voices to be able to focus. But how could I not do okay because it was a GREAT episode. There was so much to ponder and theorize about. I am not sure I have had enough time to truly sit down and reflect. But I will do my best.


I loved the fact that it seems as though they are bringing back old Locke. I hated how he seemed to falter and now has a renewed sense of self. The gun shot and his legs temporarily becoming paralyzed were signs that he was falling out of favor with the island. His question to Jacob was perfect! It meant that he had found his way and was the new true leader. Ben is still powerful but become obsessed with his own power, controlling the Losties and his daughter and lost focus of the true nature of the island. Locke scenes still move at a snail’s pace. I am screaming at the tv, “hurry up!”. But this week was great because you can see the build up to the season finale.

Hurley’s character is the perfect medium. His problem is that despite the fact that he is good and deserves all he receives, he still believes he’s cursed. He is the one I am not sure of his path. That goes double for Jack. Both flawed in a way that makes them repeat history.


The scene after the commercial break opened with the eye which is a recurring theme. Locke as a kid was playing backgammon which he also played with Walt on the beach. Locke was also on the white side of the game board. Locke said, “Don’t tell me what I can’t do” yet again, which is his Achilles’ heel. Ben’s mother was also named Emily like Emily Locke. Locke’s mom was locked up in the same mental institution (Santa Rosa) as Hurley (we see her again when she is running a con on Locke with his father for his kidney). Horace Godspeed cutting down the same tree over and over is like the biblical story for Sisyphus pushing a bolder uphill, only to have it roll back down again. Locke being asked to choose and item from Richard is like the choosing of the Dali Lama. Each item is similar to an item Locke either had or was given on the island. Not sure about the comic book just being about a lost island or if perhaps Walt had a copy of that comic too.


This is going to be a long one.

#1: Why is Keamy trying to blow up the island? The Captain and the commando kept saying that they thought it was a simple extraction mission. Why would Widmore want the island to be blown up? I thought he wanted the island for himself? That makes no sense to me. Kill everyone, ok. But why torch the island? Widmore never really wanted Ben because when Ben was in his bedroom, their focus is still the island. Ben is a means to an end. What Keamy was reading from the safe was a Dharma document. It had the same logo that was on Ben’s parka. Maybe Widmore thinks he needs Ben out of the way so that he can destroy the island. Maybe start anew. But why?!?

#2: I wasn’t freaking out when I saw Christian in the cabin, because we had already guessed it was him from the previous season. But, Claire? OMG! 2 options. She is dead, Christian is dead and that is how the island communicates with the living. OR Claire just drank the kool-aid as Cindy and the kids did. Remember when Cindy and the kids were looking at Sawyer in the cage? They were like business as usual, not shocked at all. So she has either understood the bigger picture or is dead. I don’t know. But her creepy smile was freaky.

#3: Richard Alpert. “Which one of these belongs to you already?” Great question. As to say, “In your past incarnation, which one of these is yours.” Is time moving forward, backwards or in a loop! Just like the Matrix, Neo can change the future only when he has exhausted all of his choices of free will. But every choice creates another new choice. And if he didn’t learn from the last path, he will end up in the same place. Perhaps Locke answered correctly before and was taken to the island sooner. Next time, not until he was a teenager. I think it’s more likely that he chose wrong as a kid and then Ben was recruited. But when Ben started to go astray, they gave Locke another try. Is Richard ageless or is he a clone? They dropped all that cloning business and the rabbit stuff awhile ago. But is it still significant?

#4: Matthew Abbaddon. I thought he was a bad guy since he seemed to have been working for Widmore and gave the instructions to Naomi. He still could be. Since Richard focused on Mittelos school and science camp. Matthew just wanted Locke on the plane. Maybe Widmore found out John was important and thought if he could get him on a plane over the island, the island would in a sense, reclaim him? I can’t see how Matthew and Richard are on the same side. Not too mention, Matthew asking Hurley if they were still alive. Richard already knows since he is still on the island, supposedly at the temple. The more I type, the more confused I am. Remember when Matthew was talking to Hurley and asked, are they really dead? What if Matthew got Locke on the plane, hoping the island would claim him. Now they are gone, missing. Then these 6 people make it off. He is asking Hurley if they are really dead, but really wanting to know if they found the magical island Widmore has been looking for and Locke is alive on it. Hmmm. Need to chew on that a little while. Still a little tough. Matthew and Richard may be the same type of entity, but working on different sides.

#5: So we know that Locke is the new leader because he wants to protect the island, basically finally answering correctly and now on the right path. How, why, who….still big questions. Maybe the electromagnetic event causes the islands coordinates to be altered? If that is so, all they would need to do is cause a breech. The explosion of the hatch is what caused Penny to believe she had found Desmond and the island. But what if its move the island in time not space? Someone mentioned it online and now that I am thinking about it, that is way cooler. Perhaps the 6 that leave are supposed to go to ensure the island can’t be found. The island (or smoky) cannot kill the commandos. It tried. And the island doesn’t ask to the losties to kill the commandos, much like Ben killed Dharma. To protect it, it must be moved. So move it off the radar, recloak it, send survivors back so that noone keeps looking. May still be too many questions. Again Matthew finding Hurley and asking if they are really dead. People seemingly following Sun.

But what if the move is in time? Maybe those 6 go back to alter events so that it cannot be found. OR if they return means they can't be found. I thought they accounted for all the bodies in the crash? Was there a bigger investigation of the hoax OR was the past changed (the island is future so past for off the island?). It’s a way off idea that I cannot even begin to conceptualize. But there may be something there.

The questions mount!


All around, great episode. I did watch the preview for the coming weeks and noticed some BIG little things in the scenes. I am sooooo excited. Just to remind all of you, I am still planning the season finale party at my new digs in North Park. Start time is 7:30 to allow for dinner, drinks and trivia. The date for that is May 29th. And now that I know the owner of L & L Hawaiian Barbecue (she lived next door to me), score! So be sure to pencil it in. That’s it for today. Have a great week. Talk to you soon. C-ya!

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Atomic Kommie Comics said...
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